Monday, November 21, 2011

Get out of YOUR Funk by pledging 20 minutes a day to get moving! Executive Director of Pledge20 Sheryl Lynn and colleague Dr. Michelle Segar join me to talk about how to kick start your own pledge and set realistic long-term fitness goals

Just in time for Thanksgiving and the New Year! Sheryl Lynn and Dr. Michelle Segar talk about how to start your own pledge and keep it going, and just how important it is to re-focus your mindset and goals about fitness.

You listen to the show here.

Sheryl Lynn is a author, radio show host and a gatherer of good people doing good things that promote just that! Her background is in sales, business development, event coordination and marketing but her focus has always been to live a beautiful life no matter what and STAY in a healthy state emotionally, mentally, physically and financially.  Additionally, she is a seasoned ½ marathon runner with a degree in sign language.

Throughout her career Sheryl has been a champion for all people and specifically for the women who joined Women’s Celebrations, an organization she founded in 2003. Sheryl was the editor and publisher of her own highly recognized magazine.

As a fitness enthusiast Sheryl Lynn has trained for fitness competitions and has helped others do the same. As CEO of Beautiful Life Productions, Sheryl uses her skills to research, develop, plan and implement programs that will positively affect everyone she meets.

Sheryl Lynn authored A Seven Step Practical Guide to a Beautiful Life No Matter What! She is also the mother of three beautiful children and the originator of Pledge20, a health initiative for gathering people who commit to 20 minutes a day of movement and know the reason why!

Michelle Segar, PhD, MPH is the Associate Director of the SHARP Center for Women and Girls at the University of Michigan, Her research interests include women and exercise, motivating factors for self-care, and physical activity policies in health care.  Dr. Segar is a recognized authority on promoting sustainable motivation and behavior.  She consults with fitness, wellness, and health organizations to improve engagement and behavioral adherence and speaks nationally to women’s groups about these issues,

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