Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change Turn Angst into Action by Harriet Shugarman

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Our children are becoming increasingly depressed with the world around us, and Harriet Shugarman – Executive Director of ClimateMama, professor of Global Climate Change Policy and World Sustainability, and Chair of the Climate Reality Project (NYC), helps parents explain the climate crisis to their kids, overcome overwhelming fear, and find hope to galvanize positive action.

Here's a recent article about Covid & Climate change and a list of pieces about Shugarman:

How to support your children in turning climate angst into climate action Open Democracy

How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change Without Scaring Them Global News

Why the Peoples Climate March Mattered Climate Reality

One Community at a Time Boulder Weekly

Why I March, Building Climate Hope, ClimateMama

Action, Hope and Optimism, Climate Change, Global Moms Challenge

Moms Matter in the Fight Against Climate Change The White House

From Mother to ClimateMama Climate Reality

The Climate Change Revolution Begins with You MSNBC

2020 #NYCclimatehero, The Human Impacts Institute

Building grit and hope in the face of the climate emergency

In her illuminating new book How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change, Harriet Shugarman provides a comprehensive description of the climate crisis, how to communicate it to the children in your life, and how you can work together to be part of its solutions. It’s work like this book that makes me so incredibly inspired by, and proud of, our global network of Climate Reality Leaders.--Al Gore

With catastrophic global warming already baked into the climate system, today's children face a future entirely unlike that of their parents. How can we maintain hope and make a difference in the face of overwhelming evidence of the climate crisis?

Help is at hand from a reliable expert and one of the most trusted advisors to parents, Harriet Shugarman – Executive Director of ClimateMama, professor of Global Climate Change Policy and World Sustainability, and Chair of the Climate Reality Project. How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change provides tools and strategies for parents to explain the climate emergency to their children and galvanize positive action. Coverage includes:

The unvarnished realities of the climate emergency, where we are at, and how we got here

Strategies for talking to kids of different ages about the climate crisis, including advice from engaged parents on the ground

How to maintain our own hope, and that of our children

A list of practical actions families can take to tackle the climate change crisis

Ideas for helping children follow their passions in pursuit of a livable, just, and sustainable world.

A lifeline for parents who are feeling overwhelmed with fear and grief, this book provides both hope and practical ways to engage children in pursuit of a better world that is still possible.

Harriet Shugarman is Executive Director of ClimateMama, professor of Global Climate Change Policy and World Sustainability, and Chair of the Climate Reality Project, NYC Metro Chapter. She is a nationally recognized influencer, connector, and trusted messenger for parents on solutions to our climate crisis. A recipient of the prestigious Climate Reality Green Ring Award and praised by Al Gore as “an outstanding Climate Reality Leader who has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to her role as a climate communicator and activist.”

How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change/ 192 pages/PB 6x9”/978-0-86571-936-1/May 2020


In her illuminating new book How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change, Harriet Shugarman provides a comprehensive description of the climate crisis, how to communicate it to the children in your life, and how you can work together to be part of its solutions. It’s work like this book that makes me so incredibly inspired by, and proud of, our global network of Climate Reality Leaders.

---Al Gore

With all the love and wisdom of a true mother, Harriet takes you by the hand and fearlessly leads you to face the stark truth about climate change. Once there she doesn’t let go, but rather uses that love to encourage us to step forward and become part of the solution. Harriet’s vast experience, knowledge, and care for our planet and our humanity, vibrates through every page, giving us all the tools we need to arm ourselves and our children who are literally facing the fight for their future.

---Linus Roache, Golden Globe-nominated actor, and climate activist

This book is essential reading. As the global climate emergency imperils our present and future lives, climate education is vitally important. Read this insightful guide to why and how we can “talk climate” with kids!

---Raffi Cavoukian, C.M., O.B.C., singer, author, Raffi Foundation for Child Honouring

Raising kids in a world made uncertain by climate change is a challenging task. Read Harriet Shugarman’s book, How to Talk to Your Kids about Climate Change, to learn how we can speak to our children about climate change in a way that conveys urgency but maintains agency in the battle to preserve a hospitable future for us and them.

