Monday, November 23, 2020

Greg, aka Fast Eddie, a Total Control Instructor, shares his vision to inspire motorcycle riders to wear full gear, take courses, and practice in order to reduce crashes on public roads.

My vision is to inspire riders to wear full gear, take courses, and practice in order to reduce crashes on public roads. I'm accomplishing this vision by sharing the insights I've acquired as a Total Control Instructor, attending 22 motorcycle courses, and riding over 200,000 miles since 2013. 

I spent 11 years in the Marines before becoming a Total Control Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Riding Clinic Instructor. I have a BA in Psychology, MA in Human Behavior, and a MS in Forensic Science. I’ve created over 200 motorcycle videos available on YouTube where you can find information on cornering, managing your fear, advice for new riders, low-speed control, and much more!

After 11 years in the Marines with 2 deployments in Iraq and becoming an instructor of drill instructors, Greg left the military to chart a new course in his life. What followed was the pursuit of his enjoyment of motorcycle riding, combined with his passion for teaching.

He became an MSF RiderCoach & a Total Control Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Riding Clinic Instructor, and personally attended 22 different motorcycle courses. While teaching, one of the questions he heard the most from students was "what should I practice in-between courses?"

With that, Greg conceived the MotoJitsu system, inspired by martial arts, and designed to help street riders become more proficient and confident in their daily riding. After suffering his own serious accident early in his riding career, Greg is a passionate advocate for riders to wear full gear, take advanced courses, and to practice skills that could help save their lives on public roads.

Practicing what he preaches, Greg meets with fellow riders in quiet parking lots, twisty mountain roads, and local tracks helping others master their skills.

Greg has created hundreds of educational motorcycle videos available on his YouTube channel, which has over 184,000 subscribers.

Find videos and more at

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