Sunday, February 5, 2012

Annemarie du LeBohn featured on "Get the Funk Out!" Monday February 6, 2012

What?! You couldn't get up this morning because you were spent from the Superbowl?? Well, if you missed Annemarie's interview with host Janeane Bernstein at 9am pst on KUCI 88.9fm, you can listen to entire show here and it also streams on itunes.

About Annemarie Du LeBohn

From a black widow spider bite to a near plane crash to a collision with an 18-wheeler, Annemarie du LeBohn has proven she is a survivor.  In the scheme of her life, however, it was a secret she kept for many years that left the deepest emotional scars. (Source: USA Triathlon Life Magazine, April 2011)

Annemarie shares how she beat the odds of overcoming a brutal attack to create a positive mindset, enabling her to succeed as a Corporate Responsibility advocate, publisher and finisher of the Ironman.

Her insight helps others live like an elite performer – whether they are racing the Ironman or managing career moves or searching for peace & happiness.  Her signature strengths include creating synergistic partnerships; aligning social needs with corporate stakeholders; creating effective teams; and delivering insight to improve performance & morale.

Notable achievements include:

v  2011 Motivational speaking engagements:
o   Women in Default Services national conference
o   OCAREB’s “Ahh Conference”
o   Orange County Escrow Association

v  Recognize by The Empire Board of Realtist in Atlanta for her outstanding dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility and Education (2011).

v  2010 Ironman Arizona Finisher (Additional info available at:

Skillfully representing the human side of leadership, Annemarie’s unique combination of leadership and life skills allows her to connect directly to what drives & motivates people.  She speaks from the heart and uses her challenging life experiences to address difficult topics, thereby helping people thrive beyond negative experiences to live like an elite performer.

Speaking topics include:

v 3 tips on how to have a positive mindset
o   Discover how to be powerful & peaceful -- at the same time
§  7 essential skills to focus like an Ironman
·        Becoming who you were meant to be ... it’s never too late
Additional information regarding speaking engagements can be found at:

Wednesday January 22nd at 9:00am - Dr. Linda Eckert, author of ENOUGH - Because We Can Stop Cervical Cancer, and internationally recognized expert in immunizations and cervical cancer prevention.

Dr. Linda Eckert, author of ENOUGH in the New Year. Internationally recognized expert in immunizations and cervical cancer prevention, D...