---Michael E. Mann, distinguished Professor, Penn State University, co-author, The Madhouse Effect

How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change is a precious and necessary book delivered at the perfect moment. Harriet Shugarman skillfully guides us through this most perilous time by helping us to look squarely at the climate crisis while simultaneously showing us how to navigate through the fire. Her words are all at once fierce and soothing, responding to many questions parents around the world seek to answer as their children look them in the eye.

---Osprey Orielle Lake, Executive Director, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International

This book will sustain you in your commitment to protect, empower and support your children to act at this defining moment of our planetary history. Indeed, taking action, together as a family, is the antidote to fear and demoralization.

---Lynne Cherry, founder, Young Voices for the Planet, producer, Young Voices for the Planet films, author and Illustrator, The Great Kapok Tree, A River Ran Wild, co-author, How We Know What We Know About Our Changing Climate

As a mother, How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change lifts up my spirit, at the same time as it reminds me that our children are demanding the truth about our climate emergency, and that they are looking to us to help them understand the realities we are facing and the role they can play. Harriet Shugarman has written a must-read guide for parents at all stages of climate knowledge. I trust her to help me find new ways to talk to my children, to tell them the truth, and to empower them to move forward in positive ways. You should too! After reading this book, when your kids ask you about the climate crisis and what they can do about it, you will know what to say.

---Maya van Rossum, Leader, the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Founder, the national Green Amendment For The Generations movement, author, The Green Amendment

Harriet is an iconic leader and founding member of the climate and parenting nexus. Her book expertly navigates the complexities of climate science, solutions, and the emotions that come with facing our global climate crisis. Parents and non-parents alike will greatly benefit from Harriet's personal journey exploring the hopes, fears, and realities of the state of our planet.

---Tara DePorte, Founder, The Human Impacts Institute

Shugarman reminds us that we can't know how it will all turn out. Yet, we can find ways of not being alone and ways to navigate this climate emergency. There are steps parents can take to cope, and more importantly, cultivate perseverance in their children.

---Lindsay Coulter, David Suzuki's Queen of Green

From the brutal realities of the mounting threat of climate disruption comes this extraordinary work – brilliantly conceived and full of the inspiring messages we all need to hear in these fateful times. How to Talk to your Kids about Climate Change acknowledges our vulnerability – but expertly redirects us to the connections we must make with Mother Earth to restore her life-giving bounty. Sustaining the resolve to do this requires steely commitment to the job ahead – and to infusing the effort with purpose, love, and authenticity. Harriet has brought us a clear-eyed plan to navigate the journey. Keep this guide at your side — in her hands even the most treacherous shoals can become opportunities.

---Lise Van Susteren, M.D. Board Certified: General and Forensic Psychiatry

With five grandsons, I appreciate Harriet Shugarman's honest and sensitive advice to parents and grandparents. Harriet has led the way outreaching to parents. We must unite to end carbon pollution while helping our children prepare for the changes already baked into the climate system. Harriet shows the way.

---Larry J. Schweiger, author, Climate Crisis and Corrupt Politics and Last Chance, former President National Wildlife Federation


Sunday, May 24, 2020

May 25, 2020 at 9:30am pst - Bestselling & Award-winning Author / Screenwriter / Speaker Ann Crawford explores the meaning of life with humor and heart. She joins Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm

Ann is an award-winning author whose fiction focuses a compassionate eye on the lives and experiences of women from all walks of life yet sparks with humor and life.

Speaker, filmmaker and award-winning author Ann Crawford’s books are filled with humor and hope as she examines the beauty of being alive. Her books often embrace the spiritual and metaphysical as she embraces the meaning of life and love, and her most recent title is no different. Exploring the pressures of life in the lime-light, Life in the Hollywood Lane intermingles bouts of bereavement and incredible depth with quirky, funny, aha and LOL moments.

