Monday, December 24, 2012

Sheldon Abbott, from Cure for the Blues, joins me on this Christmas Eve special!


Sheldon Abbott joins me on this Christmas Eve special! Also, took a little trip to Norad Tracker to see just how Santa does it each and every year :D Happy Holidays everyone and a very Happy, Healthy, Peaceful 2013!

If you missed the show, you can listen here.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

I could tell this really wasn't Santa!

Here I am with Santa at age 3, at a New York Macy's. Notice the devilish look on my face? Right before I sat on his lap, another little boy had told me this Santa was a fake, so I tried to pull his beard off...repeatedly. I have never seen Santa so angry. Let's just say this Macy's Santa was not too happy. And he certainly doesn't look like Santa anyway ;D

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thanks to Mike Dooley for this Notes from the Universe and More!

From Mike Dooley: Supercoolhappylovething sending out “Notes from the Universe” since 2000.

The Official Top Ten Spiritual Ways to Defeat Boredom, Make Friends, Find Love, Trim Down, Shape Up, Discover Your Purpose, Make a Fortune, and Shine Your Light, are...

1. Take action.
2. Show up.
3. Lean into it.
4. Start anywhere.
5. Keep busy.
6. Get out more.
7. Ask for help.
8. Shake more hands.
9. Give more hugs.
10. Don't stop.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Rest In will never be forgotten and the whole world is mourning you

Rest In Peace: Charlotte Bacon (6), Daniel Barden (7), Rachel Davino (29), Olivia Engel (6), Josephine Gay(7), Ana M. Marquez-Greene (6), Dylan Hockley (6), Dawn Hocksprung (47), Madeleine F. Hsu (6), Catherine V. Hubbard (6), Chase Kowalski (7), Jesse Lewis (6), James Mattioli (6), Grace McDonnell (7), Anne Marie Murphy (52), Emilie Parker (6), Jack Pinto (6), Noah Pozner (6), Caroline Previdi (6), Jessica Rekos (6), Avielle Richman (6), Lauren Russeau (30), Mary Sherlach (56), Victoria Soto (27), Benjamin Wheeler (6), Allison N. Wyatt (6)

I think it would be great if everyone on Facebook would just
copy and paste this status. Let those names shine. ♥ *

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Monday 12-17-12, Author and motivational speaker Bryan Golden will be my special guest to talk about Holiday Spirit and more!

Great show today with Bryan Golden, you can listen to the entire show here.

Bryan is listed in Who's Who in America as a recognized self-development and motivational expert and speaker, author of Dare to Live Without Limits, and highly rated adjunct professor. Bryan is noted for his concise, easy to understand, and direct style of communicating. He has an exceptional ability to distill any principle to its essential elements.

Bryan's popular nationally syndicated weekly newspaper column, Dare to Live Without Limits, has been published since 2002. The column is avidly read and elicits a steady flow of ebullient comments from its ardent followers.

Bryan is a frequent, popular, and entertaining guest on radio stations nationwide. Additionally, his weekly Motivational Minute is broadcast on numerous stations all over the country.

Throughout his career, Bryan has been enthralled by why some people succeed while others struggle and fail. As a consultant and educator, Bryan has been able to observe first hand the principles utilized by successful people and ignored by others. Surprisingly, success or failure is not contingent upon a person’s intelligence, education, finances, age, or gender.
Bryan founded his management consulting firm over 20 years ago. Starting from scratch, he utilized all of the concepts he details in his book, Dare to Live Without Limits. Bryan was able to quickly develop a successful enterprise. He has applied these principles to helping his clients enhance and expand their businesses. His clients include Fortune 500 corporations, small and medium sized businesses, universities, professional practices, organizations, and government agencies.

Empowering companies and individuals to break through their limitations to attain outstanding objectives, beyond expectations, is the focus of Bryan's work.

Dare to Live Without Limits will show you how to:
Change your life by changing your thinking
Throw out your mental garbage
Set and achieve your goals
Get through tough times
Squeeze the most out of each day
Never stop learning
Avoid burnout
Control your emotions
Gain a slight edge
Overcome fear
Accomplish the impossible
Become self-reliant
Deal with conflict
Be happy and have fun
Manage stress

You will learn techniques and see examples of how others have used simple, yet time tested, methods to triumph over adversity, stress, and misfortune to stay sane in an insane world. The concepts presented within enable you to break through those limitations preventing you from achieving your goals and realizing your dreams.

Dare to Live Without Limits is designed to be easy to read and to fit into any hectic lifestyle. Each chapter is self contained and they can be read in any order. The chapters are intentionally short and can be read quickly.

Remember, as you apply these principles you are in the company of the multitude of people who have utilized them to enrich their lives throughout the history of mankind.

Monday, December 10, 2012

SHE'S BAAACCCCKKK! Suzanne Fenton calls in to talk funks and more!

