Thursday, August 23, 2018

The incredibly atheletic and driven Jackie Krisher joined Janeane to talk about what she has been up to since being featured in Clare Imler's film, "No Limits." She plans to hike Mount Kilimanjaro in 2020 when she is...87!


LISTEN to today's featured guest Jackie Krisher!

Jackie is filled with stories of resilience, drive and determination! Currently she is 85 years old, working, and training whenever possible. She juggles her passion for CrossFit, hiking and other athletic pursuits while raising funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Her goal is to be able to go to Africa to hike Mount Kilimanjaro in 2020, when she will be 87. She will be the oldest woman to hike Mount Kilimanjaro.

Since we spoke, Jackie shared that in 2016 she completed a 50 mile bicycle race, as part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. In 2017, she hiked Yosemite. In 2018, Jackie completed a 1/2 marathon in Central Oregon at 4200ft altitude. She plans to hike MT Kilimanjaro when she is 87; this is over 19000 ft altitude.

In our conversation, Jackie mentioned she participates in:
Sunrise to Sunset Hikers Meetup

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

8/23/18 - KJ DELL’ANTONIA, former lead editor of the New York Times Motherlode blog, shares how parents can find more joy in their day-to-day family lives


LISTEN to today's conversation
KJ Dell’Antonia

As a mom of four and a beloved parenting writer at the New York Times, KJ Dell’Antonia found herself asking the question that plagues most modern parents at some point in our lives: Why does this have to suck so much? In her hopeful, solution-packed book, HOW TO BE A HAPPIER PARENT, KJ draws on interviews and research, including her own, to offer not just an answer to that question (it’s not all our fault), but ideas parents can use to shift their family lives away from the stress and towards the joy we hoped we’d find. Unlike so many anxiety-inducing parenting books on the market, HOW TO BE A HAPPIER PARENT does not demand that parents add more to their already busy lives. Instead, it focuses on improving problem spots and savoring the lovely modern lives we already live.

KJ Dell’Antonia offers parents reassurance about the things they’re getting right and suggests doable changes to improve daily routines. She touches on:

· How parents can fill mornings with more joy

· The guidelines parents can set so that children are more likely to help with chores

· What children can learn from sibling relationships

· How to improve family dinners, kid sports and vacations.

HOW TO BE A HAPPIER PARENT reminds mothers and fathers that a satisfying family life isn’t about hauling kids around and eventually dropping them off at destination: success. It’s about finding happiness—real happiness, the kind you look back on, look forward to, and live for—along the way.


KJ DELL’ANTONIA is a writer and a regular contributor to The New York Times, where she wrote and edited the Motherlode blog from 2011 until 2016 and was a contributing editor to the Well Family section from 2016-2017. Prior to this, she was one of Slate’s XX Factor bloggers and a contributor to Slate, where she covered parenting and a broad range of subjects, from legal issues to pop culture. KJ lives in Lyme, New Hampshire, with her husband and four children.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

8/21/18 - Yoga Master and Personal Transformation Expert, Jake Ferree, joined host Janeane Bernstein

LISTEN to this week's featured guest Jake Ferree!

Jake is a highly sought after Yoga instructor, personal trainer and healer. He has been in the fitness industry for over 10 years and is a Lululemon Ambassador

Los Angeles

Jake Ferree

Whether through a yoga class, private training, thai massage therapy, or a breathwork/healing session, Jake teaches from the heart with a simple yet powerful message: There is always more to explore and discover.

Dedicated to your personal transformation inside and out, Jake's true gift lies in his ability to inspire and empower.

Here is what you can expect by working with Jake:
An experience that goes well beyond physical poses
Intelligent and creative sequencing set to awesome music
Empowerment through playing your edge
tapping into your true potential where the impossible becomes possible
An authentic experience of peace, joy and inner-strength
Hard work and big fun. Prepare to be challenged

Jake's Breath/healing/massage work integrates pranayama breathing, Thai massage, Reiki and Reconnective Healing to facilitate the release of blockages throughout the body so that you can experience the peace, love and joy that resides within.

Are you ready to make a deeper shift in your Body/Mind/Spirit?

Let Jake be your inspiration. He'll take you there.

The following is from Jake's blog:

June 15, 2018


I saw this statement on somebody’s shirt the other day at the gym. The guy wearing the shirt was very muscular, very fit and reading his shirt hurt my heart. It brought me back in time......

I remember the moment I closed myself off. I remember the moment I knew I had to build an armor. I remember the moment I had to do all I could do to “not feel anything”.

I was 14, in middle school and rumors started spreading that I was gay. It seemed as if everybody in school was talking about it and I couldn’t understand what I was doing to have people talk that way about me. I never looked at other guys in that way or had a relationship with guys. I always dated girls and did the things guys were “supposed” to do.

I figured that if I wasn’t showing “the signs” of being gay than it must be the way I talk or just the way I act that gave people the impression that I was gay.