Ann will discuss:

  • Making her books as profound as they are funny
  • Maintaining optimism in tough times (especially now)
  • How she finds beauty and humor in everyday life and shares it with her readers
  • The inspiration behind Life in the Hollywood Lane, and her experience in talent management
  • Doing stand-up comedy and improv, and how that has influenced her writing
  • Her previous titles and being an award-winning author who has topped the Amazon bestseller list
  • Her approach to writing different genres, and how she challenges genre standards by pulling different elements into one title

What she’s working on now

Her most recent title Life the Hollywood Lane follows Trish, an LA actor, bereft after her best friend commits suicide. Glamorous yet tough-as-nails Hollywood is Trish's backdrop and a reflection of her life as she stumbles on through an actor's life of casting calls and premieres, rejection and acceptance. This story comes from Ann's own personal experience as a talent manager and her trademark optimism for life and love shine through in this inspiring story, which I thought would really appeal to your listeners.

Ann Crawford is a fun-loving, world-traveling, high-flying, deep-diving, and living-to-the-max author of ten books. She’s also a screenwriter and award-winning filmmaker and humanitarian. She’s lived “Oh, all over,” having gone from one shining sea to the other, then to the prairie, then to the mountain. Right now her writing nest looks out on a couple of those purple mountain majesties, as she and her family live in Colorado. Crawford is a #1 Amazon bestselling and multiple-award-winning author whose novels go as high and deep as she does—they’re profound yet funny; playful although poignant; heart-opening and heart-lifting; thought-provoking and inspiring; and edgy while universal. Readers often say the worst part about her books is that they end.

May 25, 2020 at 9:00am pst - Joe Murray - Artist, Animated Series Creator, Author joins Janeane from Belgium

Joe Murray 

Artist, Animated Series Creator, Author 

Joe Murray is an award-winning artist, animator and book author. He is the creator and executive producer behind the new PBS Series Let’s Go Luna through 9 Story Media, the animated series Camp Lazlo on Cartoon Network, and the groundbreaking 90’s Nickelodeon series Rocko’s Modern Life, for which he recently completed an hour special “Static Cling” currently streaming on Netflix. In addition to animation, Murray is a 3-time author, illustrator of books, and teacher of master classes.

Hailing from San Jose, California, Murray has a combined experience of creating, directing, writing and producing over 120 hours of television. His work has garnered him two Primetime Emmy Awards, as well as a host of international television awards and Parents Choice Gold Awards.

He is also an award-winning independent filmmaker, with his animated films showing at Sundance, Annecy, Ottawa and other prestigious festivals.

Murray resides in Belgium, where he runs Joe Murray Studios/Los Angeles, and Garden Box Entertainment/Europe.

Joe Murray | Executive Producer/Content Director

Sunday, May 17, 2020

5/18/20 - Author and Instructional Coach, Valerie Bolling, joined Janeane to discuss her debut picture book, Let's Dance!

LISTEN to today's show!

Let’s Dance! (Boyds Mills & Kane) is Valerie Bolling’s debut picture book. In addition to being an author, Valerie has been an educator for over 25 years. When she taught elementary students, it was difficult to find diverse literature for them. Thus, she is passionate about creating stories in which all children can see themselves and feel valued and heard.

A graduate of Tufts University and Columbia University, Teachers College, Valerie currently works as an Instructional Coach with middle and high school teachers.

Besides writing picture books, Valerie writes a Monthly Memo for teachers that she publishes on Twitter, and she has been published in The National Writing Project’s Quarterly (“The Family Writing Project Builds a Learning Community in Connecticut”) and NESCBWI News (“Microaggressions Don’t Feel ‘Micro’”). Recently, she had a poem accepted for publication by Cricket Media. 

Valerie is a member of NCTE, SCBWI, the NESCBWI Equity and Inclusion Committee, the Authors Guild, the WNDB Mentorship Program, #12X12PB, 2020 Diverse Debuts, 20/20 Vision Picture Books, and a picture book critique group.

Valerie and her husband live in Connecticut and enjoy traveling, hiking, reading, going to the theater, and dancing.

