Sunday, November 17, 2019

11/18/19 @9:30am pst - Director Ted Haynes of ConPro Films joined host to talk about his film, TICS

LISTEN to today's show with Ted Haynes!

In July a team of amazing filmmakers – with credits that include Netflix MindHunter, Fear the Walking Dead, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer - gathered to produce a short film with a social impact. Tics is a unique take on mental illness, the need to ask for and receive help, and the consequences when help isn’t received.

The producers have all been personally impacted by mental illness and we believe strongly in the importance of our story. However, we cannot share it with the world without additional support. Right now, talented individuals are hard at work finishing Tics on the promise of future payment. The producers are currently hosting a crowd funding campaign to cover the costs of post-production. Based on the quality and content Tics has been selected for Fiscal Sponsorship to operate as a 501(c)3 non-profit. This means all the selfless contributions to support Tics are tax deductible!

Mental illness remains a topic that demands greater awareness beyond traditional means. With your support Tics will create a new audience - one not otherwise enlightened to the topic - and drive greater awareness for change. We appreciate the opportunity to share our story and your consideration to contribute to the success of our film.

To learn more about Tics, the goals and expectations, and to view a teaser for the film please follow this link:

11/18/19 @9:15am pst - Emmy Winning Voice-Over Artist, Emmy Nominated Actress, Executive Communication Specialist and Public Speaker Tasia Valenza joined host Janeane Bernstein live on KUCI 88.9fm

LISTEN to today's conversation with Tasia Valenza!

About Tasia
Emmy Winning Voice-Over Artist, Emmy Nominated Actress, Executive Communication Specialist and Public Speaker


Tasia Valenza (born April 5, 1967 in New York City) is an Emmy Nominated actress who has recently found acclaim as a voice actress and is one of the top in the county.
In the early part of her career, Valenza played the role of Dottie Thornton on All My Children from 1982 to 1986, earning a Daytime Emmy nomination for her work. She also showed up in a guest star appearances in many series in the 90s such as a Vulcan in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Coming of Age", and a recurring role as Lieutenant Winslow in Space: Above & Beyond. She also portrayed Jodie Abramovitz in Aaron Spelling's drama series The Heights. Valenza is best known Iconic strong females in video games such as Poison Ivy in Batman: Arkham Asylum games as well as General Shaak Ti in the Clone Wars, Kalyio Djannis in Star Wars the Old Republic and most recently Avra Darkos in Wild Star.


What is Giving Great Voice?
It’s the art of confident verbal communication. By thinking like a voice actor and understanding the roles you play in your own life, hone the ability to communicate powerfully, persuasively and confidently in all areas of your professional and personal life!

Giving Great Voice is a fun, interactive program for individuals looking to maximize their communication skills including media communication. Tasia combines acting games, relaxation & mindfulness practices, and other essential communication tools in this unique program to empower you to use your voice more effectively. Confidently craft your outgoing message to the world, and take control over your most powerful communication tool, your voice! Giving Great Voice will be your secret weapon for more successful, fulfilling personal and professional relationships.

Tasia Valenza is a confidence coach, mentor and the owner of Giving Great Voice, which is a platform dedicated to the art of confident verbal communication. Her unique technique revolutionizes the way we use our voices successfully, by “thinking like an actor” in our own lives. She combines her 25+ years as a master communicator, an Emmy-nominated actress, and a renowned voiceover artist to inspire individuals to find their unique voice, and use their voice powerfully to achieve their goals.

Tasia has Given Great Voice to thousands of companies, brands, and iconic roles, most known for characters such as Poison Ivy of the Batman: Arkham Series and General Shaak Ti in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. In the spirit of Giving Great Voice Back, she created a kindness campaign called the #GivingGreatVoiceChallenge and co-founded the Haven Affirmation Meditation App. She now teaches these same tools that have made her so successful to help people from all walks of life gain more confidence in themselves and their verbal communication.

From working professionals, to students, to stay-at-home parents, at any age, everyone needs to use their voices to be successful. Unlike most professional development classes, Tasia challenges you to dive deep, and explore your own multi-faceted roles more definitively and effectively, all the while gaining more confidence in yourself. Her teaching style is fun, joyful and affirmative, using self-exploration techniques to empower and hone your communication skills.