When the rumors started I remember running into the bathroom at school and crying. I couldn’t hold back my tears. Somebody walked in and saw me crying. I was so ashamed and in that moment I remember very clearly deciding that I have to close down.

Feeling was too hard. I feel nothing became my mantra.

I grew up thinking being “myself” was “bad” because being gay is wrong, bad and gross. I tried so hard to “feel nothing”. I figured it was easier that way. I closed a part of me off so much that it became the norm and I even fooled myself into thinking that being gay was just a choice and to fit in and be accepted I would choose to be straight.

I find it amazing that even after all of these years just writing this makes my hands shake and tears come into my eyes.

I spent many years trying to close down who I truly am in the inside thinking that I wouldn’t be accepted, appreciated, liked or loved. I built up an armor on the inside and also physically on the outside to keep people out and to “protect” myself.

I once thought “not feeling” gave me strength. I now know that feeling everything is the bravest and strongest thing that any of us can do. It’s a practice but I make the effort to feel.

The road to self acceptance and self love has lead me to PRIDE. I’M PROUD of myself for where I am now. I Am PROUD of myself for living my authentic life and not hiding who I am to others and especially myself. I’M PROUD that I try to feel everything instead of nothing.

I can look back now and appreciate the “shame” for what it supplied me. Like a lot of people dealing with shame, it forced me to over compensate in other areas. I began working on my health and body. I wanted to know as much as possible about the body and build it up to be as strong as possible. In my early 20’s I even competed in bodybuilding shows.

I appreciate that my shame helped shine a light on what is now my passion. My passion to fitness lead me to a yoga mat and it was on the mat that the real work to self love, acceptance and appreciation really began. It was on the yoga mat that brought up my feelings and it was on the yoga mat that continually reminded me to feel.

I TURNED MY SHAME TO SHINE. I now honor my shame because it was needed to get me exactly where I am today. I Am A PROUD GAY MAN who will Keep feeling and keep healing.

I think we can all remember a time when we didn’t feel accepted. We all have to learn to love ourselves. It doesn’t matter your sexual preference, race or religion. Acceptance is for everyone. To me, Pride is acceptance. Pride is self love. Although this month may be directed to the gay community it is my belief that pride should be for everybody and when things continue to progress we can all be proud of the people who helped pave the way before us and we can all have pride in who we are. When we remind ourselves that we are all one and there is no separation we can all stand proud together.

Celebrate this month. Celebrate yourself, celebrate each other, celebrate those who came before you and celebrate love.


Monday, August 20, 2018

8/20/18 - 9:45am pst - First-time filmmaker Nick Scown joined host Janeane Bernstein to talk about his film PRETTY BAD ACTRESS



LISTEN to today's show featuring Nick Scown!

Former child star Gloria Green (Heather McComb) not only has to save her career, but her own life when she gets kidnapped by a stalker (John Hensley) after an audition along with an obsessed fan (Stephanie Hodes). Gloria's only hope is her loyal assistant, Cheryl (Jillian Bell) since her manager, Al (Danny Woodburn), is more interested in using the kidnapping to save Gloria's fledgling career than save his client's life in this sharp and funny look at fame and obsessive fan culture in the tradition of classic Hollywood satires like The King of Comedy, The Player and Swimming with Sharks as well as recent industry edgy comedies like Bamboozled and Tropic Thunder.

Inspired by the real-life story of actress Theresa Saldana who was nearly killed in a brutal attack by a stalker, but subsequently made a tv movie about the incident where she played herself, the film explores what it is about our fame obsessed society that leads people to take the worst moments and tragedies of their lives and share them with the world, exploiting their trauma for their fledgling careers.

The film from RMS Productions and Producers Ron Carlson (Dead Ant) and Rachel North (All-American Christmas Carol) marks the leading role debut for newcomer Stephanie Hodes and features a superb ensemble lead by star Heather McComb (Ray Donovan, Apt Pupil) as well as Danny Woodburn (Seinfeld, Mirror Mirror), John Hensley (Nip/Tuck), Chris Owen (American Pie), Kevin Brennan (It’s a Disaster), Annet Mahendru (The Americans), Mara Marini (CHips, Parks & Rec) and co-starring scene stealer Jillian Bell (22 Jumpstreet, Rough Night, Office Christmas Party).

PRETTY BAD ACTRESS was written and directed by first-time filmmaker Nick Fituri Scown. It has a running time of 85 minutes and will not be rated by the MPAA. MVD Entertainment will release the film theatrically in Los Angeles on August 10 at the Arena Cinemalounge and will be available digitally on all major online platforms (Itunes, Google Play, Vimeo etc.)

To view the trailer, go to:

8/20/18 9:30am pst - award-winning author Dana Bowman joined host Janeane Bernstein to talk about her latest book, "How to Be Perfect Like Me."

