Sunday, February 9, 2014

Lu Ann Cahn, an Investigative Reporter - NBC10 Philadelphia News and Author - "I Dare Me" joined me Monday at 9:30am pst KUCI 88.9fm!

Lu Ann Cahn joined me on today's
Get the FUNK Out Show!
If you missed our conversation, listen here.

Lu Ann Cahn is an Investigative Reporter - NBC10 Philadelphia News and Author - "I Dare Me" joins me Monday at 9:30am pst KUCI 88.9fm. Her book is fantastic!

Lu Ann Cahn shares her 365 self-dares that had her dream big and live even bigger.
After surviving breast and kidney cancer, Cahn had a fresh outlook on life and dared to live it to the fullest. For an entire year, she dared herself to do everything from a polar bear plunge to sushi making.
Her book, “I Dare Me,” shares every single dare in it and what led up to taking that challenge.

Very inspiring and such an great way to pull yourself out of a FUNK! Stream us LIVE on or locally on KUCI 88.9fm!

Wednesday January 22nd at 9:00am - Dr. Linda Eckert, author of ENOUGH - Because We Can Stop Cervical Cancer, and internationally recognized expert in immunizations and cervical cancer prevention.

Dr. Linda Eckert, author of ENOUGH in the New Year. Internationally recognized expert in immunizations and cervical cancer prevention, D...