Sunday, April 29, 2018

4/30 - 9:45am pst - Author Colleen D. Scott joined Janeane to talk about her book, Everybody Needs A Bridge

LISTEN to today's show
with author Colleen D. Scott!

High school is a difficult time for every teenager. When Erin enters a large public high school in 1980, she’s more than a little intimidated. Shocked by the realization that the legacy of her southern Alabama town isn’t a thing of the past, Erin struggles to find her way and in the process forms several important relationships. Brittany, whose genuine friendship and unconditional support help Erin navigate her unfamiliar surroundings. Shelby, whose strength and confidence challenge Erin to make her own decisions. And Emmet, whose magnetism and acceptance inspires her to dream of a different future.

As the years pass, Erin’s new bonds grow stronger. And together, they search for the answer to one important question: How do you define your own path, feel like you belong, and yet resist all of the social pressures and rigid expectations?

Tragically, after their time in high school ends, Erin becomes separated from these important friends. Alone, she struggles to find the courage to continue her journey. Ultimately, she is forced with a life-defining choice. Her decision will catapult Erin into adulthood, will test her faith, love and courage, and inevitably have an impact on the lives of those she loves most.

“Everybody Needs A Bridge” is the story of how the bonds we form and the decisions we make when we are young shape our future self. As a white, middle-class female growing up in a socially segregated Alabama town, Erin is raised to embrace people regardless of gender, class and race. But when those theoretical lessons become reality, she is faced with hard choices and no clear

Colleen will speak about how her book speaks to racial tensions in the country today, the intricacies of and interracial relationship, and why she chose to base a book on her real life, but write under a pen name.

Colleen D. Scott, basing her engrossing novel on real-life events, takes us on a coming-of-age journey through Erin’s high school years and beyond. Amidst racial tensions and societal pressures, Erin dreams of pursing a life free of oppressive expectations. As she grows, important relationships and life-changing events challenge her to determine her own path, despite the difficulties. In the face of unspeakable tragedy and enduring adversity, Erin must decide if what she wants is worth the consequences she will face.

Readers will undoubtedly empathize with Erin’s journey and the problems presented by growing up in a society grappling with change. Scott brings a unique perspective to a pivotal story about
discovering who you are meant to be.

After decades spent pursuing a career in the corporate world and raising three incredible children, Colleen decided to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming an author. Raised in southern Alabama, this new author artfully weaves compelling story lines with emotion evoking characters into biting social commentary. And like most southern women, Colleen enjoys great food, football and reading a great book on a sandy beach.

4/30 at 9:00am pst - Veteran pediatrician Michelle Perro, MD and medical anthropologist Vincanne Adams, PhD, join Janeane to talk about their book, What’s Making Our Children Sick? How Industrial Food Is Causing an Epidemic of Chronic Illness, and What Parents (and Doctors) Can Do About It.

LISTEN to today's show with
Dr. Michelle Perro and Dr. Vincanne Adams!

What's Making Our Children Sick?: How Industrial Food Is Causing an Epidemic of Chronic Illness, and What Parents (and Doctors) Can Do About It
by Dr. Michelle Perro and Vincanne Adams

Exploring the links between GM foods, glyphosate, and gut health

With chronic disorders among American children reaching epidemic levels, hundreds of thousands of parents are desperately seeking solutions to their children’s declining health, often with little medical guidance from the experts. What’s Making Our Children Sick? convincingly explains how agrochemical industrial production and genetic modification of foods is a culprit in this epidemic. Is it the only culprit? No. Most chronic health disorders have multiple causes and require careful disentanglement and complex treatments. But what if toxicants in our foods are a major culprit, one that, if corrected, could lead to tangible results and increased health? Using patient accounts of their clinical experiences and new medical insights about pathogenesis of chronic pediatric disorders―taking us into gut dysfunction and the microbiome, as well as the politics of food science―this book connects the dots to explain our kids’ ailing health.

What’s Making Our Children Sick? explores the frightening links between our efforts to create higher-yield, cost-efficient foods and an explosion of childhood morbidity, but it also offers hope and a path to effecting change. The predicament we now face is simple. Agroindustrial “innovation” in a previous era hoped to prevent the ecosystem disaster of DDT predicted in Rachel Carson’s seminal book in 1962, Silent Spring. However, this industrial agriculture movement has created a worse disaster: a toxic environment and, consequently, a toxic food supply.

Pesticide use is at an all-time high, despite the fact that biotechnologies aimed to reduce the need for them in the first place. Today these chemicals find their way into our livestock and food crop industries and ultimately onto our plates. Many of these pesticides are the modern day equivalent of DDT. However, scant research exists on the chemical soup of poisons that our children consume on a daily basis. As our food supply environment reels under the pressures of industrialization via agrochemicals, our kids have become the walking evidence of this failed experiment. What’s Making Our Children Sick? exposes our current predicament and offers insight on the medical responses that are available, both to heal our kids and to reverse the compromised health of our food supply.

This is the first doctor-authored book to convincingly explain how pesticides and genetically modified foods have contributed to the current epidemic of chronically ill children. Veteran pediatrician Michelle Perro, MD and medical anthropologist Vincanne Adams, PhD (both based in CA) map out the connections between toxic food and poor health, using moving patient case studies and succinct, but evidence-based, accounts of the science. They describe the perfect storm between a medical system that has failed to fully address food issues, reluctant scientists who have ignored the mounting evidence of pesticide impacts on health, and the movement among parents and food-focused physicians to change things.

Book on Amazon

Book on

Michelle Perro, MD is a veteran pediatrician with over thirty-five years of experience in acute and integrative medicine. More than ten years ago, Dr. Perro transformed her clinical practice to include pesticide and health advocacy. She has both directed and worked as attending physician from New York’s Metropolitan Hospital to UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland. Dr. Perro has managed her own business, Down to Earth Pediatrics. She is currently lecturing and consulting as well as working with Gordon Medical Associates, an integrative health center in Northern California. Her new book, which she coauthored with Dr. Vincanne Adams, is What’s Making Our Children Sick?: How Industrial Food Is Causing an Epidemic of Chronic Illness, and What Parents (and Doctors) Can Do About It (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2018).

Vincanne Adams, PhD [Pronounced Vin-SAN]

Book on Amazon

Book on

Vincanne Adams, PhD is a professor and vice-chair of Medical Anthropology, in the Department of Anthropology, History, and Social Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Adams has previously published six books on the social dynamics of health, scientific knowledge and politics, including most recently, Markets of Sorrow, Labors of Faith: New Orleans in the Wake of Katrina (2013), and Metrics: What Counts in Global Health (2016). She is currently editor for Medical Anthropology Quarterly, the flagship journal for the Society for Medical Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association. Her new book, which she coauthored with Dr. Michelle Perro, is What’s Making Our Children Sick?: How Industrial Food Is Causing an Epidemic of Chronic Illness, and What Parents (and Doctors) Can Do About It (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2018).