SHE'S BACK!! Suzanne Fenton calls in to dish about funks, following your gut and advice for staying funk-free!

If you missed her, you can listen to entire show here.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Adopt a Family this Holiday Season!

For many families in our community, the holidays are a time of celebration, love and laughter. However, for other families in our community the holidays are a time of sadness, despair and frustration as they face the challenges of unemployment, homelessness and a lack of resources for food and basic necessities. This year TVT has adopted 12 families from our community and together we can help brighten the lives of these families in crisis through the JFFS Adopt-A-Family Program. Helping families who are struggling is a mitzvah and embodies the true meaning of tikkun olam (repairing the world) and gmilut chesed (acts of loving kindness).

Last year, our generosity in donating gift cards, food, new clothing and money, helped 12 families to experience the holidays as more joyful and peaceful. Our goal this year is to help 12 more families through our Adopt-A-Family campaign. Please join us again in helping our community.

Family: IB, a 38 year-old Jewish single mother of a 13 year old daughter, came to JFFS seeking financial and emotional support. The mother has stage 4 breast cancer and her prognosis is poor. She was abandoned by her husband and does not receive any assistance for the care of her daughter. She has very little money for holidays, birthdays and other special occasions. She is a afraid to tell her daughter how sick she is.

Family: ES, a 45 year-old Jewish man, came to JFFS with his wife seeking financial assistance. His wife is 46 and his daughter is 15 years old. The family currently rents 2 bedrooms in a private home. The father recently got laid off from his job. He has filed for unemployment but has not received benefits. His wife is permanently disabled and waiting for disability payments. The family was forced to go on food stamps and discontinue their cable and telephone to try to make ends meet. The daughter used to attend TVT but because of lack of money they could no longer afford the school.

Family: BR is a single mother of a 20 year-old son. There is no father in the picture. The family came to California 5 years ago with two jobs waiting for the mother in the field of psychology. The mother’s health began to deteriorate and she was diagnosed with very aggressive Parkinson’s disease. She has also suffered 3 strokes. Because of her illness she is unable to work. The family receives food stamps but has no extra money for special occasions or outings. Her son recently became employed and will be able to help with expenses and is also interviewing for a second job.

For additional information on this program contact Gali Glantz at
This just in...please help out this holiday season!

WE invite you to take a few minutes to read this and see if you can offer any support. Through love and compassion every act of kindness, no matter how small can radically change the life of a child. Last Sunday at Operation Feed the Homeless in Santa Ana, I spoke to many moms who are struggling to take care of their families. Many of them are single or teen parents or have children with physical or mental health problems. They live in poverty and have little or no support. Most speak little or no english and lack the proper support to access the resources they need. As I listened to them as they were telling me their situations and the challenges they face, it broke my heart to see the desperation in their eyes. I felt like there was nothing I could do. A Mom asked if we had any pots or pans because hers were very old and worn. These Moms deserve so much more for the love, strength and sacrifice they have made to try to give the best they can for their children. OFTH would like to show some love and encourage these Moms in a small way by giving them a durable Pot or Pan so they can cook meals for their kids on secure nontoxic material. We know that this small act of kindness would touch these mother’s hearts and that is why we are asking for your support in our cause to help these families. If you can donate a pot or pan please let us now.

In addition to this cause, we are having our normal feeding and Toy Drive (we are trying to raise 100 gifts for all the kids by next Saturday) to provide Christmas gifts for these families so the kids can have presents to open on Christmas. Any support to help them during this Christmas season is greatly appreciated. You can also give a tax deductible donation to ICARE4YA on our website or if you would like to help with food that would be a blessing!

We thank you in advance in joining us To help make a difference one family at a time.

Ross and Civic center dr.
Across the street from the Santa Ana Library.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Keith Hejna, Communications Officer of Little Kids Rock, and writer & creative talent Suzanne Fenton

On my Get the FUNK Out show tomorrow at 9am pst...special guests Keith Hejna, Communications Officer of Little Kids Rock, and writer and creative talent Suzanne Fenton! Tune in to KUCI 88.9fm streaming.

If you missed the show, you can hear it all right here.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Highly successful Financial Book Publicist Darlene March and Author, Trainer and Inspirational Speaker BJ Gallagher joined me on today's show!

On today's Get the FUNK Out Show  at 9am, special guests Financial Book Promoter Darlene March, who was just featured in the OC Register last month, and author, motivational speaker and more...BJ Gallagher! Listen live at 9am on KUCI 88.9fm and streaming live on

You can listen to the entire show here.

ABOUT DARLENE MARCH: March Media Relations creates and orchestrates sophisticated media relations strategies and publicity programs for successful investment managers, authors, financial services firms and book publishers.

ABOUT BJ GALLAGHER: Author of numerous books, corporate training videos, publisher of training materials. More info on:

Monday, November 19, 2012

Get the FUNK Out with Kim Orlando, founder of Traveling!

