Saturday, November 3, 2018

11/5/18 - 9:30am pst - In Wounds of War, Award-winning journalist Suzanne Gordon, gives voice to veterans and VA Caregivers

LISTEN to today's show!

Suzanne is an award-winning journalist and author who has written for The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, The Nation, The Washington Monthly, The American Prospect and The Globe and Mail among others. She is the co-editor of the Culture and Politics of Health Care Work series at Cornell University Press, author, co-author or editor of 19 books, and Assistant Adjunct Professor at the UCSF School of Nursing and an Affiliated scholar with the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine’s Wilson Centre.She is the Senior Policy Fellow at the Veterans’ Health Care Policy Institute. She received the Disabled American Veterans Special Recognition Award for her writing on Veterans’ healthcare (2017).

Suzanne will speak about:

Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans have returned home with PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, chronic pain and other injuries that put them at high risk for substance abuse and suicide.

The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) provides innovative, wholistic, and high quality care, at lower cost, because it functions as the only integrated health care system in the United States.

Federally-funded veterans’ health care is now being restructured so that billions of taxpayer dollars will flow to private doctors and for-profit hospitals with little experience treating veterans.

The VHA actually delivers care that is equal to and often superior to that received by Americans relying on private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid coverage.

Why advocates of a single-payer or “Medicare for All” system in the U.S. should help veterans and their caregivers fight VHA privatization.

Suzanne’s website -

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