Monday, April 23, 2018

UC Irvine's Claire Trevor School of the Arts presents Coup de Comedy 2018 Festival! Joel Veenstra, Associate Head of Stage Management - Department of Drama Claire Trevor School of the Arts and Kelsey Gitlin, the UCI student captain of Improv Revolution TODAY (4/23/18) on KUCI 88.9fm!

LISTEN to today's conversation with
Joel Veenstra and Kelsey Gitlin
of Improv Revolution!

Here is the full CdC 2018 Schedule:
(Free registrations launch TODAY, Monday, April 16 at 2 pm)

A few additional notes regarding the festival:
- Almost 50% of the performing talent this year is women, which is unbelievably rare for a comedy festival. Who says woman aren’t funny - they are hilarious!
- On Thursday, May 10 at 9:30 pm, Minority Reportz, coming from their successful run at The Comedy Store, featuring an all female stand-up comedy variety show.
- On Saturday, May 12 at 3:15 pm, Ripley presents: Dystopia; Ripley is daring actors improvising artful, long-form narrative about women who save the day, save the world, or save each other. Through bold and playful ensemble storytelling, Ripley seeks to inspire audiences to embrace the hero within.


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Retirement has changed, and America’s most trusted career counselor is here to help! Coming up April 18th, Janeane spoke with Robin Ryan TODAY (4/18/18) about her latest book, Retirement Reinvention

LISTEN to today's conversation with Robin Ryan,
author of Retirement Reinvention!

The old model of retirement (that of endless golfing and not much else) has changed. The majority of today’s retirees intend to keep working in the next phase of their lives, but often aren’t sure what that phase will look like, or how to get started. Robin Ryan has been helping clients land their dream job for over 20 years. Now, she shares how to take the skills that they have been honing for their entire career and put them to use to lead a more meaningful and fulfilling retirement.

In her book, RETIREMENT REINVENTION: Making the Most of the Next Stage of Your Life and Career, she shares instructions for leaving old careers behind, pinpointing interests and skills, and defining new, satisfying opportunities that balance work and leisure. From starting a new business to shifting to the non-profit sector, to volunteering, Ryan’s advice will help new and upcoming retirees take control in the second act of their lives.

Robin Ryan shares how to:

· Identify what it is that gives life meaning, whether it’s social interaction, community involvement, creative problem solving, or travel; and find out how to integrate that into retirement

· Ensure that unexpected aspects of retirement (changes in relationships with spouses, relocation concerns) are handled before they become a problem

· Visualize exactly how much time on a daily and weekly basis will now be “free,’ and how to make that time fulfilling, stimulating, and worthwhile

· Plan the transition period from full-time work to retirement

· Avoid becoming a “failed retiree” and make the most of this new chapter!

Ryan shatters the myths that retirement is the end of work, that it’s a time of decline, that new career opportunities are for young people alone, and that people only work during their retirement because they need money. Instead, she offers practical advice for the next act of life and career.


Robin Ryan is the bestselling author of seven career books and has been a career counselor for over 20 years, and has been hailed by the Boston Globe as “America’s top job search expert.” She has appeared on over 1,500 TV and radio shows including Oprah, Dr. Phil, CNN, ABC News, Fox News, NBC Nightly News, and NPR; and has spoken to over a thousand live audiences on improving their lives and achieving greater career success. Her advice has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The LA Times, Business Week, Money, Fortune, and Good Housekeeping. Based in Seattle, Ryan has a busy career counseling practice offering individual career coaching and job search services to clients nationwide.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Veteran correspondent and bestselling author T. R. Reid joined host Janeane Bernstein on KUCI 88.9fm!

LISTEN to today's conversation with T.R. Reid!

In December of 2017, President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Despite the sweeping changes it has enacted, the new act still fails to fully address the issues that have plagued our tax code for decades. The act does little to reverse our nation’s growing income inequality and filing taxes remains an arduous and complicated task. We know we need a fairer and more efficient tax code, but what exactly does this look like?
And how do we achieve the necessary changes?

Veteran correspondent and bestselling author T. R. Reid travels the world in order to find out what makes for good taxation (if that’s not an oxymoron!) and brings that knowledge home in A FINE MESS: A Global Quest for a Simpler, Fairer, and More Efficient Tax System, now available in paperback. Join him on April 16th as he explores the many reasons our tax code needs to be completely rewritten, including:

In 2016, Americans spent over 6 billion hours and 12 billion dollars filing their taxes. In the Netherlands, the average filing time is 15 minutes. In Estonia, it takes 7 minutes.

The US tax code has 73,000 pages of IRS regulations. In Japan, paying income tax is an automatic process for 80% of households. Thanks to the Bureau of Tax Simplification, only 1 in 5 people in the UK had to file at all.

Congress has given themselves various
tax breaks and deductions that other Americans don’t. In Slovakia, government representatives pay 5% more in tax.

· The US has completely missed the boat
on the value-added tax (VAT), the most useful, fair, and simple taxing innovation of the last half century. 170 countries has adopted VAT. Only the U.S. and a handful of extremely poor nations
– Cuba, Iraq and South Sudan – have not.

· US billionaires can pay relatively very little tax, and sometimes no tax at all. France, Norway, and Switzerland all have wealth taxes designed to reduce economic inequality.

· US companies exploit loopholes by moving profits offshore. By many estimates, there is more than $2 trillion permanently “invested” overseas. Apple, for example, payed zero tax on an income of $74 billion by relocating to Ireland.

Reid argues that we can write a tax code that is fair and simple and can also cut tax rates while still bringing in the revenue required; we simply need to learn from the world’s
other democracies. Other rich countries like ours—advanced, high-tech, free-market democracies—have devised tax regimes that are equitable, effective, and easy on the taxpayer. By looking at these tax systems, we can learn what the United States should and shouldn’t do in writing the Internal Revenue Code of the future.
Doing our taxes may never be America’s favorite pastime, but it can and should be so much easier.

About the Author

T. R. Reid is a longtime correspondent for The Washington Post and former chief of its Tokyo and London bureaus. He is also a commentator for National Public Radio and a correspondent for several PBS documentaries. His bestselling books include The Healing of America, The United States of Europe, The Chip, and Confucius Lives Next Door.

4/16 9:45am pst, DR. W. CHRIS WINTER, Sleep Expert and Author of THE SLEEP SOLUTION, joined host Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm

LISTEN to today's conversation with

THE SLEEP SOLUTION: Why Your Sleep is Broken and How to Fix It, now available in paperback. Dr. Winter has treated over 10,000 patients’ sleep problems in his twenty-plus years of experience. Please let me know if you would like an interview with Dr. Winter.

Everyone can learn to sleep well, and odds are, you sleep far better than you think you do. Dr. Winter explains that our sleep perception versus our sleep reality is part of the problem, and in THE SLEEP SOLUTION: Why Your Sleep is Broken and How to Fix It, he explains the basic science of sleep, and shares specific interventions to fit any lifestyle. Arianna Huffington dubbed him “The Sleep Whisperer” and turned to Winter when researching her New York Times bestselling book, The Sleep Revolution.