Kim Orlando, founder of Traveling joined me this morning on Get the FUNK Out to share advice on staying sane and having fun this holiday season! Listen live at 9am pst on KUCI 88.9fm or stream us on More info on Kim's Survival Guide for Moms who Travel on Send in your questions for Kim to:

If you missed the show, you can hear it here.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Get the FUNK Out with special guests Estrella Harrington of Guard a Heart, Sheryl Lynn from Beautiful Life Productions, and Ann Marie of Sassy Pants Productionz!

Listen to the entire show here if you missed it!

Not Just A Disease, An Epidemic

Far Too Many Lives Are Needlessly Lost To Heart Disease, While Many More Are Burdened With The Medical Debt Caused By Surviving A Heart Attack. Heart Disease Remains The Leading Cause Of Death In The U.S., Claiming Almost 600,000 Lives Each Year. Yet Many Are Unaware That 80% Of Heart Disease Is Preventable. Simple Lifestyle Choices Can Improve Heart Health And Significantly Reduce The Risk Of A Heart Attack. 


GUARDaHEART’s Solution Is One Part Awareness, And One Part Action. We Promote Awareness Through Education, And We Empower Preventative Action With Activities That Build Friendships, Cultivate Healthy Habits, And Create Accountability. We Believe That Together, We Can Inspire The Change That Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease.

Friday, November 2, 2012

On this week's show, special guest Indhushree Rajan!

On my Monday Get the FUNK Out Show on KUCI 88.9fm and streaming live on, special guest Indhushree Rajan joins me. She is an American born, South Indian woman, who grew up in Southern California. She has worked with physically and sexually abused children and adolescents, adult victims of rape and domestic violence, and at-risk youth and families with criminal, psychiatric, and substance abuse histories for the past 16 years. She is currently finishing her PhD in clinical psychology, and is the creator/director of Project Satori, a non-profit organization committed to providing mental health and trauma care for sex trafficking survivors, both domestically, and in developing countries.

If you missed Indhushree on today's show, you can hear the entire interview here.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Great day at the Laura's House Blender Bike event at Whole Foods in Laguna Niguel!


Great day today at Whole Foods with the Laura’s House Blender Bike Event! We all rode the blender bike and blended purple smoothies in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Proceeds benefitted women and children who are escaping violent homes and receiving therapy and legal services from Laura’s House while living at the Emergency Shelter.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Come support a great event this Sunday at Whole Foods for the Laura’s House Blender Bike Event!

Come support a great event this Sunday at Whole Foods for the Laura’s House Blender Bike Event! I will be there at 12noon riding the Blender Bike for a great cause! Ride the blender bike and blend purple smoothies in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Smoothies will be $3 and proceeds benefit women and children who are escaping violent homes and receiving therapy and legal services from Laura’s House while living at the Emergency Shelter. Blend your own smoothie or have a local VIP blend for you! Join us at the Whole Foods, Laguna Niguel: 23932 Aliso Creek Road, Laguna Niguel.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

TV personality, game show host, host of the hugely successful NYC kids show Wonderama, world traveler, and author Sonny Fox!

Monday 9am pst on October 8, 2012 TV personality, game show host, host of the hugely successful NYC kids show Wonderama, world traveler, and author Sonny Fox joined me to talk about his latest book, You Made the Front Page! Wonderama, Wars, and a Whole Bunch of Life and how he has battled his own funks and went on to bigger and better endeavors. We aired live on KUCI 88.9fm and streamed on

If you missed Sonny on today's show, you can listen to entire interview here.

In his more than eight decades of his life, he has been a prisoner of war in Germany and a war correspondent in Korea. He has taped TV shows in Portugal, Denmark, Finland, Bolivia and Israel. Played the part of Papa Noel in Guayaquil, Ecuador and watched Jawaharlal Nehru in the nascent Indian parliament. He has ascended the heights of the television industry as a Vice President of NBCTV and Chairman of the Board of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, and was fired as host of the number one show in the country, “The $64,000 Challenge.”...but throughout all this he got the funk out and went on to bigger and better things!

In Sonny’s words:
The experience of writing this book has taken me on the most complex and unexpected journey of my life—a journey into a time warp of memories, encounters, convergences, and interventions that finally brought me to the realization that my entire professional life seems to have been lived at the intersection of the impossible and the inevitable. I was born when Calvin Coolidge was president, grew up during the great depression, careened through WWII, started in radio and participated in the growth of the television industry from its earliest days, and today I am involved with the production of a digital soap opera.

Here’s what people are saying!

“Sunday mornings as a kid meant two things: I had to go to church (I went to Catholic School) and I HAD to watch Sonny Fox and ‘Wonderama’…. many of us were given so much by ‘Wonderama.’” —Whoopi Goldberg

I have gotten to know Senator Robert Kennedy, done a program with Harry Truman, and been
hit with a pie in the face by Bob Hope. —Sonny Fox

“For New York kids in the ’60s, ‘Wonderama’ was like ‘The Maltese Falcon’: ‘The stuff that dreams are made of.’ And while he doesn’t drink as much as Dashiell Hammett, Sonny Fox has still written a hell of a book.” —Lee Aronsohn Co-creator, “Two and a Half Men”

We will be talking about his forthcoming book, BUT YOU MADE THE FRONT PAGE!

