Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Emily A. Francis is a highly sought-after speaker, bestselling author, and wellness expert. She shares her new book, Healing Ourselves Whole

Healing Ourselves Whole: 
An Interactive Guide to Release Pain and Trauma by Utilizing the Wisdom of the Body

Publisher: HCI, distributed by
Simon & Schuster
Release Date: May 11th, 2021

Your Body is Speaking to You, It's Time to Learn the Language to Answer!

Discover what your body is trying to tell you about reaching your highest health! Healing Ourselves Whole gives you the tools needed to clean your emotional house from top to bottom. This groundbreaking process contains meditations and exercises that will help you dig deep into past trauma to discover when and how it took root, but most importantly how to release it!

Get in touch with various parts of the physical and energy body, and learn how identify, and let go of stored traumas while rediscovering the deeply held happiness that is also stored within your body. From this empowering space, you will learn to live from a new mindful way of being.

As a trained body worker, Emily Francis offers a refreshing perspective into healing trauma. She reveals unique knowledge of the body as a holder for memory. Emily will lead you on a path deep within yourself to rearrange the ways that pain and trauma have been holding you back from whole body, mind, spirit, and energy healing.

Learn the process of rearranging the dialogue within the body memory systems as well as a practice to healing your past self, and come into the present to create your best possible life.

"Emily has developed a vernacular for healing that our body tissues speak which allows us to excise the chronic wounds of pain, traumas, and guilt. This book will help you undo what has perhaps been the cause of your chronic physical or mental pain". - Roberto Tostado M.D., author of WTF (What the Food) is Wrong with Our Health?

Emily A. Francis is a highly sought-after speaker, bestselling author, and wellness expert with an array of education and experience spanning over 20 years. Her knowledge of the body as well as the body/mind connection is extensive and her commitment to total body, mind, and spirit wellness is her driving force. She believes in a whole body, proactive approach to wellness where balance is the key, and kindness paves the way. Emily is the host of the internet radio show All About Healing on Healthy Life Radio.

She has a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science and Wellness, BS & Masters in Physical Education/Human Performance Concentration. Emily graduated from the Atlanta School of Massage in clinical and neuromuscular massage therapy and went on to specialize through the Dr. Vodder School North America for a MLD/CDT in manual lymphatic drainage and combined de-congestive therapy, working specifically with lymphedema.

Emily holds a Gold Medal in the US Open in Tai Chi Forms, is a Usui & Karuna Ki Reiki master level practitioner, and has over 300 hours of yoga teacher training. https://www.emilyafrancisbooks.com

Some of the topics Emily can speak/write articles on:
Understanding the way that our bodies absorb and store trauma, and how to release it
How to process the Heavy Four emotions - Shame, Guilt, Grief & Trauma
Why "trauma" is more than you think, including living through a global pandemic, childbirth, or even an automobile accident
How to make room for the Fabulous Four emotions - Happiness, Joy, Connection & Empowerment
Using the wisdom of the body to find hope in the darkness of addictions
The process of moving from suppression to releasing negative emotions
Breathing, meditations and simple practices that help you get into a calm space, releasing anxiety before going to work
How pain is not random, and what it's trying to tell us
How to go deeper into your meditation and visualization practices that assist you to dialogue and hear the body's messages
Need a unique article for your magazine? Emily can create a topic based on your needs.

"Read this excellent healing manual and being the process of becoming whole and complete". - Dr. Bernie Siegel

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