Sunday, October 27, 2019

10/28/19 @9:45am pst - Selene Calloni Williams - Using Ancient Secret Practices of Shamanic Yoga to Transform Your Life!

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Can the ancient practices of Shamanic Yoga transform unhealthy behaviors to create an empowered life?

Hidden at the heart of nearly all spiritual and esoteric traditions lies the powerful teachings of The Mother Mantra. Its initiates have preserved its consciousness-expanding techniques for millennia. Originating in the ancient practice of shamanic yoga, this tradition allows us to perceive the full complexity of reality.

It helps us see both the visible and the invisible, moving beyond the consciousness of duality that limits us to only the material world. Operating in this heightened state of non-ordinary consciousness, we can see beyond our subconscious programming and behavior patterns and understand our possibilities and powers. By removing all fear, it allows you to love yourself exactly as you are.

Selene Calloni Williams, with a degree in psychology and master’s in screenwriting, has authored several books and documentaries on psychology, deep ecology, shamanism, yoga, philosophy, and anthropology. A direct student of James Hillman, she studied and practiced Buddhist meditation in the hermitages of the forests of Sri Lanka, and is an initiate of Shamanic Tantric Yoga. She is the Founder and Director of the Imaginal Academy Institute in Switzerland, where she hosts workshops in the Alps.

Some topics that Selene speaks on:

Explore the origins of The Mother Mantra
Learn about the ancient secret practices of shamanic yoga
Discover how nature brings us in harmony with our true selves
Learn how survival instinct plays a part in the evolution of consciousness
Learn how the Great Image plays a part in our spiritual development
Understanding and using the four movements of the Mother Mantra
How often would we do our spiritual practices
Tips on poses to channel energy for ultimate release & expression
Insights on the Spiritual Revolution and how it's impact on humanity
Tools for transforming subconscious negative beliefs and fears
Empowerment tips for living your highest life possible

The Mother Mantra: The Ancient Shamanic Yoga of Non-Duality by International best-selling author Selene Calloini Williams, is the initiate’s guide to the healing practices, spiritual exercises, and ancient secret rites of the Mother Mantra tradition.

Publisher: Inner Traditions /
Bear & Co. (January 8, 2019)
ISBN-13: 978-1620557921

Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and all Indie bookstores.

Selene is having her book featured in Spirituality & Health Magazine (print & online) next moth, she is also traveling from Switzerland to be a guest speaker at the Science & NonDuality Conference. ( in San Jose toward the end of this month, followed by a book signing and workshop at East West Bookstore on November 1 & 2.

Coming up 10/16 at 9:30am - UCI Alum and Director Joe Wein, talks about his latest film - 76 Days Adrift, premiering at The Newport Beach Film Festival. The gripping documentary from executive producer Ang Lee