As of September 15th, it will be available on Amazon, Google, B&N and other sources.

Learn more about Sonny Fox by visiting:

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Donna Rawlins -animal-lover, writer, voice actor, singer, and songwriter joins me Monday on Get the FUNK Out!

Monday on Get the FUNK Out - special guest Donna Rawlins joined me on the show!  If you missed Donna, you can listen to the interview here.

Donna Rawlins, author of Skinny The Cat and the Magic of Kindness, is an animal-lover, writer, voice actor, singer, and songwriter whose songs have appeared in network television shows and major feature films including Mr. Woodcock, The Bold and the Beautiful, The Unit, The Shield and Dawson’s Creek.

Donna’s abundant national television commercial credits include Sears, United Airlines, Macy’s, Suzuki, PetSmart, Hillshire Farms, Birds Eye, Tilex, American Century Investments, and the American Clean Skies campaign. She is the voice of numerous audiobooks such as Jane Jacobs’ The Death and Life of Great American Cities (50th Anniversary Edition), Sidney Sheldon’s Tell Me Your Dreams, Tami Hoag’s, Taken by Storm, Margaret George’s Memoirs of Cleopatra, Laura Zigman’s Animal Husbandry, and Jane Heller’s Female Intelligence.

Donna was also featured as the character BT in the premier season of the Japanese anime series .hack//Sign.
Originally from the small town of Lancaster, Ohio, the Los Angeles–based writer comes from a family of five musicians and currently resides in Venice Beach, California with her husband, Robert Feist, owner of Ravenswork Studios.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Special guest Jimmy Steinfeldt joins me on Get the FUNK Out!

On Get the FUNK Out September 24th at 9am, special guest Jimmy Steinfeldt joined me to talk about life as a self-taught photographer and his experiences shooting rock and rock royalty! During his 30 years in the photography business, Jimmy Steinfeldt has worked with everyone from Miles Davis to the Ramones. Born in Minneapolis, Jimmy first focused and clicked at age 14. Cars (not the band), were among his first photographic subjects.

If you missed the show, you can listen to it here.

Jimmy moved to California to study at San Diego State University where he graduated with a Bachelor's in Business Management. After college he shot his way through many long road-trips and rock concerts armed with his first real camera. A one-hundred dollar Minolta!

Jimmy is a self-taught photographer who has only to squint through the lens for inspiration. Jimmy cites photographer Richard Avedon and cinematographer Karl Freund among his strongest influences. Jimmy's unique photographic style conveys the personality of his artist-musician subjects while conveying the story of their music.

As a live action photographer, Jimmy was first published in 1985 in SPIN magazine. In that same year Rolling Stone published one of his photographs of Madonna, which he credits as a major boost to his career. In 1986 his dreams as a music fan and photographer came true when Rolling Stone published his photo of Bob Dylan. CD covers followed from this exposure: Miles Davis, Willie Nelson, John Denver, Dee Dee Ramone and many others.

Jimmy's Elusive Studios, in the canyons of Hollywood, is his base of operations and has become a haven for music, film and television artists. In 1998 and again in 2007, industry players recognized his work and named him Photographer of the Year at the Los Angeles Music Awards.

Jimmy's advice to aspiring photographers? "Try something new on every shoot - experiment with lighting, film, filters and gels. As for your camera, never leave home without it!"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

NEW Show Promo for Get the FUNK Out!

Very excited to share my NEW Show Promo for Get the FUNK Out!

Enjoy and please spread the word about  the show!

Listen HERE.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Michelle J. Patterson Executive Producer of this year's California Women's Conference joined me today on Get the FUNK Out!

On today's Get the FUNK Out Show...Michelle J. Patterson Executive Producer of this year's California Women's Conference (HUGE event coming up - not to be missed!) - we'll be talking about the up-coming conference, Michelle's fascinating background and interests, and how she has faced challenges head on and continues to come out on top of her game. Tomorrow on KUCI 88.9fm streaming live on

If you missed Michelle, you can hear the entire show here.

Learn more about the California Women's Conference, an incredibly empowering two day event in Long Beach, California!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Kacie Fischer world ranked tower runner, competitive runner, personal trainer, cycle instructor and more joins me on Get the FUNK Out!

Great show today on Get the FUNK Out Show! Special guest Kacie Lauren Fischer - world ranked tower runner, competitive runner, personal trainer, cycle instructor, Boston Marathon finisher, CrossFit coach, fitness model, strength and conditioning coach, fitness lead - making instructional fitness videos, fastest woman (and person) to inline skate across America!