LISTEN to today's show with Dana Bowman!

Award-winning author and popular blogger Dana Bowman talks about her upcoming memoir, HOW TO BE PERFECT LIKE ME (A Central Recovery Press paperback; on sale August 21, 2018). Bowman candidly recounts how her alcoholic relapse impacted her family, relationships, and her sense of self-worth. Illustrating her relatable challenges with insightful wit and dry humor, this mother of two offers a much-needed perspective on recovery and the unique struggles it presents to mothers.


From the moment their children are born, mothers are under tremendous pressure to be “perfect.” They are expected to keep their emotions in check during grocery-aisle tantrums, engage their children regularly with Pinterest-worthy activities, and eschew jarred baby food for organic, homemade creations. Living up to these kinds of expectations is challenging enough without also having to manage the coping mechanisms we employ to handle this kind of pressure. For moms who struggle with alcoholism, parenting can prove to be especially challenging.

Humorist Dana Bowman candidly details these struggles in HOW TO BE PERFECT LIKE ME (A Central Recovery Press paperback; on sale August 21, 2018), the follow-up to her award-winning memoir, Bottled. Offering comic relief and encouragement to moms seeking a coping mechanism for the day-to-day expectations and monotonous schedules of family life, Bowman draws on her hilariously relatable experiences to guide readers to insightful conclusions. Parents from all backgrounds will appreciate Bowman’s playful sarcasm and unbridled observations in wry chapters such as:

How to Stop Buying All the Self-Help Books
How to Relapse in Footie Pajamas
How to Shop at Costco and Not Give into Despair
How to Be Married and Content at the Same Time
How to Escape Your Family

Tackling heavy issues such as overwhelming dread, marital dissatisfaction, death of loved ones, and the depression accompanying parenthood, HOW TO BE PERFECT LIKE ME rejects quick fixes and opts for radical acceptance. And, it is Bowman’s profound choice to embrace humor in the face of despair rather than to relentlessly live up to society’s unattainable ideals that liberates her readers from oppressive perfectionism.

Written for those who worry that their entire purpose in life has been reduced to wiping down counters, as well as for moms who have found themselves helplessly drinking vodka from Veggie Tales sippy cups, this insightful and entertaining book is a much-needed, empathic guide for parents seeking encouragement on the path to sobriety.

About the Author

Dana Bowman is a long-time English teacher and part-time professor in the department of English at Bethany College, Kansas. Her first book, Bottled: A Mom’s Guide to Early Recovery, published by Central Recovery Press, was chosen as a 2016 Kansas Notable Book. She is also the creator of the popular and leads workshops on writing and addiction, with a special emphasis on being a woman in recovery while parenting young children.

Recover. Rinse. Repeat.

Dana Bowman can’t escape the lure of perfectionism, trying to be a flawless wife, mother, and
person in recovery. When Dana experiences a short-lived relapse during the Christmas holiday, she has the startling realization that recovery is more than just giving up alcohol. In this funny and revealing follow-up to her best-selling book Bottled, Dana reflects on how we live in a society of excess, always pushing ourselves to do and be better. However, it doesn’t take her long to realize that self-care and getting over herself is the key to happiness.

Written with humor and laugh-out-loud sarcasm offering a refreshing perspective on an issue affecting everyone in society
Dana Bowman’s first book, Bottled: A Mom’s Guide to Early Recovery, published by Central Recovery Press, was chosen as a 2016 Kansas Notable Book.
Author is a prolific and personable writer with a rapidly growing following and social media presence. Her successful site receives up to 12,000 visitors a month.

In Conversation with Dana Bowman, author of How to Be Perfect Like Me

Why was relapsing the best thing that happened for your recovery?
I grew up with a father who liked to tell me, “Dana, do it right the first time, or it’s not worth doing at all,” and I would turn away from him and roll my eyes so hard it gave me a headache. Backstory on my dad: he too is in recovery. Also, he never relapsed. So, he truly did recovery right, the first time. I don’t know how to put total failure in a good light, but my relapse taught me more about myself than my first three years of sobriety. Recovery was worth doing “not right” the first time, for me, because it showed me what true tenacity is. I learned that slogging through the tough stuff (because recovery, part two, is really tough) is painful, boring, awful, repetitive, and pretty much just a total pain in the ass, but it’s doable. I screwed up. I relapsed. And then, I came back, and I did it all again, the learning, the meetings, the recovery, the reaching out and I survived.

It’s tough to talk about relapse in a positive way, because I don’t want anyone to think, “Well, look! Relapse is GOOD for you! Let’s do this!” because that’s nutty. But, if it happens, it’s not necessarily a death sentence. That’s the paradox of recovery — it is a matter of life and death. But also? It’s a matter of just dusting yourself off, getting back on the path. It’s not easy, but it’s simple. As Dory would say, in Finding Nemo, “Just keep swimming.” The sharks are out there, yes, but we keep swimming. What other choice is there?