Monday 5/18/20, Google's #1 Stress Relief Expert, Award Winning Author, HRD Trainer and Certified Executive and Life Coach - Lauren E Miller, M.Ed, CSC, PCC joined Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm


Early in life, Lauren developed a fascination with the mechanisms that cause people to rise or fall when faced with critical challenges. As she was watching from the outside in, she couldn’t have known she would face her own test in the future. When Lauren was diagnosed with advanced cancer one week prior to her final divorce court date with 3 young children, in 2006 she had the opportunity to personally test the theories she had learned while pursuing an education in Adult Education, HRD and psychology. 

In the Colorado State Championship for the World Tae Kwon Do Federation, she was knocked out in the ring. She came back and won the silver medal. Several years later she was in the ring fighting for her life. She has a love for education and sees the value in it for the field she is in yet claims that the boots on the ground experience of going through two of life’s top stressors at the same time gave her the ultimate training needed to champion people into personal excellence in life.

Lauren received her BS degree from CU Boulder in Journalism/Psychology; postgraduate in Education; She holds a Master of Education in Adult Education Degree and a Certification in Human Resource Development from Rutgers University; 2nddegree black belt from the World Wide Tae Kwon Do Federation; Certified Sherpa Executive Coach and ICF-PCC from the International Coach Federation; NLP/EFT Master Practitioner (two energy psychology modalities that result in profound positive behavioral transformation).

Lauren is a member of the Association for Talent Development (ATD), Kappa Delta Pi, International Honors Society in Education and serves on the board of The Women of Global Change.

Lauren has received National and International recognition including Ladies Home Journal; Redbook; Ladies Home Journal; Family Circle; Success Magazine; CSNBC; MSNBC; Lifetime; Discovery and the International Journal of Healing and Care.

Lauren E Miller, has a Masters in Adult Education with a Certification in Human Resources Development. She has personally conquered two of life's top stressors at the same time, advanced cancer and divorce. Now Google's #1 Stress Relief Expert, Award Winning Author, HRD Trainer and Certified Executive and Life Coach, Lauren facilitates process driven programs with structure, guidance, support and accountability designed to create positive change in behavior resulting in positive impact on business (IOB) and life purpose.

Published Author

Lauren is an International Award-Winning Best-Selling Author. Some of her books include:

Sherpa Executive Presence Book: Relationships

Stop Letting the World Be the Boss of You!

5 Minutes to Stress Relief

99 Things You Want to Know Before Stressing Out!

Hearing His Whisper

Professional Experience: Managing Partner of Grab and Go Stress Solutions, LLC Lauren has over 15 years of experience, creating and facilitating human resources development trainings/seminars and executive coaching programs for individuals and teams of fortune 500 companies. She is a contributing writer for Colorado Biz Magazine and HR.com’s Leadership & Personal Excellence & Wellness Magazines.

Personal Data: With 20 years of volunteer work in adult and youth ministry and co-creator of the EdgeGodIn.com podcast ministries. Lauren is an active participant with Compassion International and has sponsored several children for over a decade along with ministering to the homeless. As a conqueror of two of life’s top stressors at the same time: advanced cancer and divorce, Lauren is grateful for the gift of each new day. Residing in Colorado, Lauren enjoys living life to the fullest with her husband, three children and her first grandchild along with dancing; fly fishing; camping; hiking; Colorado sunsets and laughter.

Coming up May 18, 2020! Raina Telgemeier, author and illustrator of the graphic novels Smile, Drama, Sisters, and Ghosts, all #1 New York Times bestsellers

LISTEN to today's show!

Raina Telgemeier is the author and illustrator of the graphic novels Smile, Drama, Sisters, and Ghosts, all #1 New York Times bestsellers. She also adapted and illustrated four graphic novel versions of Ann M. Martin’s Baby-sitters Club series, and has contributed short stories to many anthologies. Raina’s accolades include three Eisner Awards, a Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor, a Stonewall Honor, and many Best-of and Notables lists. Raina lives and works in San Francisco, CA.

