If you missed the show today, you can hear our entire conversation here.
Each well serves approximately 1,000 people, and changes their lives forever. To date, Wells of Life has helped provide lifesaving water wells that serve over 200,000 people. Here's some footage about their organization: http://youtu.be/CB0iHyK77n0
Wells of Life exists to solve the world water crisis, one well at a time. We were founded in 2008 with a commitment to bring clean water to one million people by 2020 with the funding of 1,000 water wells. We have worked closely with Fields of Life and witnessed the tremendous lifesaving work they have been doing since 1995 in many areas including Health Education and bringing the gospel message to thousands in Uganda. Wells of Life holds the committed belief that the tap root of poverty is lack of clean water. We focus exclusively on raising both awareness and needed funding to provide communities with the gift of clean water. We work alongside Fields of Life who own and operate the drilling equipment and who drill the water wells. Based in Laguna Beach, we received our own charitable status earlier this year (2012).

In the future we hope to arrange for trips to Uganda so donors can see first-hand the miracles their donations bring about every day. It is our mission to create a world where each person has access to water as a basic human right. With your help we can accomplish this. For more information, visit: www.wellsoflife.org.