Why do you think alcoholism has been impacting moms at higher rates in recent years?

I hate to point the finger at one culprit, especially because I make my living via it, but social media has not done women any favors in this area. When I first started down the rabbit hole of dangerous, addictive drinking, I had quit my job and was staying at home with my newborn Henry and my 18 month old, Charlie. And, because I was a new mom and exhausted and a little strung out about it all, I found Facebook. Facebook was a way to connect and ask questions about whether they’ll ever nap at the same time, and what’s the deal with those amber teething necklaces. It helped quell a lot of my anxious thoughts and isolation. But, at the same time, Facebook seemed to really be embracing this whole “Mommy’s Happy Juice” meme thing. It validated my need for a release and reward at the end of a long day of mommy-ing.

I also have to blame Pinterest. It’s an evil machine. I am being a bit sarcastic, but here’s the deal: We have mom-ed ourselves into a corner with all our homemade gogurts and organic knitting projects and all the crafts! The CRAFTS! The mom culture these days is pretty hard core. Social media puts our mom life on display, and then it winks at us, asking, “Don’t you want to filter this first?” Parenting has become an act of display, and I am not sure raising children should have that in its contract. I was struggling with postpartum depression and slowly sinking into alcoholism, and yet all I could see were moms happy and fulfilled and playing with glitter. A nice vat of wine at the end of each day shut down that screechy and constant voice telling me, “You are not doing enough. Your children need to have the best possible mom in the best possible way. Step it up, Dana.” Wine shut that voice right up, and I welcomed the reprieve.

Sometimes, I allow myself a few minutes to wish I had found a better way to deal with that voice. But actually, my journey has made me better. I would not change a bit of it, even though it was so fraught with struggle. The struggle is what makes us stronger. It sounds like a Nike ad, but it’s true.

Why is it a good thing to conclude that you have messed up or failed at life?
Moi? Mess up? *Shudder*

I was a straight-A kid. I couldn’t tell you exactly why I chose this lifestyle, perhaps I had no choice. It was just a part of my DNA, like my brown eyes or my inability to tell north from south. I am pretty sure it has something to do with my dad being in recovery and some pretty solid codependency issues stemming from that, true. I just know that I opted out of track in the seventh grade because I would not place first at all of my races, and I really love running. This was my life. It was clear-cut, defined, and very driven. This worked for me for some twenty years, but eventually I did what any normal person would with this kind of work ethic: I got really tired. Here’s how alcohol worked for me then: I maintained the perfect little life, but I started drinking really heavily at night. It was contained. It was tidy. It was just me, my wine, and my Seinfeld reruns, nearly every night. For another twenty years I kept this up, all the while, alcoholism just sat quietly by, folded its arms, and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll just wait right here. You just take your time.”

And then, at forty, when I really should have been on my game, I let my life fall apart. Marriage, two moves, two babies, staying home, all of it mixed itself up into a strong cocktail that begged for more alcohol to be added to it. And alcoholism was more than happy to accommodate.

So, when I needed a solid, responsible, and upright life the most (I was now a mom of two; if ever there was a time to rally, it was now) I failed. Big time.

And thank goodness. I messed up, colossally. On a failure scale of one to ten, I was at eleven. I laid waste to my morale code, my parenting code, my marriage goals, all of it. And, you know what? I’m glad.

Those of us who screw up so monumentally that we really should have our own Lifetime Television Movie and survived the bad ratings? We can be beautiful. We understand things through a filter that refined our understanding of people, places, and things. Granted, this filter hurt. It scraped us through. And now we know what’s important. When we lie our head down on a pillow at night we thank God for the pillow. We are alive in our skins. We are the grateful ones.

Incidentally, I tend to communicate mostly through humor because I feel life has about the flavor of a dry pork chop without it. And what is the basis for most humor? The mess-up. The prat fall. The banana cream pie in the face. The faults and failures all lean on laughter as their press agent. Failure does well to hire laughter as its copilot.

Why is the decision to stop shopping in bulk the best form of self-help?

When I had my first son, Charlie, I was very into stocking up on things. This was good. One does need a lot of diapers with a baby. But lurking beneath all this buying and shlepping and storing of the diapers was a deep fear. What if, one day, we actually ran out of diapers? What would happen then?

I’ll tell you what happens. You run out to the local Stop n’ Save at three in the morning and you buy yourself some diapers. And in the meantime you wrap your precious darling in a towel and you say, “Wow, look at me. I’m not actually dying, nor is my child, and there are diapers coming. And yes, there was a rather large lack of planning here, but show of hands: Who here has had a full night’s sleep in the past three days? Right? So, to sum up: we will not die from diaper lack-age. We carry on.”