Raina is represented by Judith Hansen of Hansen Literary Agency


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Coming up in May! Author, filmmaker, and humanitarian, Ann Crawford chats with Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm

Author, filmmaker, and humanitarian, Ann Crawford. Ann is an award-winning author whose fiction focuses a compassionate eye on the lives and experiences of women from all walks of life yet sparks with humor and life.

In an interview, Ann will discuss:

Making her books as profound as they are funny

Maintaining optimism in tough times (especially now)

How she finds beauty and humor in everyday life and shares it with her readers

The inspiration behind Life in the Hollywood Lane, and her experience in talent management

Doing stand-up comedy and improv, and how that has influenced her writing

Her previous titles and being an award-winning author who has topped the Amazon bestseller list

Her approach to writing different genres, and how she challenges genre standards by pulling different elements into one title

What she’s working on now

Her most recent title Life the Hollywood Lane follows Trish, an LA actor, bereft after her best friend commits suicide. Glamorous yet tough-as-nails Hollywood is Trish's backdrop and a reflection of her life as she stumbles on through an actor's life of casting calls and premieres, rejection and acceptance. This story comes from Ann's own personal experience as a talent manager and her trademark optimism for life and love shine through in this inspiring story.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

5/6/20 - Patricia Bunin - columnist, author, and writer speaks with host Janeane Bernstein

Patricia Bunin joins Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm

Altadena writer Patricia Bunin loves to tell stories. Her Senior Moments column appears weekly in the LA Daily News, Orange County Register and other papers of the Southern California Newspaper Group. Her work has been honored by the Los Angeles Press Club and she is a recipient of a National Endowment of the Arts grant for poetry. She is the author of the books, "Password:SeniorMoment," and "Do You Think We Could Have Made It? and other love poems for the separated and divorced."

Patricia writes about life moments, the little, and bigger, moments that define our lives. Her openness of sharing her own stories have resonated and endeared her to readers of all ages.

A breast cancer survivor, excerpts from her own journal were published in the Pasadena Star-News and converted into a brochure for patients at The USC/Norris Cancer Center in Los Angeles. She is the creator of breastbuddy.net a free support website for women. .

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

TODAY 5/5/20 - Janeane spoke with two team members of the winning MIT COVID19 CHALLENGE! Shefik and Lisa Diamond, MD will talk about the MIT COVID hackathon's one unique idea: how to support healthcare workers fighting COVID-19 in the face of stress, burnout and mental health issues, and share details of their winning project.

The MIT COVID-19 Challenge
Massachusetts Institute of Technology is hosting a series of challenges to empower participants to take action on the COVID-19 crisis. The third challenge in the series, MIT COVID-19 Challenge: Africa Takes on COVID-19, was held on May 1-3, 2020, and Shefik was invited to be a participant. There were over 1,000 participants, and 180+ teams and solutions were formed by members from 106 countries.

LISTEN to Janeane's conversation
with Shefik and Lisa Diamond, MD


Shefik's team developed a project titled "CoWell". As Technical Lead of the project from the United States, Shefik is proud to announce that his team's project was named a winning project.

Shefik’s team won, not only because they developed an amazing project that the judges were thrilled about, but also because they came together as one for a common cause to help humanity on a scalable level. It did not matter that they were from 7 different countries. What mattered above all was their compassion and their immediate and absolute respect for one another.

Shefik’s team members were Amina Ighoud (Business & Marketing Consultant, Algeria); Bhanu Prathap (UX/Graphic Designer, India); Chandni Patel (Medical Student, Kenya); Lisa Diamond, MD (Medical Writer, South Africa); Manuel Acquisti (Business Management, Italy); and Michael De Biasio (Biomedical Engineer, Canada).



Celebrating over 20 years in the entertainment and technology industries, Shefik is an accomplished industry insider, who has appeared on MTV, SiriusXM, PBS, BET, network television, and in print media, as well as internationally on TRT World (Turkey). He has held senior-level positions at many Fortune 500 companies and celebrated brands, including IBM, NBCUniversal, MTV World, Merck, Merriam-Webster, and Wolters Kluwer. A seasoned pro in social media with a career background as a Lead Architect and Senior Web Developer, Shefik is on the cutting edge of new media, as he currently serves as a Technical Lead at NBC Sports, as well as an Official Member of the Forbes Technology Council. 