If you missed the interview, you can listen to it here.

Kacie Fischer was told to "give up" and she would "never be an athlete again" after suffering from heart failure and compartment syndrom in 2005. "If you're not getting the results you want, change your approach" says Kacie. That's exactly what she did! She just inline skated more than 2,600 miles across America! She is the fastest female to do so, and even beat the men's fastest time by more than 20 days! Kacie is a personal trainer, CrossFit coach, competitive tower runner, fitness model, extreme athlete, and is starting a new fitness concept called Speedy Banana.

"When you make the decision to never give up your possibilities become endless!" -Kacie

Boundaries are just imaginary lines in crazy people's heads


Monday, August 20, 2012

Incredibly talented raw food chef Jenny Ross, founder of 118 degrees, joins me on Get the FUNK Out!

© 2012 Albert Evangelista

Had a great time chatting with the founder of 118 degrees Jenny Ross! If you are ever in a funk, food can definitely play a huge role in your mental and physical well-being. Jenny and I talked about her life leading up to launching 118 degrees, where things have gone in her incredible journey and more. Now that the show is over this morning, I am so hungry talking about her delicious food!

Listen to the entire interview here.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Get the FUNK Out with special guests Comedian Wendy Liebman and Interim Executive Director Jessica Pham of Harvest House talking about a great up-coming event "EVERYBODY LOVES TO LAUGH” A NIGHT OF COMEDY WITH RAY ROMANO, JASON ALEXANDER, CHERYL HINES & WENDY LIEBMAN

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Radioflag's Interview with the Cast of the Bourne Legacy!

Kicked off this week's show with a clip from Radioflag. They featured the cast of the Bourne Legacy. Very cool. Will post the link to the file soon...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Monday morning July 23 at 9am on "Get the Funk Out!" special guest Dr. Nancy Irwin joins me to talk about her new book "You-Turn" and more!

"As a therapeutic hypnotist and doctor

of psychology, I know for a fact that

we are all born to win.

We learn to fail, and what we learn,

we can un-learn.

Therefore, I work to clear away the

negative programming, undesirable

habits, and limiting beliefs to free the

inner winner in my clients." - Dr. Nancy Irwin

Monday morning July 23 at 9am on "Get the Funk Out!" special guest Dr. Nancy Irwin joined me LIVE on KUCI 88.9fm - streaming live on

Listen to the entire show here.


Originally from Atlanta, where she trained as an opera singer, Dr. Nancy Irwin moved to New York City in 1985 to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. She worked all over the country and abroad, and moved to L.A. in 1994 when she heard that Hollywood needed more blondes…

Dr. Nancy experienced a “you-turn” when she began volunteering at a shelter for sexually abused teens. This waked up the healer in her, and prompted her to earn a doctorate in psychology, specializing in the prevention and healing of child sexual abuse. She now treats victims as well as abusers, for it is her belief that “The best way to help victims is to help the perpetrators.”

Dr. Nancy is in private practice in Los Angeles, co-leads group therapy sessions for sex offenders, and is also a busy public speaker. A media expert, she’s extensively quoted in newspapers and magazines, and frequently appears on radio and TV shows on a variety of topics. Dr. Irwin is a Diplomate in the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, a member of the Southern California Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and sits on the Education Committee of the California Coalition on Sexual Offending.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Get the FUNK Out with Ira Israel's expertise in Psychotherapy and Mindfulness!

If you missed Ira Israel on today's show, you can listen here.

Ira Israel is a Psychotherapist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Yoga Therapist, and E-RYT500. He has Master of Arts degrees in Psychology, Philosophy, and Buddhism and Hinduism. Ira is the author of Mindfulness for Urban Depression and Yoga for Depression and Anxiety. For more information please go to Optimum Integral Wellness
To read Ira's blogs please go to the Huffington Post

Monday, July 2, 2012

Nita Whitaker LaFontaine on Get the Funk Out!

Nita Whitaker LaFontaine joined me today on Get the Funk Out! What a pleasure and a privilege to hear  about how Nita met Don, their love and life together, details about the Don LaFontaine Voice-Over Lab at the Screen Actors Guild, and how she wrote her latest book Finding my Voice.

Nita also shares invaluable advice for those of you in funk and how to pick yourself up and find your way out. You can hear the entire show here.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dad/Dude/Author Dan Zevin joins me Monday June 18th to talk about his latest book, his love of Costco, and his tricked out Minivan!

What a week for author/Dude/Dad Dan Zevin! Thursday featured in USA Today, Sunday in the NY Times, and then...Monday morning featured guest on my show "Get the Funk Out!" That's right 9am on KUCI 88.9fm, Dan talked about his latest book, his love of Cosco, and his tricked out Minivan, which I have to admit looks like a pretty cool ride. We stream live on

Find out more about Dan Zevin by visiting

If you missed Dan, you can listen to the entire show here.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Arlene Dawn Kole of The Koles joins me Monday on the Get the Funk Out Show!