That’s a long conversation to have with yourself about diapers, especially at three am, but I had one just like it at some point with both Charlie AND Henry. Each time it happened, a small part of me that was all mortared up in my Perfect Fortress of Motherhood would chip loose and fall away and it felt good. Freeing. Nobody needs a big huge wall in their lives, shutting out the sun, and spontaneity, and messiness. I needed to demolish my wall, and one of the first things I did to start this process was to stop buying every darn thing in bulk.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering, “What’s so wrong with Costco, lady? It saves us money.” I think perhaps I should clarify that, for me, Costco was just a way for me to add to my list of “this is what you do” expectations that just weren’t me. I hate bulk shopping. I hate the big boxes and the storage. I hate having to show my receipt as I walk out the door because I am always petrified I will lose it. Some people love bulk buying, and therefore they should not stop. But, I took on the Costco trips with the wrong motives — to achieve full on Peak Mom with her coupons and perfect budget and shelves and shelves of organic apple sauce. That’s just not me.

Planning is good. Being organized and thoughtful and practical and prudent: all good. But when life becomes a list of “had to’s” I say, burn the Costco membership card, with the really bad ID picture, and just relax a little. Nobody needs a four pound bag of quinoa. Calm down.

What is the upside of living in a marriage comprised of “low volume feelings” and “and so on’s?”

There is an upside to this whole “low volume feelings” lifestyle, and it goes beyond marriage. It applies to everything, from carnival rides to exotic vacations to any other sort of “this is supposed to be pretty awesome” kind of event. Marriage was not, as I originally thought, designed to shoot me up with all the euphoric feelings all the time. I had marriage up there with when I first watched ET - lots of happy tears, a John Williams soundtrack, and flying around. Instead, marriage proved to be a kind of anti-climatic walk around the block. Sometimes it would be nice. Occasionally there were moments of bliss, but that’s asking a lot for a walk around the block. Most of the time it was just walking around and commenting on the weather.

I do realize this really does not sell the whole concept of marriage. I’m making it sound like an episode ofThe Golden Girls.

I say life is full of feelings enough. We don’t need to go looking for them. Feelings come up and bop us on the head all on their own. And we certainly don’t need to go in search of feelings when they are tethered to another human. Humans are all willy-nilly. They so often do things we don’t like, or they make those noises when they eat, or they snore. When we tie our feelings to them with a whole bunch of schmaltzy expectations, somebody is going to get tangled.

The last time I can remember having really strong, Tom Cruise-ish type feelings about my husband was… oh, I don’t know. I really should write these things down. But this morning he cuddled with me before he got out of bed, and his beard was all furry and he offered to make me coffee, and it was so nice. I’ll take that over big mushy moments and terribly romantic exploits. Those are rather tiring, anyhow.

What can we do when all the counselors, prayers, green juices and yoga aren’t seeming to work?

Don’t panic. Whatever you do, don’t just throw up your hands and think, “Well, this isn’t working, come back, vodka.” Don’t do that. Here’s why:

1. The vodka is what got you here in the first place. Remember when you first stopped drinking? You did it for a reason. There was a real WHY there. You might not have been able to put it into words, but you did it. You got sober and it was an event in your life and we don’t do big scary things like that just for giggles. It had a point and a purpose. Don’t ignore what your gut or your instinct or your Higher Power (or some combination of all three) was telling you: It’s not like your inner compass was saying, “Hey let’s get sober and just dabble with that and when it gets hard just give up, ok?” So, your soul told you to do this, and your soul has quite a lot of wisdom. Don’t ignore it.

2. Every single time your sober friends or the people in our recovery group or anybody who understands this whole alcoholism thing, every SINGLE time they said, “It will get better, I promise,” THEY WERE TELLING THE TRUTH. It really really does get better. You just have to believe me on that one. And, I actually think you do believe me because go back to #1.

What you have to do instead, when you have tried all of it and you are stuck and slogging through recovery and it just hurts? You do it as badly as you can — meaning you do all of life at a barely amoebic level. You treat yourself like one of those poor invalids at the home. You wrap up in blankets and sit by a window and eat butterscotch candies and you take lots of naps, and hate it all. And maybe you watch a lot of Say Yes to the Dress and inhale half a loaf of cinnamon toast and you do five minutes of yoga or walk the dog halfway around the block before you have to stop and return home and cry and still hate it. And you make, once again, chicken flavored nuggets for your children for dinner, and they are thrilled about it, and you kind of hate them too. And you just keep doing this. Because I promise, it will get better. You have to feel it, all this hating. You have to realize that hating things will only last for a bit. And you can try the therapy or the green juices again, in a week or so, but I do promise, it just does get better. Every time we do something for ourselves that the universe had been begging us to do, something good and pure and healthy down our toes of our souls? The universe will validate that. And it will get better.

Also, just so you know? I have never heard a person say, “Well gee. I really wish I had never gotten sober.”

How can we redefine “perfect” to embrace more happiness?

