Saturday, December 8, 2012

Adopt a Family this Holiday Season!

For many families in our community, the holidays are a time of celebration, love and laughter. However, for other families in our community the holidays are a time of sadness, despair and frustration as they face the challenges of unemployment, homelessness and a lack of resources for food and basic necessities. This year TVT has adopted 12 families from our community and together we can help brighten the lives of these families in crisis through the JFFS Adopt-A-Family Program. Helping families who are struggling is a mitzvah and embodies the true meaning of tikkun olam (repairing the world) and gmilut chesed (acts of loving kindness).

Last year, our generosity in donating gift cards, food, new clothing and money, helped 12 families to experience the holidays as more joyful and peaceful. Our goal this year is to help 12 more families through our Adopt-A-Family campaign. Please join us again in helping our community.

Family: IB, a 38 year-old Jewish single mother of a 13 year old daughter, came to JFFS seeking financial and emotional support. The mother has stage 4 breast cancer and her prognosis is poor. She was abandoned by her husband and does not receive any assistance for the care of her daughter. She has very little money for holidays, birthdays and other special occasions. She is a afraid to tell her daughter how sick she is.

Family: ES, a 45 year-old Jewish man, came to JFFS with his wife seeking financial assistance. His wife is 46 and his daughter is 15 years old. The family currently rents 2 bedrooms in a private home. The father recently got laid off from his job. He has filed for unemployment but has not received benefits. His wife is permanently disabled and waiting for disability payments. The family was forced to go on food stamps and discontinue their cable and telephone to try to make ends meet. The daughter used to attend TVT but because of lack of money they could no longer afford the school.

Family: BR is a single mother of a 20 year-old son. There is no father in the picture. The family came to California 5 years ago with two jobs waiting for the mother in the field of psychology. The mother’s health began to deteriorate and she was diagnosed with very aggressive Parkinson’s disease. She has also suffered 3 strokes. Because of her illness she is unable to work. The family receives food stamps but has no extra money for special occasions or outings. Her son recently became employed and will be able to help with expenses and is also interviewing for a second job.

For additional information on this program contact Gali Glantz at

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