Tasia lives in Los Angeles with her husband, three kids, and two doggies. She continues to work in her studio/closet to create iconic characters, both professionally and to annoy her children. Contact her today to set up a 1-on-1 appointment, public speaking event or to learn more about the next workshop!
Personal Information

11/18/19 @9am pst - Memoirist Hendrika de Vries joined Janeane live on KUCI 88.9fm

Memoirist Embodies Resistance in Nazi-era Title

LISTEN to today's show featuring Hendrika de Vries 

A nail-biting tale of female strength, spiritual resilience and resistance to evil that is relevant today. You won’t forget this beautifully written story ––Dr. Betsy Cohen, psychoanalyst

SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA – In her award-winning memoir When a Toy Dog Become a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew (She Writes Press, August 27, 2019), Hendrika de Vries focuses on the importance of female empowerment. A story of survival and the power of love, courage, and imagination in a time of violent oppression, Hendrika de Vries shows how the bond between mother-daughter is made stronger amidst subversive activities and acts of moral courage.

Born when girls were to be housewives and mothers, a Dutch “daddy’s girl” in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam learns about female empowerment when her father is deported to a POW camp in Germany and her mother joins the Resistance. Freedoms taken for granted are eroded with escalating brutality by men with swastika armbands who aim to exterminate those they deem “inferior” and those who do not obey.

Following de Vries’ journey from child- to woman-hood, When A Toy Dog Became a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew bears witness to the strength that flourishes despite oppression, the power of women existing beyond cultural gender roles of the time, and shows that memories hold the keys to the betterment of our future. A therapist for over thirty years, de Vries has used her experience healing the trauma of others’ to tap into her childhood memories of Nazi-occupation to empower others to stand up in the face of injustice.

Author of When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew, Hendrika de Vries’ life experiences, from the dark days of Nazi-occupied Amsterdam as a child, through her years as a swimming champion, young wife and mother in Australia, and a move to America in the sixties, have infused her work as a therapist, teacher, and writer. Hendrika holds a BA (with Phi Beta Kappa) from the University of Colorado, an MTS (cum laude) in theological studies from Virginia Theological Seminary, and an MA in counseling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Read more on

When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew

Hendrika de Vries | August 27, 2019 | She Writes Press

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-63152-658-9 | Memoir

This beautifully crafted memoir reminds us that we are never far from oppression by those who wish to silence us.–– Maureen Murdock, author of The Heroine’s Journey: Woman’s Quest for Wholeness

She is a master storyteller. –– Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D.

From the first page, DeVries’ book left me holding my breath at what she and her parents went through when the Nazis took over Amsterdam; one of the worst times in western history. When at age five, she lost a comfortable and safe world. DeVries’ storytelling makes this nonfiction book read like a good novel. Readers almost 'live' what she and her family experienced and how they rebuilt their life. - Nonfiction Authors Association Book Awards Program

In an interview, Hendrika de Vries will discuss:

  • The significance behind her memoir’s title and what it represents
  • Her experience as a child in Nazi occupied Amsterdam
  • How male presence shaped her understanding of gender and the absence of her father in her early years influenced her relationship with her mother
  • The xenophobia and violence in today’s political climate, and how looking at our past can help guide our future
  • What led her to becoming a therapist
  • How she uses dreams and intuitive imagination to facilitate recovery in her patients

Her experience as a mother and what being a woman means to her––the mother-daughter relationship

Author of When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew, Hendrika de Vries’ life experiences, from the dark days of Nazi-occupied Amsterdam as a child, through her years as a swimming champion, young wife and mother in Australia, and a move to America in the sixties, have infused her work as a therapist, teacher, and writer. Hendrika holds a BA (with Phi Beta Kappa) from the University of Colorado, an MTS (cum laude) in theological studies from Virginia Theological Seminary, and an MA in counseling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Read more on

Sunday, November 10, 2019

11/11/19 @9:45am pst - author Keith Leon S. joined host Janeane Bernstein to talk about his book, Walking with my Angels - A Gripping Story of How One Man Was Saved by Angels Eight Times!

LISTEN to today's conversation with Keith Leon S.

Angels saved Keith from a drug addiction, suicide attempts and several other close calls. This is a non-religious discussion which is universal for all.

His book Walking with My Angels comes highly recommended by Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Daniel Gutierrez, Bob Proctor and many more.

Not Your Typical Angel Experience! A Gripping Story of How One Man Was Saved by Angels Eight Times

Are Angels earthbound, and here to help us? Keith Leon's story may address some of the most compelling questions regarding Angels and their interaction with us.

