Angela Howard, on her debut memoir, Sin Child (March 31, 2021). Angela’s story is one of tragedy and loss that left her suffering from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), a type of PTSD. Despite her traumatic upbringing, Angela was able to catapult herself into a life of advocacy for herself and others experiencing ACE and PTSD, and continues to utilize her platform through her writing.
Angela talks about:
Adverse Childhood Experiences, and the meaning of ACE scores
The correlation between childhood abuse and PTSD
Her experiences as a nurse and psychiatric nurse
The need victims feel to forgive or “put things right” with their abusers
The term “sin child,” which her estranged, conservative Mennonite family members use to describe children born out of wedlock

Angela talks about:
Adverse Childhood Experiences, and the meaning of ACE scores
The correlation between childhood abuse and PTSD
Her experiences as a nurse and psychiatric nurse
The need victims feel to forgive or “put things right” with their abusers
The term “sin child,” which her estranged, conservative Mennonite family members use to describe children born out of wedlock
Sin Child is the personal account of a strong-minded child who endured a daily struggle to find the smallest amount of acceptance and, many times, a place to fall asleep at night. Angela came to accept loss, abuse, and organized crime as a natural part of her life. The innocence and nostalgia of a one-traffic-light town fades too fast for the cotton-top child with a neglectful, angry mother and an absent father. The AIDS epidemic and simple abandonment repeatedly robbed her of friends and loved ones. A riveting memoir, Sin Child tells the story of childhood trauma and abandonment, alongside a narrative of grit and determination.
Angela Howard is a first-time author and the founder of PTSD-ACED Foundation, Inc. Angela is a registered nurse and has worked in the medical field for the past 20 years. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and certifications in Life Care Planning and Medical Case Management. She is highly impacted by the adverse effects of PTSD secondary to ACEs. She herself has overcome extreme adverse childhood experiences with the highest ACE score of 10. Angela’s health has been adversely affected as she suffers from multiple autoimmune disorders. Angela’s desire is to bring increased awareness of ACEs by educating those affected and individuals in medical and educational fields.
Angela Howard is a first-time author and the founder of PTSD-ACED Foundation, Inc. Angela is a registered nurse and has worked in the medical field for the past 20 years. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and certifications in Life Care Planning and Medical Case Management. She is highly impacted by the adverse effects of PTSD secondary to ACEs. She herself has overcome extreme adverse childhood experiences with the highest ACE score of 10. Angela’s health has been adversely affected as she suffers from multiple autoimmune disorders. Angela’s desire is to bring increased awareness of ACEs by educating those affected and individuals in medical and educational fields.