Monday, June 17, 2013

Kathleen Hallal and her partner Zen Honeycutt, who founded Moms Across America, joined me this morning!

What a show with Kathleen Hallal and her partner Zen Honeycutt! If you missed them on my show this morning, you can hear our entire conversation here.

These powerhouse ladies have three boys each, and their kids had to overcome severe health conditions by improving their diet and eliminating GMOs. They are trying to spread awareness among parents of the importance of a healthy diet in helping to overcome chronic issues with our children's health. They are sponsored by Nature's Path and recently held a premiere of the new film GMO OMG in Laguna Beach. 

Please watch this powerful trailer:

ABOUT KATHLEEN HALLALKathleen Hallal is a speaker, activist, and mother to three boys aged 7, 9 and 11. Her sons were diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder called PANDAS or PANS. Kathleen had learned about GMOs, but never made the link between her children's health and possible side effects of eating this chemical laden food. When Kathleen learned from a farmer that livestock often suffer from similar issues, and that their health improves when taken off of Genetically Modified feed, she decided to change her family's diet to organic to see what happened. Sure enough, their health improved. She is now spreading the word among parents and the nation about GMOs so that people can get educated about this subject and improve the health of their families, too. She co-founded Moms Across America with Zen Honeycutt to plan a massive educational campaign to get the word out to everyone at parades across the nation on July 4. Supporters of GMO labeling will march in parades holding banners and passing out flyers so that everyone can learn about just what GMOs are, and to ask for labeling. 

Zen Honeycutt is the founder of Moms Across America, a coalition of unstoppable American Moms, and organizer of Moms Across America March to Label GMOs July 4th 2013. She is a writer, speaker and activist and OC CA mom of three boys with food allergies. One of her boy's life threatening allergies has greatly improved by going GMO free just after 4 months. She is committed to letting the world know that Moms are seeing their children's health improve when they go GMO free.--
Zen Honeycutt

Founder, Moms Across America
Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids


"You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Eleanor Roosevelt

"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

"I always wondered why somebody didn't do something about that, then I realized I am somebody." - source unknown

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