Sunday, August 25, 2019

8/26 at 9:30am pst - Amanda Anderson joined Janeane to talk about her new book, All My Friends Have Issues: Building Remarkable Relationships with Imperfect People (Like Me)

LISTEN to today's featured
conversation with Amanda Anderson

Why is it so challenging to create and keep meaningful friendships?

Amanda Anderson provides the wise and witty answers, giving practical advice and sharing personal stories to guide us toward the kinds of friendships we long for. Blending faith-based insights and psychological truths, All My Friends Have Issues is a liberating guide to finding and becoming an authentic and encouraging friend.

“Anderson becomes the friend we’ve always needed and, in the process, helps us become a better friend.”

—Elisa Morgan, president emerita of MOPS International, speaker, and author of The Beauty of Broken

“Be ready to laugh and then to learn as Amanda shares her weaknesses and foibles in her relationships with herself and her friends.”

—David Stoop, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of You Are What You Think

“A captivating and often hilarious book.”

—Milan and Kay Yerkovich, authors of How We Love and How We Love Our Kids

“Fun and informative. . . . A book I highly recommend!”

—Debbie Alsdorf, speaker and author of It’s Momplicated and The Faith Dare

“Warm, funny, authentic, and relatable.”

—Vivian Mabuni, speaker and author of Open Hands, Willing Heart

About Amanda
I'm an author, speaker, blogger, freelance journalist and former editor at Coast and Coast Kids Magazine in Newport Beach, CA. I'm also a mother, wife, quilter, friend, and regular guest on New Life Live radio program. You can find my mission statement, abridged life story and speaking topics on

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