Dr. Winter explains the story of sleep while dispensing vital advice, including:

· The why and how of our sleep: homeostatic and circadian systems, and why they are important to understand (much of what you’ve heard about REM sleep and dreaming are untrue)

· How shift workers are at greatest risk for health issues related to sleep—and how many people, even if they don’t hold “shift oriented” jobs, are experiencing the same issues due to second jobs, raising families, going back to school, and more

· Why you should always wake up at the same time every day, even if your bedtime varies

· Why sticking to a schedule is key – you schedule everything else in your life, why not sleep?

· Why bedding and temperature are critical to a good night’s sleep

· Why light is bad, naps can help, and stimulants will hurt (caffeine, alcohol, nicotine)

· The proper uses—and dangers—of sleeping pills

Dr. Winter’s dedication to helping readers understand their sleep problems when hitting the sheets for the night – and even before then – is what makes this book different. Dr. Winter’s refreshing and straightforward advice in THE SLEEP SOLUTION sheds new light on how to finally fix sleep instead of falling back into old habits with band-aid solutions, and the feedback loop of fear and guilt we often associate with “I can’t sleep.”

About the Author:

Dr. W. Chris Winter is a double board-certified and internationally recognized sleep medicine specialist, as well as a board certified neurologist with his own practice. He is a highly sought-after speaker and works directly with top athletes in the NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL, including the Cleveland Indians, Pittsburgh Pirates, San Francisco Giants, Oklahoma City Thunder, New York Rangers, Washington Wizards, Baltimore Ravens, Tampa Bay Rays, and LA Dodgers. He is the Men’s Health “Sleep Specialist” and is frequently consulted by national media (Women's Health, Details, Bicycling, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal) as a sleep expert. He has treated over 10,000 patients’ sleep problems in his twenty-plus years of experience.

About the Book
With cutting-edge sleep science and time-tested techniques, The Sleep Solution will help anyone achieve healthy sleep and eliminate pills, pain, and fatigue.

If you want to fix your sleep problems, Internet tips and tricks aren’t going to do it for you. You need to really understand what’s going on with your sleep—both what your problems are and how to solve them.

The Sleep Solution is an exciting journey of sleep self-discovery and understanding that will help you custom design specific interventions to fit your lifestyle. Drawing on his twenty-four years of experience within the field, neurologist and sleep expert W. Chris Winter will help you…

• Understand how sleep works and the ways in which food, light, and other activities act to help or hurt the process
• Learn why sleeping pills are so often misunderstood and used incorrectly—and how you can achieve your best sleep without them
• Incorporate sleep and napping into your life—whether you are a shift worker, student, or overcommitted parent
• Think outside the box to better understand ways to treat a multitude of
conditions—from insomnia to sleep apnea to restless leg syndrome and circadian sleep disorders
• Wade through the ever-changing sea of sleep technology and understand its value as it relates to your own sleep struggles

Dubbed the “Sleep Whisperer” by Arianna Huffington, Dr. Winter is an international expert on sleep and has helped more than 10,000 patients rest better at night, including countless professional athletes. Now, he’s bringing his experiences out from under the covers—redefining what it means to have optimal sleep and get the ZZZs you really need...

4/16 at 9:30am pst, Janeane spoke with Christine Dimmick, a sought-after wellness expert, speaking regularly at places such as Canyon Ranch and The JCC Manhattan. She is the founder and CEO of The Good Home Company Inc.

LISTEN to today's show featuring Christine Dimmick!

Christine Dimmick, cancer survivor, TODAY show guest and Canyon Ranch Speaker, joins host Janeane Bernstein 4/16 on KUCI 88.9fm.Christine Dimmick, cancer survivor, TODAY show guest and Canyon Ranch Speaker, joins host Janeane Bernstein 4/16 on KUCI 88.9fm.Christine Dimmick, cancer survivor, TODAY show guest and Canyon Ranch Speaker, joins host Janeane Bernstein 4/16 on KUCI 88.9fm.
Christine has spent more than two decades focusing on non-toxic healthy home products. After Christine survived cancer (and her husband was diagnosed, and two friends passed away from it...), she looked into removing from her environment the many harmful chemicals that are in everyday products and may have effected her diagnosis. Often times even the government has not approved the use of these chemicals, and yet no laws specify that they cannot be here they are, working their way into our detergents, sprays, beauty products, and more.

Her new book, Detox Your Home, comes out this April (Rowman & Littlefield). It explores and explains the labels that inform our purchasing decisions and the regulations that govern what consumer goods are available in our shops and supermarkets.

Cancer affects 1 in 2 persons, and nearly everyone has an autoimmune-related disease or allergy. We live in a world where the incidence of illness grows as fast as the GDP. Industrialization has created a world that puts products before human and environmental health. Exercise and eating right is not enough. In this rapidly growing world, our resources are depleting along with our health and the public sees and feels this daily.

Health and Wellness speaker, advocate and Good Home Company Founder, Christine Dimmick, takes a deep dive into the toxins found in our very own homes, and how you can limit your exposure and take control of your own health. Detox Your Home addresses all of these issues – from clothing to food to the cleaning products used every day in homes just like yours. Dimmick unveils what manufacturers won’t, so you can avoid exposing yourself and your family to the hidden toxins eating away at America’s health and wellness. Detox Your Home is the essential go-to book for how to live a life of wellness, and will show you how to improve – in every part of your life.

From food, water, and kitchen goods, to personal care and cleaning products— even clothing and common household items like phones, furniture, and children’s toys— Dimmick uses the most recent scientific evidence to expose the harmful toxins lurking in our most intimate, everyday environments.

In an interview, she will discuss such topics as:
Christine's cancer diagnosis and awakening to toxic chemicals
Her work to bring awareness to this subject to the public – via speaking at the UN, schools, health facilities, businesses
Why the chemicals in our household products should be regulated by the federal government
The origins of the Good Home Company
The differences between Organic, Non-GMO certified, Cruelty Free, etc. and various labels our food receives to identify it
Nontoxic beauty products (what's ugly in our beauty routines?)

Detox Your Home​: A Guide to Removing Toxins from Your Life and Bringing Health Into Your Home ​explores how to improve health by empowering choices about our clothing, food, cleaning products and more.

Dimmick unveils what manufacturers won’t, so you can avoid
exposing your family to the hidden toxins eating away at America’s health and wellness.

“Detox Your Home, by Christine Dimmick, founder and CEO of The Good Home Company, tells us how to keep ourselves and our families as free as possible from toxic chemicals. When
we purchase laundry detergents and household cleaners, cosmetics, personal care products, food, clothing, toys, and more, we can use this vital information to lead healthier and safer lives.” –
Margaret Cuomo, MD, Board-certified Radiologist, author of ​A World Without Cancer

“Detox Your Home is impressively comprehensive, meticulously researched and refreshingly practical. For every product, from shampoo to electronics, Dimmick evaluates health and
environmental impacts and gives us ways to detox. This landmark reference book makes once hard to find information accessible to all.” – Peggy O’Mara, Editor and Publisher of Mothering Magazine

Detox Your Home explores and explains the labels that inform our purchasing decisions and the regulations that govern what consumer goods are available in our shops and supermarkets. From food, water, and kitchen goods, to personal care and cleaning products— even clothing and common household items like phones, furniture, and children’s toys— Dimmick uses the most recent scientific evidence to expose the harmful toxins lurking in our most intimate, everyday environments.

