Saturday, March 18, 2017

Bestselling author Subir Chowdhury joined host Janeane Bernstein Monday March 20 at 9:15am pst about his book, The Difference - When Good Enough Isn't Enough.

What are the Simple Characteristics that Separates Good Companies from Great Companies, “Good Enough” Organizational Cultures from Exceptional Ones?

Did you miss today's show with Subir Chowdhury?
Listen here!


When Good Enough Isn’t Good Enough

Renowned management consultant for Fortune 500 companies and bestselling author of The Power of Six Sigma and The Ice Cream Maker, Subir Chowdhury is best known for having transformed the quality of the products and processes at many of the world’s leading manufacturers over the past two decades. In THE DIFFERENCE: WHEN GOOD ENOUGH ISN'T ENOUGH, Chowdhury tackles an issue that has haunted him for decades in his work with many of the world’s largest organizations. Why is it that some companies improve only incrementally, while others improve one hundred times that? After all, the ideas and training are the same. What is the difference?

THE DIFFERENCE reveals that what distinguishes one organization from another is its culture— its people. The best processes and training programs in the world will not succeed, unless organizations nurture the skills, loyalty and passion of the people who make up their workforce—from the C-suite to the shop floor. Drawing from examples in his own life and career, Chowdhury illustrates why having a “caring mindset” is essential for both personal and professional success.

What is a caring mindset and culture? It is one built on what Chowdhury calls “STAR” attributes: Straightforwardness, Thoughtfulness, Accountability, and Resolve.

Illuminated with stories from his consulting work and his impoverished childhood growing up in Bangladesh, Chowdhury encourages each of us to be the difference in our lives.

A powerful guide to living a successful life and career, THE DIFFERENCE will inspire you to care more deeply about what matters most, at work, at home and in our communities.

SUBIR CHOWDHURY is one of the world’s leading management thinkers and consultants, who works with Fortune 500 companies to improve their processes, operations, quality and performance. His clients saved billions of dollars by deploying process improvement methodologies. He is the bestselling author of The Power of Six Sigma, and The Ice Cream Maker. Chowdhury lives in Los Angeles. For more information on Subir and The Difference please visit or follow him on Twitter (@subirchowdhury) and Facebook (@subirchowdhuryauthor).

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