Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Lisa D’Apolito, Director/Producer of LOVE Gilda- The Legacy of Gilda Radner, joined me Monday December 8th at 9:30am!

Lisa D’Apolito is Director/Producer of LOVE Gilda- The Legacy of Gilda Radner, a documentary film currently in production.

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here to listen to my conversation with 
Lisa D’Apolito!

 Many may know Gilda as an original cast member of Saturday Night Live, creating iconic characters like Roseanne Roseannadanna, Emily Litella and Baba Wawa. But, LOVE Gilda is not just a film about a beloved comedian, it is a film about how one woman with her honestly and humor continues to be an inspiration for people living with cancer.

“I have been filming members of Gilda’s Club, a non profit cancer support organization founded after Gilda’s death from ovarian cancer by Joanna Bull, her cancer psychotherapist, her husband Gene Wilder, TV Critic Joel Siegel and actor Mandy Patinkin and many dedicated others.. I realized the deep connection the members have with Gilda. One summer I was filming Camp Sparkle and a little girl named Ruth from Saint Lucia was drawing , I asked her what she was drawing and she said “Gilda”, And I thought wow, Gilda is more than just a talented comedian or someone the organization is named after, she is really a legend 25 years after her death.

So, I decided to go on a Gilda journey and learn more about her. I started filming her friends and family and also visiting and filming other Gilda Clubs in the U.S. and Canada. I learned how Gilda used her humor in her most difficult times and how many people going through cancer whether they are members of Gilda’ s Club, read Gilda’ s book “It’s Always’ Something” or just loved watching her on TV or films are still inspired by her. My goal is to have film that will also introduce Gilda to a new generation who may not know of her legacy both in comedy and in cancer.

Lisa started her career as an actor with parts in films like ‘Goodfellas”, she went on to have a long career as a producer/director in commercial production but her passion has always been in real issues especially those involving women and children. She recently directed a short comedy staring and written by David Cross and Amber Tamblin. She also directed and produced PSAs for Plan Parenthood with Julianne Moore and Mary J Blige, along with many public service videos for organizations such as the GVHC, a group that supports New York Kids in trouble and New Destiny Housing a place for women who have been victims of domestic abuse. Lisa has been working on fundraising videos with Gilda’s Club NYC for 5 years and is a passionate supporter of Gilda’s Club.


Indidegogo campaign begins December 8

Director Nico Santucci joins host Janeane to talk about SAROGETO, a film making waves in over 12 International Film Festivals. The film features two female Asian protagonists and is a showcase of resilience, courage, and determination.

Click to listen to today's show featuring Nico Santucci Living an idyllic life she never felt entitled to, Grace is suddenly faced with ...