Is it possible that Angels can help us overcome a drug addiction, suicide attempts and keep us out of harms way? Hear a true story of one man’s journey with angels, how he overcame the odds, and how his his life was spared over and over again!

Keith Leon S. has been writing books, speaking, publishing other people’s books, and making a difference in the lives of others for over 15 years. A multiple bestselling author, well-known speaker and talented musician, Leon S. has spoken at events that included Jack Canfield, Neale Donald Walsh, Barbara DeAngelis, John Gray, Michael Beckwith, and Marianne Williamson. He’s made music with Stevie Wonder, Ben Vereen, Nancy Wilson, Keb Mo, and Carl Anderson.

Learn how angels saved Leon life eight times! Leon calls them angels. You may call it inner guidance, intuition, or first instinct. No matter what you call it, in the interview you'll learn how to access it by bringing focus and awareness of it into your daily routine.

Some of the topics that Leon covers are:
Discover That There Are Earthbound Angels Among Us
Get Tools to Communicate With Your Own Angels and Guides
Learn How to Open Your Heart and Create Miracles in Your Life
Gain Insights About the Author's Unconventional Path to Living His Purpose
Receive Insights to Reveal Your Life's Path and Purpose

Thirty years ago, Keith Leon S. received a message from angels. He was told that he would write a book that would change lives. Anyone who held this book in their hands would be raised to their next level of vibration. Finally, here it is.

This is the true story of a man whose life was spared with the help of his angels. He has witnessed miracles and at many times the unbelievable. The stories of his adventures with his angels are gripping, humorous, and will have you questioning your own beliefs in angels.

Walking With My Angels: A True Story by Keith Leon S. (Beyond Belief Publishing, August 20th, 2019) and is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and select Indie bookstores. 

11/11/19 @9:30am pst - Mark Borg Jr, PhD spoke to host Janeane Bernstein about his upcoming book, DON’T BE A D*CK: Change Yourself, Change Your World

LISTEN to today's conversation with Mark Borg, Ph.D. 

Mark Borg Jr, PhD spoke to Janeane about his upcoming book, DON’T BE A D*CK: Change Yourself, Change Your World (a Central Recovery Press Paperback, on sale Nov 19, 2019).

In this insightful guide, Borg offers relatable stories of bad behavior, helpful analysis on why we feel justified in acting like jerks, and exercises to help us choose kinder ways of living and responding.

Marks talks about:

· How to avoid conflicts at Thanksgiving with your extended family

· How to tell if your partner/coworker/acquaintance is a jerk (or if it’s actually you)

· What we unknowingly do to invite constant conflict into our lives

· How to handle dickish behavior during the holidays

· The various ways we unknowingly provoke our significant others

· How to break up with your partner without being a dick

The single book therapists everywhere will recommend to all of their patients, because at some point or another, we all behave like dicks.

Why this book? Because you might be a dick: a mean-spirited, self-focused individual who thinks and acts as though everyone else in the world can only be understood―and whose only importance is defined―in terms of their relationship to you. Being a dick might feel powerful in the short term, but it is not helping you in the long term because this flawed character trait is exactly what’s keeping you from attaining what you may want most: personal fulfillment, satisfying work, a loving committed relationship, and lifelong friendships.

Anyone, at any time, can be a dick. Yet Don’t Be a Dick is especially for people who have noticed how their own behavior tends to backfire, leaving them feeling isolated and unsure why their seemingly justified actions consistently yield such poor results. If you’re constantly using the refrain, It’s not me, it’s them whenever something goes wrong, Mark Borg is here to tell you that it is, in fact, you. The good news is there is something you can do to reverse these behaviors and live a happier, more fulfilling life.

About the Author

Mark B. Borg, Jr., PhD, is a community psychologist and psychoanalyst, founding partner of The Community Consulting Group, and a supervisor of psychotherapy at the William Alanson White Institute. He has written extensively about the intersection of psychoanalysis and community crisis intervention. He has been in private practice in New York City since 1998. Dr. Borg attended graduate school at the California School of Professional Psychology, where he earned both his MA and PhD in a dual-track program in clinical and community psychology. While there, Dr. Borg served on a four-year community empowerment project that was developed in South Central Los Angeles in the wake of the 1992 riots. Also at that time, he conducted individual and group psychotherapy at the AIDS Services Foundation in Orange County, California. Dr. Borg is the co-author of Irrelationship: How We Use Dysfunctional Relationships to Hide from Intimacy and its follow-up book, Relationship Sanity: Creating and Maintaining Healthy Relationships.