I know a lot of the buzz right now is to eschew perfection, like it’s an unattainable thing, some mythical unicorn off farting rainbows and making us all jealous. But, I am here to say that perfection does exist. It is simply a matter of looking for it the right way, and in the right places.

Perfection does not live in our own actions. It’s not in the spotless house with the tasteful decor. We cannot work our bodies to achieve it, with sinewy muscles and bronzed limbs (at least I cannot. I could run a marathon each week and my calves will never be sinewy. They are my mother’s calves and that’s it). We cannot make our minds perform at its level unless we make sure no one around us ever interrupts us, and I’m pretty sure that’s never going to happen. We can’t sing in the shower to it, although we try, and that’s ok.

Perfection also tends to show up the minute we look away and stop yearning, or trying so hard. It’s an elusive little guy. It shows up when we least expect it, and very often it is in the chocolate frosted grin of our eight-year-old. We think he is perfect, with his freckles and long lashes. We don’t just think it, we know it. He is that unicorn, off frolicking about with his rainbow potty humor and his messy face.

So, basically perfection is tied to our love for others. It is illuminated, if only briefly, by acts of service and sacrifice for these folks. And it does not come when called. As soon as we accept all of that? We will have a few moments with perfection and then we can realize — it’s meant to be free. We don’t need it around us all the time. If we are graced by it once in a while, that’s enough. The rest of life is layered with grace just with knowing this.

8/20/18 - Matt Coulter of the BeYOUtiful Foundation calls in to our KUCI studios at 9:15am pst

Providing hope, resources and a path to feeling beYOUtiful. A community committed to women of all ages defying the odds against cancer


LISTEN to today's show
featuring Matt Coulter!

The BeYOUtiful Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to taking ACTION! Awareness has been created, it’s time to make a real difference. Designed to provide hope, love and a path to feeling beYOUtiful.

Connecting salons & stylists to local survivors, providing online education (covering cutting, styling, utilizing wigs & dealing with chemo hair), we’re here from diagnosis to remission and beyond. From little girls, to bright young ladies, supermoms & businesswomen, the BeYOUtiful Foundation is for all of us.

Most importantly, we’re a community built to love when it matters the most. Behind you for support, beside you when you shouldn’t do it alone and in front of you when you need protection. A place to laugh, a place to cry and most importantly a place to prove we’re…


Today 8/20/18 9:00am pst - Actor Christopher Maleki called in to KUCI to talk about his film, “Last Curtain Call,” a family drama set in the music world - starring Christopher Maleki (Passions, Days of Our Lives, Port Charles), David Proval (The Sopranos, Mean Streets), and Billy Wirth (The Lost Boys), will play at the Arena Cinelounge, 6464 Sunset Blvd, in Hollywood from August 24- 30, 2018


Lead actor, Christopher Maleki, joined host
Janeane Bernstein to talk about this powerful film.

LISTEN to today's show!

LOS ANGELES – August, 2018 -- “Last Curtain Call,” a family drama set in the music world that stars Christopher Maleki (Passions, Days of Our Lives, Port Charles), David Proval (The Sopranos, Mean Streets), and Billy Wirth (The Lost Boys), will play at the Arena Cinelounge, 6464 Sunset Blvd, in Hollywood from August 24- 30, 2018. Indie Rights will release the film domestically on digital platforms beginning on August 24th. Prior to the theatrical run and digital release, there will be a red-carpet premiere on August 23 at the Music Hall Theater in Beverly Hills that will also be an invitation-only fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association’s LA Walk on November 3rd.

The film tells the story of an aspiring rock star who has neglected his family over his music career, then gets early onset dementia just as he is about to get his big break in the music industry. Knowing that his life is limited, he tries to make up for all the time he lost with everyone he loved but is it too late? Written by Jon Hollis (Relentless) and directed by Jennifer Tadlock (Streets of Hope, Victory by Submission), the film was produced by Allan Hagan (America 101), Tadlock and Maleki and executive produced by Mercedes Arhablou.

Christopher Maleki is a native of Glendale, California. He started acting professionally at the young age of 12. He always knew what he wanted to do. Christopher started working continuously on Teen magazine phase and several series. Then, on September 20th 1996, he was working on the TV show Sliders with fellow actor Ken Steadman when tragedy struck. Ken was the driver of a dune buggy with cameras mounted on; Christopher was a passenger when the vehicle flipped over killing Ken and seriously injuring Christopher. It was a life-changing experience. Christopher decided to take a couple of years off and see the world.

Since his return, Christopher has enjoyed much success taking roles on popular series such as Beverly Hills 90210, Party of Five and recurring roles on Santa Barbara, The Bold and the Beautiful, Pacific Blue, and Days of Our Lives. With many films and episodic TV under his belt, Christopher signed on with the soap Passions, where he played the lovable bad boy "Spike Lester.” Christopher also took notable roles on hit primetime shows such as CSI: NY, and the feature film McBride: It's Murder, Madam opposite John Larroquette.