Christine Dimmick ​is ​the founder and CEO of The Good Home Company Inc. She pioneered the move to combine natural ingredients and true to life scents in cleaning products over 20 years ago in her NYC kitchen. She and Good Home products have been featured in O Magazine, Instyle, Dr. Oz and House Beautiful, along with appearances on the Today Show. She is a public speaker promoting health and wellness at Canyon Ranch, Lenox, Mass. and other wellness facilities.
Christine can also be found blogging on Facebook for over 35,000 Good Home fans and hosting wellness events – spreading her unique message of health. Christine also consults with hotels, businesses and private homes where she helps clients to detox, remove toxic products and create a place of health and wellness. 

In an interview Christine can discuss:

● Christine's cancer diagnosis and awakening to toxic chemicals

● Her work to bring awareness to this subject to the public – via speaking at the UN, schools, health facilities, businesses

● Why the chemicals in our household products should be regulated by the federal government

● Why bottled water is hurting us

● The origins of the Good Home Company

● The differences between Organic, Non-GMO certified, Cruelty Free, etc. and various labels our food receives to identify it

● Why organic is so important

● Non-toxic beauty products (what's ugly in our beauty routines?)

● How Climate Change is linked to toxins

Gina Belafonte, the youngest child of Julie and Harry Belafonte, is an Actress, Producer, and Co-Director of Sankofa, a social justice organization founder by Harry Belafonte. She joined Janeane TODAY (4/16/18) on KUCI 88.9fm!

to today's conversation
with Gina Belafonte!

Gina Belafonte

Native New Yorker, Gina Belafonte has spent her life in the arenas of entertainment and activism where her professional work thrives today. As the youngest child of Julie and Harry Belafonte, whose impact in these fields is among the most influential and progressive in the world, Gina’s passions come as no surprise. Gina lives in LA and New York, working with diverse artists, activists and organizations worldwide to promote cultural and civic engagement in the 21st century. An Actress, Director and Producer, Gina is now the Co-Director of, a social justice organization founded by her father, that enlists the support of today's most celebrated artists and influential individuals in collaboration with grassroots partners to elevate the voices of the disenfranchised and promote peace, justice and equality.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

4/12/18 on KUCI 88.9fm - JAMIE BARTLETT, Director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, shares a rational, impeccably researched explanation of how the internet is killing democracy and what we can do about it

LISTEN to today's conversation with Jamie Bartlett, author of The People VS. Tech.

Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal is just the latest example of how digital technology is profoundly impacting all of our lives. Bestselling author Jamie Bartlett is a firsthand expert: he reported to the BBC back in August 2017 that Cambridge Analytica, the Republican party and Facebook all worked together on the Trump digital campaign in the same office in San Antonio, Texas. Now, he shares his book, THE PEOPLE VS TECH, an urgent examination of where democracy is heading in the digital age…and what we can do about it.

THE PEOPLE VS TECH: How the Internet is Killing Democracy (And How We Can Save It)

Jamie Bartlett

Dutton | April 5, 2018 | Ebook Original

Connect online with Jamie Bartlett:

Twitter: @JamieJBartlett


Director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media shares a rational, impeccably researched explanation of how the internet is killing democracy and what we can do about it

News today is rife with stories about ‘big tech’, Russian hackers, and Facebook’s growing role in politics. The truth is simple: digital technology and our democracy are incompatible. We must reform democracy and reign in digital disruption within the next twenty years, or risk losing democracy for good. Proposing twenty bold, radical proposals for how to do this—including dramatic new government policies, laws, and citizen fightback, Jamie Bartlett reveals a comprehensive and often shocking roadmap of where democracy is heading: a techno-dystopia where freedom is traded for security and efficiency.

Jamie Bartlett discusses:

· How technology unexpectedly tends to result in monopolies. Tech firms are already transferring their economic power into political power, but they differ from traditional monopolies in important ways. By owning the platforms on which material is published, they have an important influence over public opinion and activism itself.

· Instead of worrying about a ‘jobless’ future, we should be more concerned about the growing inequality and whether the coming tech revolution will wipe out the middle class and threaten democracy.

· Information overload and connectivity has encouraged a divisive form of emotional tribal politics, in which loyalty to the group and anger outrank reason and compromise. While partisanship is necessary in politics, too much of it is dangerous. Political leaders are evolving to the new medium of information—hence the rise of populists who promise emotional, immediate, and total answers.

· We live in a giant advertising panopticon, which keeps us addicted to devices; this system of data collection and prediction is merely the most recent iteration in a long history of efforts to control us. It is getting more advanced by the day, which has serious ramifications for potential manipulation, endless distraction, and the slow diminishing of free choice and autonomy.

THE PEOPLE VS TECH is a must-have guide for citizens of the world to understand how the concentration of power, data, and control over the public space is already affecting our everyday lives, and what we can do about it—before it’s too late.

About the Author:

Jamie Bartlett is the bestselling author of The Dark Net, an examination of the hidden corners of the internet and Radicals: Outsiders Changing the World. He is the director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at the think-tank Demos, where he has written several pamphlets about the internet and democracy. He also writes on technology of the Spectator, and several other publications on how the internet is changing politics and society. In 2017 Jamie presented the two-part BBC TWO documentary series The Secrets of Silicon Valley. He lives in London. His TED talk about the dark net has over 2 million views.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Thomas Lickona, Ph.D., world-renowned developmental psychologist shares how to raise kind kids. Dr. Likona discussed his latest book. How to Raise Kind Kids, on KUCI 88.9fm

LISTEN to today's show!
Thomas Lickona, Ph.D., is a developmental psychologist, professor of education emeritus, and founding director of the Center for the 4th and 5th Rs (Respect and Responsibility) at the State University of New York at Cortland, where he has done national award-winning work in teacher and parent education.

Moral Education: A Handbook calls him “the father of modern character education.” A past president of the Association for Moral Education, he speaks around the world on fostering moral values and character development in schools, families, and communities.

His eight books on moral development and character education have been translated into ten languages. They include Raising Good Children; Educating for Character (known as “the bible of the character education movement”); Character Matters; and (with Matthew Davidson) Smart & Good High Schools. Educating for Character received a Christopher Award “for affirming the highest values of the human spirit.” His forthcoming book, How to Raise Kind Kids: and Get Respect, Gratitude, and a Happier Family in the Bargain, will be published by Penguin in April 2018.

