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About Jamie

I once built an iOS app that was downloaded over 100,000 times in the first week and a half. I was on CNN for creating a viral website called Twitter Should Hire Me (they didn’t hire me). I co-created an online branding course called Brandgasm 101 with copywriter and creative genius Ash Ambirge. I also co-created a program called UNLOST with Paul Jarvis to help other creatives get out of their own way and do the damn work they want to do. From May 2014-May 2015, I was an Editorial Advocate and Senior Writer for Thought Catalog where my writing was read by over 21 million people in just a year. I wrote a post called This Is How We Date Now which was read by 10 million people and was turned into a short film by a group of students in the UK. In July of 2015, I was signed to Folio Literary Management.
Currently, I do graphic design, freelance writing, and creative consulting. I write all sorts of things on Instagram, as well as handwritten tough love notes. I am in the process of developing a nonfiction book of essays. I publish my writing on Medium frequently. I tweet, too. I also write posts on Facebook.
Most importantly, I am always in the process of rewatching FRIENDS.
Get in Touch
You can contact me by emailing jamie@jamievaron.com.
You can contact me by emailing jamie@jamievaron.com.
Darken the Page — The Anchor of Your Conviction, Freelancing and Marrying Commerce and Art (podcast)
CliffCentral — Guest on #Kellman (#1 online radio show in South Africa)
CliffCentral — Does validation really matter?: radio interview with Arye Kellman
Cheers, Stomps & Whistles — Vulnerability, art, and comedy (podcast)
Real Talk Radio — Jamie Varon on Trusting Yourself and The Power of Taking Risks (podcast)
Unmistakable Creative — Getting to the Heart of What You Want to Say with Jamie Varon (podcast)
Now What Did We Learn — Self-Acceptance with Jamie Varon (podcast)
Interpretive reading of This Is How We Date Now on YouTube by Raining Silver
Love Right Now — a short film created by students at the University of Portsmouth based off This Is How We Date Now. This was also screened at BFI Southbank London.
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