Maleki, whose own father died of Alzheimer’s in 2017, will introduce the film at the premiere on the 23rd and discuss his plan to participate in the Walk to End Alzheimer's at the LA Zoo on November 3, 2018. Attendees may donate to support his team or start their own team for the LA Walk. To donate to Maleki Team visit

Jennifer Tadlock has over 25 years experience in the film industry. She has worked with such companies and clients as Pringles, Mercedes Benz, Target, Sprint, Pizza Hut, HBO, Showtime, Netflix, the Dr. Drew Show and Millennium Films. She has been a Panelist at Sundance, and other film finance conferences. She is the Director and Producer of Award winning films Streets of Hope starring Michael Badalucco and Avan Jogia. and Last Curtain Call. She produced Victory by Submission starring Alan Autry, Lee Majors, Eric Roberts and Fred Williamson and Co-Produced The Divide Directed by and starring Perry King ( Rip Tide) winning 6 awards to date. She also was the Producer on Emerald Run starring David Chokachi (Baywatch) John Schneider (The Dukes of Hazzard), Vernon Wells (Mad Max 2, Commando) and Steven E. Williams (21 Jump Street).

The screening will be on Thursday, August 23rd at the Laemmle’s Music Hall Theatre, 9036 Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills. The film will be shown at 7:30 pm, with a cocktail reception and Q&A with the filmmakers to follow. The film will play at the Arena Cinelounge in Hollywood from 8/24- 8/31. For showtimes visit:

The Alzheimer's Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. The Walks to End Alzheimer's is held annually in more than 600 communities nationwide. To register for the walk nearest you please visit

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Artist and actress, Keiko Agena, spoke with Janeane about her inspiring workbook, "NO MISTAKES: A Perfect Workbook for Imperfect Artists"

LISTEN to today's conversation with Keiko!

What if there were no mistakes? OK, that's impossible--but what if you learned to view your mistakes in a whole new light? In this inspiring workbook, artist and Gilmore Girls actress Keiko Agena guides you through simple exercises based on one of the founding ideas of improv: Any misstep is an opportunity for growth and creativity. Interspersed with coloring pages and original artwork by Agena, each exercise teaches you to confront your emotions, rethink your art, and take mindful breaks to recharge in her own playful, encouraging voice. Keiko Agena is best known for the TV show, Gilmore Girls, where she played Lane Kim for seven seasons and reprised the role in 2016. As a guest star she has appeared on such shows as NCIS LA, Shameless, Scandal, House, ER and 13 Reasons Why.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

TODAY 8/13/18 9:15am pst on KUCI 88.9fm...Sslimegirls and Squishin Time joined host Janeane to talk about Summer Slime Bonanza 2 and how you can WIN VIP TIX!

Sslimegirls and Squishin Time,
producers of SLIME BONANZA 2, featured on KUCI 88.9fm Monday 8/13/18 at 9:15am



Coming up August 15, 2018 in Tustin, California... 

"Slime Bonanza 2!" 

Perfect summer fun for the Slimers in your family

Location: Lyceum Villagers
14281 Chambers Rd, Tustin, CA 92780 - Time: 1-5pm

Come meet your favorite Slimers from Instagram, purchase creative slimes and other merchanise, play games, make slime, and participate in slime contests! 

Kids ages 5+ are welcome! 
This event is hosted by Sslimegirls and Squishin time Slimes.

To purchase tickets visit:…

For additional info: go to Slime Bonanza 2 AUGUST 15TH!!! (@socalslimebonanza) • Instagram photos and videos

Thursday, August 9, 2018

8/13/18 at 9:30am pst, Randy Thomas joins host Janeane Bernstein on KUCI 88.9fm. She's the voice of the Oscars, The Super Bowl, The Kennedy Center Honors, The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction, The Tony Awards, the SAG Awards and so much more!

LISTEN to today's conversation with Randy Thomas!

“Tonight on ABC’s Nightline”, Live from Hollywood, it’s the Academy Awards!”…these iconic phrases are known the world over by Randy Thomas, the preeminent voice over artist in America. Randy’s resume is stunning: The Oscars (9x) The Super Bowl (3x), The Kennedy Center Honors (4x) The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction (4x), The Tony Awards (20x), SAG Awards (5x) Most recently, Randy can be heard announcing the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame Inductions, The Kennedy Center Honors, and promo campaigns for CNN.

“She is the female standard in the industry,” says Entertainment Tonight producer/director Kevin Gershan.Thomas describes her voice as “strong, authoritative, warm and elegant.” To bring to life the words on a page, she works with her clients to understand their messages and brands, and uses her acting training to present her voice accordingly. Currently Randy hosts the Music Connection Podcast on the PodcastOne Network with her husband Arnie Wohl talking about the music business with todays top artists and the just surpassed 100,000 downloads in 2018.