Arlene Dawn Kole of The Koles joined me Monday June 11 on the Get the Funk Out Show! If you missed her, you can listen to the entire show here.

About Arlene Kole

Arlene and her husband Bill Kole have been together for over 30 years and have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. Relocating to Los Angeles in 1992, Arlene worked 3 jobs and sang sessions, nightclubs and weddings while Bill got their music business up and running. They truly embody the American dream as their hard work has manifested as a successful production business and commercial studio.

Arlene Kole graduated the vocal program at the prestigious Grant McEwan College jazz school in Edmonton, Canada. She has sung hundreds of sessions for television, records, and commercials. In the late 80’s she had the honor of seeing a composition penned by herself and husband Bill performed by the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (of Procal Harem fame). Arlene embarked on her solo career in 2006 and her 2008 debut CD has been met with critical acclaim as has her live show.

In her relatively short singer songwriter career, Arlene Kole has made a tremendous impact on the singer songwriter scene. In fact, the December 2009 issue of Music Connection Magazine named Arlene in their HOT 100 list of the top live acts in the nation. Art of the Song, the nationally syndicated radio program featured Arlene and her debut album in a one hour show that they say is their most responded to and successful show to date. Viv Nesbitt, co-host says:

“We simply weren’t prepared for what we received in the mail. Arlene Kole’s debut CD “One Day” stopped us in our tracks. The lyrics, the arrangements and instrumentation are amazing, but it is the voice that grabs your heart with the gentle firmness of an artist, mother, bombshell blonde and says “Listen, I have something to say. Brilliantly produced by her husband, Bill Kole supports with elegant production and astounding lyrics. This team is non-stop musicality and heart.

"One Day" chronicles the life of a wife, parent, and the eventual plight of us all: growing older in a society that prizes youth. Most importantly, as the title implies, Arlene sends an inspiring message of hope to those who have given up on their dreams, whatever the reason. The dedication on her record says it all:

"This music is dedicated to women everywhere. To wives, mothers and girls like me…those seeking to redefine themselves while being told that their best years are behind them. To all who have dreamed of “one day…” This is that day. This is one day."

Arlene’s second release features her family and the strong musical support of Jim Rolfe & Wyatt Stone. As stated on the CD liner “The funny thing about this was originally a collection of songs that we performed life. However, with the addition of Wyatt it started taking on an interesting life of its own. With now four lead vocalists, a beautiful instrumental song from Jimmy and a couple of cover tunes, this album has truly earned the moniker “Odds & Ends.”

Arlene & The Koles believe that the heart of a society is reflected in the value they place on art. Your support is what allows them and other artists to continue creating and bringing a quality experience to the venues they play and the music they create.

Please support your local arts programs and LAWIM for there “Young Talent Night Program” so that children and teens have the opportunity of discovering the joy of creating and expressing themselves through the arts. Art nourishes the soul while inspiring us all to see the good in the world and in ourselves.

Encourage art. Buy art. Support your local artists and arts programs.

Arlene Kole & The Koles music is available on itunes, CD Baby, Reverbnation, and the website at

Monday, May 21, 2012

Psychotherapist Bonnie Katz joined me to talk about funks, mindfulness, stress, The Conscious Actor and more!

 Had a great time chatting with Psychotherapist Bonnie Katz on my show Monday May 21 on KUCI 88.9fm - streaming live on We talked all about stress, funks, mindfulness, the Conscious Actor, and more. Great show for all you actors, over-thinkers (definitely me), stress cases (okay, that would be me, too), people who are too tough on themselves (uh, yes, me again).

LISTEN to the entire show here

For more info about Bonnie, please visit:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Kelly Zirbes, blues/rock powerhouse, joins me on Get the Funk Out!

The incredibly talented Kelly Zirbes joined me this morning on my Get the Funk Out Show at 9am pst May 14, 2012! I have spent many a show cranking up her music and it was great having a chance to chat with her. If you missed the show, you are lame! No, just kidding. You can redeem yourself by listening here.

Kelly Z, a Folk singer with a heart for Rock and Blues, recorded her first demo CD, 'Kelly's Lot', and never looked back. She was always a late bloomer and music was no exception. Next 3 CDs were 'Live at The Troubadour',  'Stop And Make A Difference' and 'Trio'. During that time Kelly and "the Lot" headlined local festivals, toured regionally and went on 2 national tours while playing a variety of styles.

After lots of national radio airplay, they released their next 2 releases 'Come To This' and 'The Light' which were also played in Europe and sold worldwide. Playing for charity became a norm for the band starting in 1999 after Kelly realized that music and giving back made a good match. Kelly’s Lot has been featured on many media outlets for her music and for the charity work she has embraced. These include ABC Perspectives, Channel 4 in Milwaukee, Rock City News, LA times, Pasadena Weekly, Independent Songwriter Magazine, Mixdown Magazine, The Debra Duncan Show, Good Morning Texas, The Gordon Keith show and Fox TV Houston.

