Sunday, September 3, 2017

Highly regarded parenting expert and author Sarah Ockwell-Smith called in to the KUCI studios to chat with host Janeane Bernstein 9/4/17 about her latest book, "Gentle Discipline - Using Emotional Connection – Not Punishment – to Raise Confident, Capable Kids

LISTEN to today's show featuring Sarah Ockwell-Smith!


Sarah Ockwell-Smith is the mother of four children and a highly regarded parenting expert whose work and expertise has been featured in major media including BBC News Magazine, WebMD, Buzzfeed, as well as national television and radio. She has a BSc in Psychology and has also undertaken training in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy. A member of the British Sleep Society, Sarah specializes in gentle parenting methods as well as the science and psychology of parenting. She is co-founder of the GentleParenting website ( and writes a popular parenting blog at

“That’s the beauty of Ockwell-Smith’s guidance: she’s low on judgment and high on helpful insights into why your kid can go from angel to monster in 10 seconds flat. But what’s truly thought-provoking is Ockwell-Smith’s view that most common discipline methods don’t work. This is a handbook for end-of-their-rope parents looking for a fresh approach to discipline.” —BookPage

If you do a quick google search of “discipline” relative to children in the news, you’ll see recent studies show that punishment such as spanking has no benefits, and can lead to negative outcomes such as aggression, social issues, and mental health problems. Conventional approaches to discipline such as rewards & praise, punishment for bad behavior, etc. often don’t work and can even lead to more frustration, resentment, and power struggles at home and in the classroom. In her new release GENTLE DISCIPLINE: Using Emotional Connection – Not Punishment – to Raise Confident, Capable Kids (On Sale August 29, 2017), popular parenting expert Sarah Ockwell-Smith helps parents (and educators) first understand why children misbehave so they can then address the root of the problem, and how to respond in a way that is effective, gentle, and conscious (view the complete press kit here for more info & suggested talking points). Among other things, Ockwell-Smith is available to discuss:

· The science of why and how children behave and learn, including common psychological and physiological behavior triggers to look for;

· Why modern-day methods in childcare and education, such as motivating kids to do better or punishing bad behavior, are often off the mark and ultimately ineffective;

· How to overcome our own parenting demons and manage our emotions, particularly anger and rage;

· Why low self-esteem might be the root of your child’s undesirable behavior and how to help.

Gentle Discipline focuses upon teaching and learning – for both the child and the guardian – in a compassionate, respectful, and mindful way. Whether looking to explore how discipline methods are often at odds with the way our children’s brains develop, how best to reinforce gentle discipline at home when school discipline tends to undermine parent efforts, or coping strategies for dealing with parenting anger, frustration, or despair, Sarah Ockwell-Smith can address it all.

Coming up 10/16 at 9:30am - UCI Alum and Director Joe Wein, talks about his latest film - 76 Days Adrift, premiering at The Newport Beach Film Festival. The gripping documentary from executive producer Ang Lee