His Center’s work was the subject of a New York Times Magazine cover article, “Teaching Johnny to Be Good.” He received the Character Education Partnership’s “Sandy Award” for Lifetime Achievement in Character Education and the University of San Francisco’s Outstanding Achievement in Moral Education Award. He has been a guest on national media such as “Good Morning America,” “Larry King Live Radio,” “Focus on the Family,” and National Public Radio. His Center’s best-practices education letter, excellence & ethics, goes out to thousands of educators and parents around the world. The Center currently partners with England’s University of Leeds on the Narnian Virtues English Curriculum Project, which uses The Chronicles of Narnia of C.S. Lewis to foster virtues in middle school children.

Every child has the capacity for kindness. It’s up to us to provide the environment that brings out their best. But kids these days are growing up in a world where almost anything is a click or a phone tap away, where patience, respect, and responsibility are less prominent than selfishness, incivility, ingratitude, and entitlement. When kids are exposed to that sort of environment 24/7—from toxic politics to the increasing hyper-sexualization of pop culture, fed in a constant stream through smartphones and laptops—can parents (and kindness) compete?

World-renowned developmental psychologist Dr. Thomas Lickona offers hope. In HOW TO RAISE KIND KIDS: And Get Respect, Gratitude, and a Happier Family in the, he shows how parents can push back against negative societal influences by creating a strong family culture that models and teaches kindness, respect, gratitude, and other essential virtues. Widely revered as the father of modern character education, Dr. Lickona draws on more than 40 years of experience to share the tools parents can use in daily life to help their children grow in goodness.

Dr. Lickona discusses:

· Three common mistakes that parents make (and why you shouldn’t pay for chores)

· Why together time and “connective family rituals” are so important

· Why a Family Mission statement is crucial for creating a culture of kindness and respect

· How family meetings will help you sustain a positive family culture

· Three things that should be in your discipline toolbox

· How to teach even young kids to solve sibling conflicts

· How to reduce screens’ harmful effects on family life and kids’ brains and behavior

· How to talk to kids and get them to talk to you (Conversation Starters)

· How to help your older kids resist peer pressure, avoid the worst aspects of social media, and find true love in a hypersexualized environment that normalizes unkind and unhealthy behavior.

HOW TO RAISE KIND KIDS will help parents give and get respect, discipline in a way that builds character, correct cruelty, form more meaningful relationships with kids, and foster a concern for others that extends beyond the family. There has never been a more important time to discuss how to develop good character in our children—and there’s nobody more qualified for the job than Dr. Lickona.


Dr. Thomas Lickona is a developmental psychologist and educator focused on helping parents and schools develop good character in children. He is the founding director of the Center for the 4th and 5th Rs (Respect and Responsibility) at SUNY Cortland, where he was a professor of childhood education for 40 years. His eight books on character development include Raising Good Children, Character Matters, and Educating for Character ("the bible of the character education movement"). He writes a new blog for Psychology Today called “Raising Kind Kids.”

Today (4/10/18) on KUCI 88.9fm, National Geographic Adventurer of the Year and Appalachian Trail record setter Jennifer Pharr Davis joined host Janeane Bernstein to talk about her latest book, THE PURSUIT OF ENDURANCE - Harnessing the Record-Breaking Power of Strength and Resilience

The Pursuit of Endurance empowers readers to unlock phenomenal endurance and leverage newfound grit to achieve personal bests in everything from sports and family to the boardroom.

LISTEN to today's show!

National Geographic Adventurer of the Year and Appalachian Trail record setter Jennifer Pharr Davis sets out on a new quest to find out what defines endurance, where it comes from, and how we can harness it to achieve our dreams.

On July 31, 2011, Jennifer Pharr Davis set the FKT (fastest known time) record on the Appalachian Trail, completing the trail in just 46 days, 11 hours and 20 minutes—a feat that takes most hikers six months. Hiking an average of 47 miles per day, Davis was the first woman to claim the overall title on the Appalachian Trail.

Since her thru-hike record, which she held for four years, Davis has set out on a new quest—the quest to find out what exactly defines endurance, where it comes from, if gender plays a role, and how we can we harness it to achieve our dreams. THE PURSUIT OF ENDURANCE: Harnessing the Record-Breaking Power of Strength and Resilience, aims to answer those questions, and more, through interviews with renowned endurance athletes, fellow record setters, an exercise physiology expert, and through her own accomplishments in the world of endurance hiking, backpacking, and trail running.

THE PURSUIT OF ENDURANCE is part memoir, part guidebook to hiking, and a timeless manual to achieving your dreams within and outside of the sports world. Davis takes readers along as she trains and sets her record, analyzing and trail-testing the theories and methodologies espoused by her star-studded roster of mentors, including:

• Warren Doyle, record holder of the most miles on the trail (36,000) and founder of the Appalachian Trail Institute, is an all-around controversial hiker who exemplifies the importance of avoiding complacency and the necessity of questioning your surroundings and yourself.

• David Horton, who completed over 160 ultramarathons despite once losing the ability to run due to a freight accident, demonstrates that having a purpose is important to moving forward.

• Scott Williamson, who illustrates that persistence is key to endurance after he failed five times before finally becoming the first person to complete a continuous round trip of the Pacific Crest Trail in one season.

• Heather Anderson, the first person in history to hold the self-supported records for both the Appalachian Trail and Pacific Crest Trail simultaneously, further proving that women can find contentment—and femininity—in adventure.

• Scott Jurek, the famed ultrarunner and hiker who eventually defeated Jennifer’s record by just three hours.

Suggested Interview Questions:

· According to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, 685 people reportedly completed the Appalachian Trail in 2016, up from just 182 in 1990. Why do you think, now more than ever before, people are attracted to long-distance hiking?

· As you discovered through personal experience and research, gender does not affect one’s ability to succeed in long distance sports. What physical and psychological reasons did you find that enable women to compete with, and often outperform, men in endurance sports?

· How have the lessons about overcoming adversity on the trail translated to moments where endurance was needed off the trail?

· What surprised you most about your interview with Shawn Bearden, professor of exercise physiology at Idaho State University, regarding the qualities of an ‘ideal’ endurance athlete?

· Before the new millennia, Appalachian Trail Fastest Known Times (FKT) were rare, sometimes with twenty-year intervals between records. The past three years have each seen an athlete claim a new supported or unsupported FKT. How has the sport evolved over recent years and what factors are affecting the increased frequency of trail records?

· Long distance hiking appears to be solitary undertaking in many aspects. However, in The Pursuit of Endurance, you emphasize how a hiker’s support is integral to their success on the trail. How does a strong support system intersect with endurance?

· Each of the athletes you mention in The Pursuit of Endurance have unique backgrounds, motivations, trail experiences, support systems, and uniquely embodied endurance. What do you hope readers take away from each of their stories?

· Do you ever plan to attempt another FKT? Why or why not?