Since many Kelly's Lot fans were encouraging her to play more Blues Kelly started composing songs in that direction which was a natural for her and the band. Fellow band mate and co-songwriter Perry Robertson added his Southern Rock flair and the Kelly's Lot Blues sound was on it's way. After a couple more years they began booking more blues festivals including The Waterfront Blues Festival in Portland Oregon, the Big Fish Blues Festival, Maxson Roadhouse, The Santa Clarita Blues Festival and the Pasadena Blues Festival. Recently they have opened for Tommy Castro, Shemekia Copeland, Marcia Ball, John Mayall, Curtis Salgado and have hosted blues events for charity. With the help of European fans and friends they toured across Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands and France during the last 3 years and recorded a live CD  'Live In Brussels'. It was just released in October 2011 while the band plans their 4th European journey.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Singer/songwriter/percussionist Stacy Robin joins me on today's show!

You know that song, "I just wanna bang on my drum all day?" Well, listening to Stacy play her drums would inspire anyone! Today, I had a chance to talk to Stacy about her back story into music, how she balances work, her music, and everything else in between (anyone want to adopt some of her cute dogs?!).

Accomplished singer, songwriter, percussionist and front woman Stacy Robin concocts a rich, simmering alterna-pop melting pot of engaging rhythms and etherial sounds. She seasons this delectable mix with passionate vocals and soulful introspection.

LA weekly: "Stacy Robin belts it with aplomb.” — Amy Freeman

Music Connection: "Stacy Robin soars" — Dan Kimpel

INK 19: “Stacy Robin sing[s] with beauty and grace" — Kyrby Raine

Find out more by visiting:

If you missed today's show, you can listen to it here

Friday, April 27, 2012

Had a great time this morning chatting with special guests Molly Mahar, the Director and Producer of Unseen - A behind-the-scenes look at the arcane world of Hollywood movie trailer voice-over artists, and Voice-Actress extraordinaire Melissa Disney!

You can listen to the entire show here

And check out the movie trailer here!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Director Judd Ehrlich of Magic Camp and Camp Instructor Hiawatha Johnson join me on Get the Funk Out!

You can listen to today's show here.

On my "Get the Funk Out!" show at 9am Monday April 23 on KUCI 88.9fm, I interviewed Judd Ehrlich (Run For Your Life; Mayor of the West Side) and talked about the world premiere of his new documentary film, MAGIC CAMP at the Newport Beach Film Festival. Also joining us on the second half of the show was Camp Instructor Hiawatha Johnson. Hiawatha Johnson is a magician, a musician, a dancer, a teacher and a choreographer; he also created the Heritage Ensemble and the “Flavor Series" at Randolph College where he is Randolph College’s composer-in-residence.

MAGIC CAMP introduces us to a group magic-obsessed kids congregate at the one place they can be themselves. Tannen's Magic Camp, the most prestigious and well-known magic institution in the world. Director Ehrlich, follows these young magicians and takes us behind the curtain and shows the same stage where superstar magicians like Blaine and Copperfield once performed. The film shows that every young magician wants that same success. But to get there, they need to learn more than sleight of hand and tricks of the trade. They have to find the magic inside.

MAGIC CAMP will have it's world premiere at the 2012 Newport Beach Film Festival. Director Ehrlich, along with his documentary subject will be in the house for the premiere. There will also be a special filmmaker q&a, and live magic to follow the movie!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Joining me on my Get the Funk Out Show Monday 4/16… Justin Grant Wade from Arrested Development

Joining me on my "Get the Funk Out!" Show Monday April 16th at 9am…Justin Grant Wade from Arrested Development!

If you missed Justin on the show, you can listen to the entire interview here.

Tune in to hear how Justin got the acting bug, how he landed his role on Arrested Development, what he's up to now and more about!

Here is a link to his imbd page.

Justin attended the extremely prestigious Orange County High School of the Arts.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

On today's Get the Funk Out Show...special guest singer/songwriter/screenwriter and ever-so talented voice coach Deb Chamberlin!

Had a great morning chatting with Deb Chamberlin on today's Get the Funk Out Show! If you missed her interview, you can listen to her here.

Deb Chamberlin has been a top New York City & Philadelphia area vocal coach for over 25 years, training kids to major label artists. She is a professional singer & songwriter, jingle & voice-over artist, personal life coach, screenwriter, co-founder of the “Changing Our World (COW) Project” teen non-profit, & mother of a 16-yr-old daughter. Deb is currently writing a new screenplay and shopping another, "Sawdust and Glitter," a circus story loosely based on her own experiences as a showgirl in Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Julie Jenkins joined me Monday March 26th on Get the Funk Out!

If you missed Julie on my show today, you can listen to the entire interview here.