As a videographer and producer, his work has been featured in television broadcasts and video productions for TIME magazine (where he also served as Technical Producer), The Washington Center, "Unsung" (TV One), Broadway World, and a major television station in New York City. Additionally, his photography has been featured in print and online publications, such as Daily Mail (United Kingdom), Harvard Kennedy School Magazine, Playbill, and China Press, as well as over 100 other websites in China. He is currently the Executive Producer and Host of the nationally syndicated radio show "Shefik presents Invocation" (https://invocation.co), which is broadcast on 23 terrestrial radio stations and frequencies throughout the United States, as well as the internationally syndicated video series of the same name via Amazon and other notable outlets. The radio show currently has a total of over half a million dedicated listeners per month.

Portfolio: http://shefik.info
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shefik
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shefik_info
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ShefikPresentsInvocation
Shefik presents Invocation: http://invocation.co


Lisa Diamond, MD is a South African Medical Doctor, Medical Advisor and Medical Writer.

Lisa trained and worked across urban and rural hospitals in South Africa before moving on to a career as a Medical Writer and Medical Advisor in 2012. She has worked for health, pharmaceutical, insurance, communications and wellness companies in Africa, North America and Europe. Lisa provided medical advice on over 11,000 medical cases between 2014 and 2018.

She has written over 400 medical and science articles for a variety of audiences across the globe, and co-run 2 international medical advisory boards.

Lisa entered the MIT COVID hackathon with one unique idea: how to support healthcare workers fighting COVID-19 in the face of stress, burnout and mental health issues.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

5/4/20 - Mitch Schneider talks about his debut book, Misfire: What To Do When Things Aren't Running On All Cylinders. Great lessons right now!


The car screeched to a stop next to the guard rail, rocks, and dirt tumbling into the canyon below. Kurt was trying to escape his life and his business... and he almost succeeded. Then, a chance encounter led him to a unique auto repair shop and its wise owner who challenged Kurt’s view of reality.


Misfire is a remarkable journey that begins when a broken car and a broken contractor pull into the most unconventional auto repair shop imaginable. It mixes a lifetime of learning into a suite of principles that can be tailored to any small business, including:

How to create profit in advance, rather than hope it will magically appear later on
How to replace anxiety and frustration with mindfulness and flexibility
How unconventional thinking can transform your business and your life

The story of Misfire demonstrates how Eastern philosophy and Western pragmatism can reshape your business, your family, and your very soul. It’s for any entrepreneur who has felt that something is missing, something isn’t running on all cylinders, and that the right answer lays just out of reach. The key to what’s missing is found within these pages.

Author Mitch Schneider is an entrepreneur, master technician, martial artist, and trade journalist. This is his first novel.

From the Author:

Misfire may be different from any other book you have ever encountered.

Like me -- a stem cell/bone marrow transplant patient with both my donor's DNA and my own -- it is a chimera. It is the story of Kurt Kerrigan, a small business owner whose life is spiraling down out of control, and his chance encounter with most unusual of auto repair shops.

There, Kurt's exposure to Eastern philosophy, martial arts and real-world business tools set him on a profoundly different course.

These are real-world management tools and lessons gleaned from 50-plus years of small business experience, operation, and ownership, gently interspersed throughout the pages of a compelling story about people and situations you will surely recognize and can truly relate to.

I am sure you will enjoy Misfire: What to Do When Things Aren't Running on All Cylinders, almost as much as I enjoyed writing it and hope you will share information about its valuable content with everyone you know.

Author Mitch Schneider is an entrepreneur, master technician, martial artist, and trade journalist. This is his first novel.

Get to know host Janeane Bernstein - thanks to host Barbara DeMarco-Barrett for this spotlight on KUCI 88.9fm

  Host spotlight by  Barbara DeMarco-Barrett former host of Writers on Writing, Wednesdays at 9 a.m., and a contributor to  USA Noir: Best o...