Twitter: @JenPharrDavis


Jennifer Pharr Davis is an American long-distance hiker, author of Becoming Odyssa and Called Again, a speaker, a National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, and an ambassador for the American Hiking Society. She has hiked more than twelve thousand miles on six different continents. Pharr Davis lives in Asheville, North Carolina, with her husband, Brew, and their two children.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

4/9 9:45am pst - Tara Cousineau, author of The Kindness Cure: How the Science of Compassion Can Heal Your Heart and Your World, joins Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm!

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Tara Cousineau!

It’s time for a kindness revolution. In The Kindness Cure, psychologist Tara Cousineau draws on cutting-edge research in psychology and neuroscience to show how simple practices of kindness—for ourselves, for others, and for our world—can dissolve our feelings of fear and indifference, and open us up to a life of profound happiness.

Compassion for ourselves and others is our birthright as humans—hardwired into our DNA and essential to our happiness. But in our fast-paced, technical savvy and hyper competitive world, it may come as no surprise that rates of narcissism have risen, while empathy levels have declined. We now find ourselves in a “cool to be cruel” culture where it’s easy to feel disillusioned and dejected in our hearts, homes, and communities. So, how can we reverse this malady of meanness and make kindness and compassion an imperative?

The Kindness Cure draws on the latest social and scientific research to reveal how the seemingly “soft skills” of kindness, cooperation, and generosity are fundamental to our survival as a species. In fact, it’s our prosocial abilities that put us at the head of the line. Blended with moving case studies and clinical anecdotes, Cousineau offers practical ways to rekindle kindness from the inside out.

We are wired to care. The very existence of our human species evolved because of an intricate physiology built for empathy, compassion, and cooperation. Yet we have an epidemic of loneliness, indifference, and cruelty, and we see these destructive trends on a daily basis in our families, schools, neighborhoods, and workplaces. This important book teaches effective skills in compassion, mindfulness, and social and emotional learning, and reveals successful social policy initiatives in empathy taking place that inform everything from family life to education to the workplace.

Kindness has the exponential power to renew relationships and transform how we think, feel, and behave in the world. Will you be a part of the revolution?

4/9 9:30am pst -- Lauren Schneider of OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center, one of the nation’s most respected organizations for grief support and education, joined Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm!

LISTEN to today's show featuring
Lauren Schneider of OUR HOUSE!

Providing resources, support, and care at the moment when we most need it, OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center marks its 25th anniversary this year. OUR HOUSE reaches individuals, families, organizations, and communities in need when someone dies, guiding people through the delicate process of grief. Serving thousands of children, teens, and adults every year, OUR HOUSE relies on trained volunteers and expert guidance as one of the most unique support centers in the country, subject of an Emmy-winning film, and recipients of a 4-star rating with Charity Navigator.

A number of events are lined up for 2018 to mark OUR HOUSE’s auspicious milestone: the RUN FOR HOPE 5K walk/run will welcome hundreds of participants to walk in honor of remembering their loved ones, and is scheduled for April 29. Later in the fall, the annual House of Hope Gala (October 6) and Night for Hope will continue to foster awareness and community building.

But perhaps most notable is the program Camp Erin, run twice every summer, which gives grieving children ages 6-17 the opportunity to bond with others in a safe, playful setting. Camp Erin was the subject of “One Last Hug: Three Days at Grief Camp,” the HBO documentary that was awarded the Emmy for Outstanding Children’s Program in 2014.

In addition to Camp Erin and the annual events, OUR HOUSE offers three core programs year-round: grief support groups for adults, children, and teens, run by trained volunteers, are available at support centers across the southland; OUR HOUSE also offers educational seminars, intensives, and programs for medical and social work professionals; and on-site grief response brings OUR HOUSE’s experts to community locations where grief might extend to coworkers, neighbors, or others impacted by death.

OUR HOUSE trains volunteer group leaders with a three-day seminar, and are always welcoming laypeople into the fold, regardless of their own background or connection to the programs. This reflects the ongoing commitment to the original impulse of founder JoAnn Lautman, inspired to start a support group after a young parent in her community died suddenly, leaving a grieving spouse, small child, and circle of friends emotionally shattered. By empowering people to help each other, OUR HOUSE makes connections between those who are willing to give their guidance and sympathy with those who are suffering the devastating loss of a loved one.

Our House Grief Support Center
Hosts 9th Annual Run For Hope, April 29

Celebrating The Grieving Community And The Power Of Uniting Hands With Paws

OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center, one of the most respected non-profit grief centers in the nation, will host its ninth annual Run for Hope 5K Festival on Sunday, April 29 at the West Los Angeles Civic Center & Bandshell. The Run for Hope is the only event of its kind in the nation- a day dedicated to celebrating and honoring the memory of loved ones who have died. Every year, the Run focuses on community engagement, and bringing people together to support each other in memory of their loved ones. Deeply rooted in the community are the Presenting Sponsors – The Hollander Family and Karma Rescue– who will honor this commitment by showcasing the power of unity by uniting hands with paws.
“We are proud to help unite the community in the memory of their loved ones,” said Michele Prince, Executive Director, OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center, “The Run for Hope is our largest event of the year with an expected 1,700 attendees who have pledged to raise over $500,000 for essential grief support services and the collective benefit of our community.”

The event will be filled with activities for those participating in the walk or stopping by to show their support. With registration, participants can personalize t-shirts with their loved ones' photos commemorating and celebrating their memories, and on Sunday, April 29 take part in three key events: The In-Memory Ceremony, 5K, and Festival. Additionally, there will be an In-Memory Wall inviting participants to write and place the name of their special person who died amongst others also being remembered.

The Presenting Sponsors - The Hollander Family, and Karma Rescue– are further exemplifying community commitment by bringing smiles to participants with a dog-kissing booth where all can receive a smooch by a pooch. Karma Rescue will also bring some of their rescue dogs, as many who are mourning the death of a loved one are often calmed and reassured by the loving companionship of a pet. Jackie Hollander says, “My vision for OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center and Karma Rescue is to have these two wonderful organizations collaborate by uniting people and animals at their most vulnerable times, helping them provide solace and support for each other.” To honor the memory of participant’s pets who have died, all will be able to memorialize them on the Zuma Memorial Wall.

A variety of vendors likely in attendance include: The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, BAI Water, Yelp, New York Life, Trader Joes, YogaWorks, LA Trial Lawyers’ Charities, VI Aesthetics, Nature’s Bakery Bars, Homemade Harvey, and Di Dio’s Italian Ice.

9th Annual Run for Hope In-Memory Walk & 5K Run/Walk

Sunday, April 29, 2018 7:30am-Noon

OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center’s Run for Hope is a day to share grief, loss & love; providing the community with a sense of hope & connection.

Where: West Los Angeles Civic Center & Bandshell 1645 Corinth Ave. LA 90025

Schedule of Events

6:30am: Check-in/Registration/Packet Pickup opens

7:30am In-Memory Walk Sponsored by The Rapaport Family

An intimate ceremony for adults-only led by OUR HOUSE’s Adult Clinical Team where participants have the opportunity to share about their loved one who has died, and listen as others share their stories of grief, hope and healing.