11/11/19 @9:15am pst - Michelle Danner is an acting coach at the Los Angeles Acting School who specializes in the Meisner, Strasberg, Adler, Hagen, Chekhov and Stanislavsky techniques. She is also the founding and artistic director of the Edgemar Center for the Arts

LISTEN to today's conversation with Michelle Danner.

Michelle Danner is a world renowned acting coach, film and stage director, author, and teacher.

Michelle has taught acting for the last 29 years and has worked with many A-List Actors privately and on set including: Chris Rock, Gerard Butler, Seth MacFarlane, Melanie Brown, Jamie Lynn Sigler, Penelope Cruz, Verne Troyer, Grant Bowler, Kate Del Castillo, Michael Pena, Isla Fisher, Common, Salma Hayek, Chris Martin, Brian McKnight, James Franco, Marcia Cross, Christian Slater, Catherine Bell, Zooey Deschanel, Gabrielle Union, Justin Chatwin, Jennifer Coolidge,Justine Wadell, Rob Estes, Rick Fox, Henry Cavill and Michelle Rodriguez and many others.

Voted favorite acting coach by Backstage readers, teaching remains a passion. She was brought in for her expert coaching on the WB show The Starlet and was featured with Andy Richter on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien.

Michelle trained extensively in Paris and New York with Stella Adler and Uta Hagen. She was the Managing Director of the Larry Moss Studio since it's inception in Los Angeles for 20 years.

She is the Founding Director of Edgemar Center for the Arts and raised $1.3 million to construct the two theaters and the art gallery at the Center. At the opening ceremony, Steven Spielberg commented, "Here we have a venue that can turn out some extremely experienced, daring and resourceful artists." She is currently serving as Artistic Director and teaches ongoing classes at the Michelle Danner Studio, housed at Edgemar.

Her seminars are taught internationally in South America, Europe, Toronto, Vancouver, Dubai, New York, Sydney and Australia. She has taught in several cities including: Johannesburg, Cape Town, Istanbul, Paris, and Moscow.

Michelle has directed and acted in over thirty plays and musicals in New York and Los Angeles. Her favorite acting credits include Tennessee William's The Rose Tattoo, which garnered LA Weekly critic's pick and five Dramalogue awards including best actress; House of Yes, Bright Ideas, Ibsen's Ghosts the world premiere of One White Crow.

Her highlights at Edgemar have been pioneering new works that include The Night of the Black Cat, a world premiere and winner of the 2005 Best Musical of the Year at the Los Angeles Music Awards. She directed the world premiere of Mental the Musical, winner of several 17th Annual TicketHolder awards for acting and musical score. She wrote and directed the world premiere of You're on the Air, an improv based comedy which is in development to become a movie. She directed the west coast premiere of Hello Herman by John Buffalo Mailer and co-directed Jane Fonda in the Court of Public Opinion starring Anne Archer.

Michelle also produced and acted in the award-winning short film Dos Corazones, which premiered at the Nashville Film Festival and went on to win Best Cinematography & Audience Favorite at the Malibu Film Festival.

In 2006, she made her feature film directing debut How to go Out on a Date in Queens which was nominated and won four L.A. Film Awards including Best Director. It starred Jason Alexander, Esai Morales, Ron Perlman, Kimberly Williams, Rob Estes and Alison Eastwood. Her production company, All in Films, has several projects in the works: You're on the Air, The Bandit Hound II, and The Will To...

In April 2011, she completed Hello Herman starring Norman Reedus (AMC's The Walking Dead), Martha Higareda, and Garrett Backstrom. The film premiered at the Hollywood Film Festival to a sold out audience and had its international premiere at the Monaco Charity Film Festival where it won the award for social relevance. It opened nationwide in June 2013 and was distributed on VOD in 100 million homes across the U.S. by Warner Brothers.

She is putting the finishing touches on her acting book, The Golden Box, which will be released in the fall of2015. Her latest film, The Bandit Hound, is in post production and slated to be released in the fall of 2015.

- IMDb Mini Biography By: Michelle Danner
Trivia (2)
Renowned acting teacher of the Larry Moss Studio.

Artistic Director of the Edgemar Center for the Arts.