Randy’s career began as a radio personality in New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, and Miami. Throughout the years, Randy has always given back to the business that has been so good to her, and has done it in a meaningful and selfless way. As an advisory board member of The Don LaFontaine Voice-Over Lab in Los Angeles, Randy mentors aspiring voice artists with the tools and mindset necessary to succeed in this competitive industry.

Randy’s mantra is “Live your dream, use your voice!” As her level of fame and influence continues to grow, Randy created The VO Mastery Summit, an exclusive assemblage of leading international voice over professionals. During this 3 day event, celebrities and coaches - who are experiencing unprecedented success - share secrets and strategies of how you can achieve a successful career in voice over and beyond.

Represented by Atlas Talent Agency, Randy resigned her contract continuing her partnership with her trusted Agents Jonn Wasser and Lisa Marber-Rich. Thomas is also an accomplished author. 

Music Connection Podcast:



8/9/18 - Gary John Bishop, author of Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life, called in to our KUCI studios!

 LISTEN to today's conversation with Gary John Bishop!

Gary John Bishop was born in Glasgow, Scotland. He is a leading personal development expert. He is the author of Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life.

His shares his insights on drama, what it means to be authentic, and all the letters he gets from people who want to change their lives.

National and International best Selling Author - Harper Collins (USA) + Hodder Books (UK), Head Honcho at

8/9/18 - Janeane speaks with BRANDON WEBB, former Navy SEAL and New York Times bestselling author. Brandon calls in to KUCI to talk about his latest book, MASTERING FEAR: a simple yet powerful guide to making your fears work for you instead of against you


LISTEN to today's conversation with Brandon Webb!

Former Navy SEAL and New York Times bestselling author discusses MASTERING FEAR: a simple yet powerful guide to making your fears work for you instead of against you.

Brandon Webb has run life-threatening missions in the world's worst trouble spots, whether that meant jumping out of airplanes, taking down hostile ships on the open sea, or rolling prisoners in the dead of night in the mountains of Afghanistan. As a Navy SEAL, he learned how to manage the natural impulse to panic in the face of terrifying situations. As media CEO and national television commentator, he has learned how to apply those same skills in civilian life.

Drawing on his experiences in combat and business, along with colorful anecdotes from his vast network of super-achiever friends from astronauts to billionaires, Webb shows how people from all walks of life can stretch and transcend their boundaries and learn to use their fears as fuel to achieve more than they ever thought possible. "Fear can be a set of manacles, holding you prisoner," writes Webb. "Or it can be a slingshot, catapulting you on to greatness."

The key, says Webb, is not to fight fear or try to beat it back, but to embrace and harness it. In the process, rather than being your adversary, your fear becomes a secret weapon that allows you to triumph in even the most adverse situations. In Mastering Fear, Webb and his bestselling coauthor John David Mann break this transformation down into five practical steps, creating a must-read manual for anyone looking for greater courage and mastery in their lives.

When Brandon Webb left home at sixteen and then joined the Navy SEALs, he learned an invaluable lesson about fear. Not how to eliminate it—how to master it. After leaving the military, he took that lesson into civilian life and business, with exceptional results. In his new book, MASTERING FEAR, Webb draws on his experiences in combat and commerce, along with colorful anecdotes from his vast network of super-achiever friends, ranging from astronauts to billionaires. In doing so, he shows how people from all walks of life can push their boundaries and learn to use their fears as fuel to achieve more than they ever thought possible. "Fear can be a set of manacles, holding you prisoner," writes Webb. "Or it can be a slingshot, catapulting you on to greatness."

Brandon Webb discusses:
· The Five Steps: Decision, Rehearsal, Letting Go, Jumping Off, Knowing What Matters

· Facing common phobias: flying, swimming, heights, commitment, public speaking, and failure

· Applying Mastering Fear to business situations—giving a presentation, meeting a prospective client, attempting new strategies, launching a company, and more

· Translating intense and dangerous Navy SEAL training for a civilian audience.

They key isn’t to fight or beat back the fear, but rather to harness it, making fear your secret weapon in any adverse situation. MASTERING FEAR is a must-read manual for anyone seeking greater mastery and courage in their lives.


Brandon Webb is a former US Navy SEAL, New York Times bestselling author, and founder and CEO of Hurricane Group, a media and ecommerce business focused on military entertainment, news, and monthly clubs. His titles include The Red Circle, Benghazi: The Definitive Report, The Killing School, and Total Focus. John David Mann is Webb's co-author of The Red Circle, Among Heroes, The Killing School, Total Focus and the international bestseller The Go-Giver.

Director Nico Santucci joins host Janeane to talk about SAROGETO, a film making waves in over 12 International Film Festivals. The film features two female Asian protagonists and is a showcase of resilience, courage, and determination.

Click to listen to today's show featuring Nico Santucci Living an idyllic life she never felt entitled to, Grace is suddenly faced with ...