9:00am 5K Run/Walk & Family Fun Run

10:15am: Awards Ceremony

11:00am: Raffle Draw

8:30am- Kid Zone + Festival

12:00pm: Spread the Love. Spread the Hope. #OHRun4Hope #pawsandhands #karmarescue
Registration and Info:

RSVP for Press Credentials, Instructions & More Info

RSVP for Press Credentials, Instructions & More Information

About OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center:

OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center is one of the nation’s most respected organizations for grief support and education. For 25 years, OUR HOUSE has helped thousands of grieving children, teens, and adults as they embark on their journeys to hope and healing following the death of someone close. The safe, warm, and nurturing environment of their Los Angeles centers offer support groups specific to age and relationship. OUR HOUSE is a leading provider of grief education, offering workshops, seminars, and in-service training to mental health and medical professionals, clergy, educators, and other members of the community who interact with bereaved families. The OUR HOUSE grief education program is part of the curricula for students at USC’s Keck and UCLA’s David Geffen Schools of Medicine. To learn more, please visit or call 1.888.417.1444.

About Karma Rescue:
Karma Rescue is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving animals in need by finding them permanent homes and providing the resources for successful companionship. Through education, Karma Rescue instills the critical need for spay/neuter, and offers guidance to strengthen the animal-human bond. Karma Rescue’s vision is to help create a compassionate society, which provides safety, refuge, and protection for all animals.

Tim Wendel is a Washington DC-based author and he joined Janeane 4/9 at 9:00am to talk about his latest book, Cancer Crossings.

Cancer Crossings
A Brother, His Doctors, and the Quest for a Cure to Childhood Leukemia

LISTEN to today's show with Tim Wendel!

When Eric Wendel was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 1966, the survival rate was 10 percent. Today, it is 90 percent. Even as politicians call for a "Cancer Moonshot," this accomplishment remains a pinnacle in cancer research.

The author’s daughter, then a medical student at Georgetown Medical School, told her father about this amazing success story. Tim Wendel soon discovered that many of the doctors at the forefront of this effort cared for his brother at Roswell Park in Buffalo, New York. Wendel went in search of this extraordinary group, interviewing Lucius Sinks, James Holland, Donald Pinkel, and others in the field. If there were a Mount Rushmore for cancer research, they would be on it.

Despite being ostracized by their medical peers, these doctors developed modern-day chemotherapy practices and invented the blood centrifuge machine, helping thousands of children live longer lives. Part family memoir and part medical narrative, Cancer Crossings explores how the Wendel family found the courage to move ahead with their lives. They learned to sail on Lake Ontario, cruising across miles of open water together, even as the campaign against cancer changed their lives forever.

Tim Wendel is a Washington DC-based author, and one of his previous 12 books was a New York Times Review of Books "Editor's Choice." His new book focuses on the Cancer Moonshot and how more money is not the answer--it's focused dedicated individuals with creative scientific license that can make a difference in cancer research today.

Cancer Crossings (Cornell University Press, April 2018) is Tim's personal memoir, the story of the Wendel family and how they were affected by Leukemia when Tim's younger brother went through years of treatment after he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 1966. The book also weaves the history of the medical research and the "Cancer Moonshot" that bumped the cure rate from 10% up to 90% for this type of cancer. Throughout this time, the family played sports together to stay united, such as sailing across Lake Ontario, which is where the book title comes from, as they crossed the shores from NY to Canada.

Upcoming "holidays" tied to this book:

April 7 is World Health Day

April is Cancer Control Month

May is Cancer Research Month

"For as long as I have followed his work, Tim Wendel has always chosen a distinct path of intimate stories within big topics, those subjects revealed by his superb way of getting at the particular. This riveting book is no different. Bravo!"--Ken Burns

"Both informative and compassionate, Wendel's book celebrates his brother's life and serves as a testament to the commitment of doctors who went above and beyond expectations to transform a death sentence into a survivable disease. A sensitive and thoughtful excavation of a painful period in the author's life."-Kirkus Reviews

Tim's work as a journalist researching the doctors who worked with his family decades ago led to how he was able to tie their findings to his personal story in order to share it with the world, and create community for others who have also experienced such loss. His story is a special one, but a universal experience sadly, considering one in three of men and women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with a form of cancer during their lifetime, and nearly 15 million are currently living with cancer. A recent CBS News poll found that more than half of Americans say they or someone else in their immediate family has been diagnosed with cancer at some point.

"I found remarkable in talking with these doctors that a whole lot of money being pumped in doesn't always solve the problem. For example, Nixon signs the war on cancer act in 1971 and it brings in a boatload of money, but it didn't necessarily accelerate the remission and cure rates, which you really need. What you need are limited or a specific number of people who are committed to solving the problem. We make that mistake--throw more money-- when what we need is diligence, expertise, and patience. We're talking about in Leukemia a group of really just 15-20 individuals who made the difference. What I'm trying to say is, "more more more," at least with this disease, doesn't necessarily nail it down. "More" can be money, hospitals, people...but what you really need is the leaders. I focused on 4-5 doctors in my book that in my mind if you put up a Mt. Rushmore of leukemia, they'd be it."- Tim Wendel

Tim Wendel is the author of 13 books, including Summer of '68, Castro's Curveball and High Heat, which was an Editor’s Choice selection by The New York Times Book Review, and his upcoming memoir CANCER CROSSINGS: A Brother, His Doctors and the Quest for a Cure to Childhood Leukemia (Cornell University Press, April 2018). His writing has appeared in Esquire, GQ, Gargoyle, The New York Times, The Washington Post and National Geographic. He's a writer-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University, where he teaches nonfiction and fiction. For more information,

Cancer Crossings zeroes in on the pioneering medical professionals that made finding a Leukemia cure their life's work. But it also has intimate personal vignettes and family themes, with the book itself inspired by Tim's daughter's own medical residency and interest in her long passed away uncle. Throughout their family crucible, the Wendel's placed one another first: They learned to sail on Lake Ontario (crossing back and forth from Buffalo), cruising across miles of open water together, even as the campaign against cancer changed their lives forever.

The relevancy of this beautiful new book cannot be understated; One in three of men and women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with a form of cancer during their lifetime, and nearly 15 million are currently living with cancer. A recent CBS News poll found that more than half of Americans say they or someone else in their immediate family has been diagnosed with cancer at some point.

In an interview Tim will address:

How sportswriting prepared Tim for researching the resiliency of the cancer doctors profiled in this book-- in all his books he features teams of underdogs!

The Wendel family’s resiliency and insistence on normal activity despite the shadow of cancer--their connection to sports (sailing, hockey) helped uphold their morale and kept the family close knit.

The life lessons of the Wendel family (Time is precious, the natural world can amaze, and not to let arguments fester)

The Cancer Moonshot and how more money is not the answer--it's focused dedicated individuals with creative scientific license that can make a difference.

Could the innovative research done in the last century take place today? Many of the experts from the 60’s and 70’s don’t think so. Our medical system has changed in many ways that might prevent the environment in which crucial research was done that eventually led to the cure.