11/11/19 @9:00am pst - Author and Crime Corner host Matt Coyle, who's releasing the sixth book in his Anthony Award-winning Rick Cahill series. “Lost Tomorrows” (Dec. 3, 2019, Oceanview) joins Janeane live on KUCI 88.9fm.

Author and Crime Corner host Matt Coyle, who's releasing the sixth book in his Anthony Award-winning Rick Cahill series. “Lost Tomorrows” (Dec. 3, 2019, Oceanview) joins Janeane live on KUCI 88.9fm.

His book is a gripping new mystery where Rick Cahill finds his past colliding with his present and which weaves revenge, redemption, and the hope of new love all in one action-packed thriller.

Matt Coyle is the author of the best-selling Rick Cahill crime novels. He knew he wanted to be a crime writer when he was fourteen and his father gave him the simple art of murder by Raymond Chandler. He graduated with a degree in English from University of California at Santa Barbara. His foray into crime fiction was delayed for thirty years as he spent time managing a restaurant, selling golf clubs for various golf companies, and in national sales for a sports licensing company.

Writing at night for over a decade his debut novel, Yesterday’s Echo, was finally published in 2013. The wait was almost worth it as it won the Anthony Award for Best First Novel, the San Diego Book Award for Best Mystery, the Ben Franklin Award for Best New Voice in Fiction.

Matt’s second book in the Rick Cahill series, Night Tremors, was a Reviewers’ Favorite Book of 2015 and was an Anthony, Shamus, and Lefty Award finalist.

Dark Fissures (Cahill #3), was a finalist for the Macavity and Lefty awards and was a 2016 Top Pick for

Blood Truth (Cahill #4) was a Shamus, Lefty Award finalist, a Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Silver Award winner for Thriller/Suspence, and a top pick by for Best Mysteries of 2017.

Cahill #5, Wrong Light, was a Lefty Award and San Diego Book Award finalist and has been nominated for a Shamus Award. It was also a top pick by for Best Mysteries of 2018.

Lost Tomorrows, Matt’s sixth Rick Cahill novel, comes out in December.

His short story, The #2 Pencil, was a finalist for a Derringer and Macavity Award.

Matt lives in San Diego with his yellow Lab, Angus, where he is writing his seventh crime novel.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

11/4/19 @9:00am pst - Dr. Pedro Noguera is the Distinguished Professor of Education at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA. Dr. Noguera appears as a regular commentator on educational issues on CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio, and other national news outlets. He joined host Janeane Bernstein live on KUCI 88.9fm

LISTEN to today's conversation with Dr. Pedro Noguera. 

Dr. Pedro Noguera is the Distinguished Professor of Education at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA. Prior to joining the faculty at UCLA he served as a tenured professor and holder of endowed chairs at New York University (2003 – 2015) Harvard University (2000 – 2003) and the University of California, Berkeley (1990 – 2000). He is the author of eleven books and over 200 articles and monographs. 

He serves on the boards of numerous national and local organizations and appears as a regular commentator on educational issues on CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio, and other national news outlets. His most recent books are Excellence Through Equity” (Corwin 2015) with Alan Blankstein, “School for Resilience: Improving the Life Trajectory of African American and Latino Boys” with E. Fergus and M. Martin (Harvard Education Press 2014), and “Creating the Opportunity to Learn” with A. Wade Boykin (ASCD, 2011). 

Dr. Noguera appears as a regular commentator on educational issues on CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio, and other national news outlets. From 2009 - 2012 he served as a Trustee for the State University of New York (SUNY) as an appointee of the Governor. He serves on the boards of numerous national and local organizations including the Economic Policy Institute, the Young Women’s Leadership Institute, The After School Corporation and The Nation Magazine. 

In 2013 he was appointed to the Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society and in 2014 he was appointed to the National Academy of Education. Noguera recently received awards from the Center for the Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences/Sage for outstanding achievement in advancing the understanding of the behavioral and social sciences as they are applied to pressing social issues, the National Association of Secondary Principals for distinguished service to the field of education, and from the McSilver Institute at NYU for his research and advocacy efforts aimed at fighting poverty.
WATCH his TED TALK, "Are we failing our students?"


Coming up 10/16 at 9:30am - UCI Alum and Director Joe Wein, talks about his latest film - 76 Days Adrift, premiering at The Newport Beach Film Festival. The gripping documentary from executive producer Ang Lee