Saturday, October 28, 2017

10/30 9:45am pst - Deborah Copaken, NYT bestselling novelist/memoirist, columnist, screenwriter, photographer, journalist, joins host Janeane to talk about her latest work, "The ABCs of Parenthood."

by Deborah Copaken

LISTEN to today's show!

A wise, warm, and witty ebook for new (and gently used) parents seeking to raise positive, thoughtful children, this alphabet book brims with the advice only those who’ve been there can give. From “D is for Dog” (get one) to “P is for Praise” (do it often but appropriately) to “R is for Romance” (keep it alive after the kids come), each mini essay is coupled with a smart, letter-appropriate full-color photograph in these delightfully grown-up ABCs.

You will come back to The ABCs of Parenthood again and again, whenever you need to remember the big picture or the fact that children are as breathtaking as the images on these pages.”
–Diane Debrovner, Parents Magazine

The ABCs of Parenthood is a warm, witty, wise and visually delightful book. Absolutely essential reading for anyone who’s had a parent, been a parent, wants to be a parent or knows a parent. An utter gem!
–Julie Klam, author of You Had Me at Woof

This book will teach you to stop hovering and worrying and start letting go and enjoying the ride. I plan on giving it to every new parent I meet.
–Ayelet Waldman, author of Love and Treasure

Boasting a rich palette of colored pages and exquisite photos, not just of babies but of saxophones, ice cream, birds, and more, this would be a lovely baby shower gift. Verdict: Guaranteed to make any expectant mother weep.
—Library Journal

Power of One Foundation partners with IKEA Los Angeles LA wildfires. Andre Roberson Founder & CEO of Power of One Foundation joins Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm 2/26 9:00am

LISTEN to today's show featuring Andre Roberson FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ON February 13, 2024 Power of One Foundation partners with IKEA L...