Sunday, December 15, 2019

12/16/19 @9:00am pst - Sergeant Eladio Acuna, Officer John Zumwalt and Officer Green of the UCI Police Department joined Janeane live at 9:00am pst

Have questions for Sergeant Eladio Acuna and Officer John Zumwalt of the UCI PD during the show?
E-mail them to Janeane -

LISTEN to today's conversation with Sergeant Eladio Acuna, Officer John Zumwalt and Officer Green of the UCI Police Department.

Talking points:

What is a CSO (Community Service Officer)?

A lot of students have left the campus for the holidays and some are getting ready to leave. What advice can you give them to secure their property?

Can you share some personal safety tips? Walking on campus at night and the Blue lights.

How can someone lower their risks of sexual assault?

For students who are not California residents, feeling their first earthquake can be unsettling. What are some things they should do to prepare for a natural disaster?

If they have non-emergency questions, what number should they call?

And for emergencies?

UCI Public Safety Contacts

Website for UC Irvine Police Department

410 E Peltason Dr (3.55 mi)
Irvine, California 92697
(949) 824-5223

Wednesday January 22nd at 9:00am - Dr. Linda Eckert, author of ENOUGH - Because We Can Stop Cervical Cancer, and internationally recognized expert in immunizations and cervical cancer prevention.

Dr. Linda Eckert, author of ENOUGH in the New Year. Internationally recognized expert in immunizations and cervical cancer prevention, D...