Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Dr. Ramos, an Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor at Keck University of Southern California School of Medicine joins Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm

Dr. Ramos, a health professional with the American College of Obstetricians
 and Gynecologists (ACOG) joins Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm.

ACOG has been the nation’s leading group of experts in women’s healthcare for 60+ years, caring for millions of women. And now the organization is releasing a new book that empowers pregnant women and new moms. There are obviously a lot of pregnancy books out there, but this one is truly a gamechanger for women.

"Your Pregnancy and Childbirth: Month to Month" (releasing on Jan. 26) is focused on shared decision-making in healthcare, so women can feel empowered in their choices rather than having medical decisions dictated to them. The language is more conversational and includes some updates on how to manage work, travel prenatal visits and breastfeeding during COVID.

Diana Ramos, MD talks about:
  • Exercise during and after pregnancy – what exercises are safe during and after pregnancy
  • Weight management including the proper diet and exercise plan
  • Maternal mortality - common causes and ways to prevent or treat life-threatening pregnancy-related conditions
  • Complications in pregnancy such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes

Laguna Beach resident Dr. Diana Ramos, adjunct assistant clinical professor at USC’s Keck School of Medicine, who is the first Latinx woman, as well as the first public health physician, to hold the position of president of the Orange County Medical Association.

Donate Your Instruments to Young Fire Victims

Donate new or gently used instruments for youth impacted by the Los Angeles County wild fires.    Music and Mental Health go hand in hand Ou...