Why Leukemia research pioneers were called “killers,” “poison pushers” and “cowboys.”
They used increasing combinations of chemotherapy drugs and pioneered ways to separate blood into platelets for better deployment against the disease. 

Many in the medical community thought the doctors’ methods were too hard on the children.


When Eric Wendel was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 1966, the survival rate was 10 percent. Today, it is 90 percent. Even as politicians call for a "Cancer Moonshot," this accomplishment remains a pinnacle in cancer research.

The author’s daughter, then a medical student at Georgetown Medical School, told her father about this amazing success story. Tim Wendel soon discovered that many of the doctors at the forefront of this effort cared for his brother at Roswell Park in Buffalo, New York. Wendel went in search of this extraordinary group, interviewing Lucius Sinks, James Holland, Donald Pinkel, and others in the field. If there were a Mount Rushmore for cancer research, they would be on it.

Despite being ostracized by their medical peers, these doctors developed modern-day chemotherapy practices and invented the blood centrifuge machine, helping thousands of children live longer lives.

Tim Wendel has written a gorgeous and compelling new narrative ripe with intimate family moments, personal reflections, and the investigative journalism he is known for, this time with his lens turned on the amazing research and innovation that the doctors who treated his brother employed as they got closer and closer to the cure.

4/9/18 9:15am pst - THE ROUGH PATCH: Marriage and the Art of Living Together by couples therapist and psychologist Daphne de Marneffe, Ph.D.

LISTEN to today's show featuring Daphne de Marneffe, Ph.D.

THE ROUGH PATCH: Marriage and the Art of Living Together by couples therapist and psychologist Daphne de Marneffe, Ph.D. The book explores why marriages today are harder than ever before, but how and why couples can and do prevail through the rough patches. Today couples are trying to make their marriages work better and longer than ever before--for many divorce is only a last resort. And yet, the stresses conspiring against today’s marriages can be overwhelming-- we are living longer, our parents are living longer, and the financial and work/life pressures that couples are trying to bear are more challenging than ever. With The Rough Patch leading clinical psychologist Daphne de Marneffe, PhD, can talk about the challenges confronting today’s couples, and with optimism - how they can and do persevere through them. Daphne de Marneffe is available for interviews: January 22-26. In an interview, she can discuss:

Marriage in American Today – Couples are trying to have closer marriages over longer lives than ever before, and college-educated couples have the lowest divorce rate of all. How are they making it work?

The most common rough patches couples experience (alcohol, affairs, financial pressures), those that are unique to the 21st century, and how couples get through them

Why children are so hard on marriage and the single most important thing you can do to keep romance alive

“More Money, More Problems” – Why the wealthy are not immune to marital rough patches, and why money is such a hot-button issue across the board

Why children are so hard on marriage and the single most important thing you can do to keep romance alive

Daphne de Marneffe’s invaluable tips for working through any rough patch: “Guts” (because being self-aware and responsible for your role in the relationship takes courage), “Get a Life” (because the solution to marital issues is often creating more distance); and the “Golden Ring” - treat the relationship as a creation between you and your partner, where the relationship’s needs are as valuable as the needs of each partner.

Daphne de Marneffe, PhD, is a psychologist and the author of Maternal Desire: On Children, Love, and the Inner Life. In her clinical practice, she offers psychotherapy to couples and individuals. She teaches and lectures widely on marriage, couple therapy, adult development, and parenthood. Her research and scholarly work has been published in psychoanalytic journals. She and her husband have three children and live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

4/3/18 - A comprehensive, natural approach to treating acute and chronic Lyme disease, from a leading naturopathic physician who has managed his symptoms for more than fifteen years.Dr. Darin Ingels offers a thorough, holistic approach to treating this rampant disease.


Author of


A 5-Part Plan to Fight the Inflammatory

Auto-Immune Response and Beat Lyme DiseaseAccording to the CDC, over 300,000 cases of Lyme are reported every year in the United States, and it is one of the fastest-growing infectious diseases in the U.S. and Western Europe. Millions suffer from Lyme worldwide, and countless more have Lyme but don’t know it. THE LYME SOLUTION by Dr. Darin Ingels offers a thorough, holistic approach to treating this rampant disease. Unlike any other book on the market, Dr. Ingels not only focuses on the Lyme infection, he explores the chronic, inflammatory autoimmune response that Lyme triggers. As a result, the body is on high alert for too long. His plan bolsters patients’ faltering immune systems and assists them in recuperating from poor health.

THE LYME SOLUTION is a straightforward guide to how people with Lyme disease can advocate for their own health and use innovative treatments to maintain wellness. This book can help doctors and patients use the least invasive ways to facilitate treatment. By following his plan, patients can become even stronger than they were before the Lyme and better equipped to manage recurring symptoms.

In an interview, Dr. Ingels will discuss:

· Why Lyme is an autoimmune disease as much as an infection

· Why Lyme testing is so problematic

· Why long-term antibiotics often fail

· How Lyme mimics other illnesses and what to look out for

· The natural ways to treat Lyme

· The best diet for those suffering from Lyme

· The most effective exercise regime for those who have Lyme

· Kinds of herbs—not antibiotics—that help treat Lyme

· How to overcome chronic, debilitating symptoms of Lyme

· How to get better sleep when you have Lyme

· How parents can limit children’s risk of acquiring Lyme

· Ways parents can help children who have Lyme

Lyme Disease by the Numbers:

· 300,000 people are diagnosed with Lyme disease in the U.S. each year, but only 10% of those cases are reported to the CDC

· 3x increase in reported cases of Lyme disease since the 90s

· 823,000 Google searches per month for Lyme disease. Interest in the topic, particularly in the summer months, has steadily increased over time.

· 95% of reported cases of Lyme disease in 2015 came from the following states:

o Connecticut

o Delaware

o Maine

o Maryland

o Massachusetts

o Minnesota

o New Hampshire

o New Jersey

o New York

o Pennsylvania

o Rhode Island

o Vermont

o Virginia

o Washington


Facebook: @lymeexpertND


Darin Ingels, ND, FAAEM, is a respected leader in natural medicine with numerous publications, international lectures, and more than twenty-six years of experience in the healthcare field. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in medical technology from Purdue University and his doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. He has worked as a clinical microbiologist/immunologist at Lutheran General Hospital, and is board-certified in Integrative Pediatrics. He is also a candidate for fellowship with the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. His practice focuses on chronic immune disorders, including Lyme disease, autism, allergies, asthma, recurrent or persistent infections, and other immune problems. Dr. Ingels uses diet, nutrients, herbs, homeopathy, and immunotherapy to help his patients achieve better health.

Director Nico Santucci joins host Janeane to talk about SAROGETO, a film making waves in over 12 International Film Festivals. The film features two female Asian protagonists and is a showcase of resilience, courage, and determination.

Click to listen to today's show featuring Nico Santucci Living an idyllic life she never felt entitled to, Grace is suddenly faced with ...