Sunday, June 3, 2018

Matt Letten and Phil Letten, The Vegan Bros, Monday, June 4th 9:00am on KUCI 88.9fm!

LISTEN to today's conversation with the Vegan Bros!

Think you could never go vegan? Think again. Meet Matt and Phil Letten, also known as The Vegan Bros, the brothers who are making vegan cool (and making eating animals weird). The Vegan Bros have made it their mission to prove that eating vegan doesn’t have to be difficult, restrictive, or joyless. In fact, they like to point out, most people are already 90% vegan without even thinking about it. VODKA IS VEGAN: A Vegan Bros Manifesto for Better Living and Not Being an A**hole is all about exploring that last 10% between your current way of eating and “going whole hog,” and showing you how to close the gap.

Matt and Phil Letten buck the stereotypes of what a typical vegan looks like. Vegans can be crunchy hippies…or bros who love to party; ballerinas or linebackers; Prius owners or pickup truck drivers. Or famous athletes and entertainers like Serena Williams, Carl Lewis, and, of course, BeyoncĂ©. VODKA IS VEGAN proves that vegans can be fast, strong, healthy and creative, perhaps even more so than people who eat meat. (Though it doesn’t all have to be virtuous: kale and acai bowls are vegan…but so are Oreos and vodka.)

Matt and Phil Letten buck the stereotypes of what a typical vegan looks like. Vegans can be crunchy hippies…or bros who love to party; ballerinas or linebackers; Prius owners or pickup truck drivers. Or famous athletes and entertainers like Serena Williams, Carl Lewis, and, of course, BeyoncĂ©. VODKA IS VEGAN proves that vegans can be fast, strong, healthy and creative, perhaps even more so than people who eat meat. (Though it doesn’t all have to be virtuous: kale and acai bowls are vegan…but so are Oreos and vodka.)

For The Vegan Bros, adopting a plant-based diet is all about aligning your food choices with your values. Their goal is to introduce as many people as possible to a way of eating that helps you look and feel healthy, while showing the world that you care about the environment and animal rights.

VODKA IS VEGAN includes quick tools, insider tips, and a highly detailed action plan to get you started on the road to a plant-based lifestyle, such as:

· Comprehensive grocery guides

· Simple, weekly action plans for getting started

· Tips on how to stay vegan while traveling and socializing

· Finding vegan swaps for your favorite foods

VODKA IS VEGAN is a must-have book for anyone thinking about making the switch to a vegan diet and wondering how to do so in the most effective, reasonable, and healthy way. With a loyal online following that is growing fast, the Bros are the new face of veganism--loud, proud, and fighting for a better world, one plate at a time.

Connect with the Vegan Bros!

Facebook: @VeganBrosOfficial

Instagram @VeganBros

Twitter: @VeganBros


The Vegan Bros, Matt Letten and Phil Letten, are brothers (and bros) who have transformed their lives by adopting a vegan lifestyle. Popular bloggers, health and fitness consultants, and animal-rights advocates, they've been featured in mainstream media outlets such as VICE, Business Insider, Fast Company, CW, and the Guardian. And they're just getting started.

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