Very excited to have a very special guest on my Monday "Get the Funk Out Show! Julie Jenkins is a mother, a grandmother, an comedian, a writer, a nurse, a love of The Blues, and a personal assistant. She has worked in the fields with Migrant Farmworkers, in a Cardiac Step Down Unit, been a Colonoscopy Nurse to the Rich and Famous, performed stand up comedy in the traveling Improv Group ONE SOCK OFF, counseled kids in gangs through the program JOVENES PRIMERO and traveled alone in a kayak 85 miles down the Colorado River.

She studied acting at Lee Strasberg Theatrical Institute, Nursing at Los Angeles Valley college and writing at The School of Hard Knocks. She currently writes for Blues Junction Production ezine and continues to do private duty nursing. Five months ago, armed only with a sauce pan that plugs into the lighter, a pair of flannel underwear and a lot of determination and grit, she decided to quit her nursing job in Beverly Hills, give away all her possessions and embark on her dream of driving alone across the United States in her 98 Suzuki Esteem interviewing Blues musicians and making a video documentary that she calls Cheesecake Blues and My Trip Across America.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dr. Barton Goldsmith, three-time award winning psychotherapist, syndicated columnist and radio host, and recognized keynote speaker joins me on "Get the Funk Out!"

Dr. Barton Goldsmith - joined me on "Get the Funk Out!" on
KUCI 88.9fm at 9am pst Monday March 19th, 2012. If you missed my interview, you can listen to the entire show here

About Dr. Barton Goldsmith
            Honored by several professional associations, Dr. Barton Goldsmith is a three-time award winning psychotherapist, a syndicated columnist and radio host, as well as a recognized keynote speaker. He has appeared on CNN, Good Morning America, Fox & Friends, CBS News, NBC News, Beauty and The Geek, and The Greg Behrendt Show.

            Dr. Goldsmith was named by Cosmopolitan Magazine and in the book The Complete Marriage Counselor (Adams, 2010) as one of America’s top therapists. He was also one of 12 authors who inspired, was sited and quoted in bestselling author Alisa Bowman’s new book Project: Happily Ever After, in addition his own books; Emotional Fitness for Couples – 10 Minutes a Day to a Better Relationship which was published by New Harbinger on Valentine’s Day 2006, and the sequel, Emotional Fitness for Intimacy - Sweeten and Deepen Your Love in Just 10 Minutes a Day released by New Harbinger in April '09 were included in the Oscar “Swag Bags” as well as the 2009 Primetime Emmy gift bags. Dr. Goldsmith also published Emotional Fitness at Work6 Strategic Steps to Success Using the Power of Emotion, the third in the Emotional Fitness book series, that was released by Career Press September ’09. His most recent book, 100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence – Believe in Yourself and Others Will Too was released May 20, 2010, also by Career Press.

            Since 2002, his weekly column, Emotional Fitness, which is syndicated by Scripps Howard News Service, and has been featured in over 200 newspapers including The Chicago Sun-Times, The Orange County Register, The San Diego Union-Tribune, and The Atlanta Journal, giving him a substantial readership. “Dr. G” also hosted a weekly radio show on NPR affiliate KCLU, with nearly 90,000 listeners from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara. He has been interviewed on numerous TV/Radio shows and for many publications; his expert advice is regularly featured in Cosmo. Recently, he served as the national spokesperson for the Mars Candy My M&M's Treasured Moments Challenge, and also writes a very popular blog for Psychology Today, which was #8 for 2010.

            He received recognition from the City of Los Angeles for his work with survivors of the 1994 earthquake. Emotional Fitness was the winner of the Clark Vincent Award for Writing from the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. In addition, Dr. G received the Peter Markin Merit Award from the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists for his humanitarian efforts. He has also been named as the recipient of the Joseph A. Giannantoino II Award in recognition of his contributions as an Outstanding Educator in the field of Addiction Medicine, given by The California Association of Alcoholism and Drug Counselors, who also inducted him into The CAADAC Hall of Fame on October 1, 2011. Dr. Goldsmith was a National Merit Scholar and a Professor of Psychology at Ryokan College, Los Angeles.

            Dr. Goldsmith connects with audiences worldwide with his energetic, uplifting and fun communication style. Not a button-down shrink, “Dr. G” has a unique ability to inspire and entertain which leaves his readers, viewers and listeners always wanting more. “Dr. G” began working in the field of psychology when his career in professional basketball was cut short because he only grew to five foot six inches tall.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Carol Miller, founder of Positive Focus joins me Monday March 12, 2012 - Need a hug? She organizes Global Free Hugs, too!

Carol Miller, founder of Positive Focus joined me Monday March 12, 2012 at 9am pst on the "Get the Funk Out! LIVE on KUCI 88.9fm. If you missed it, you can listen to the entire show here.

Positive Focus is a grass roots nonprofit organization with a passion and purpose of promoting positivity allowing people to see love over fear, abundance over lack, diversity over differences, and peace over conflict.
About Carol: (full bio: Carol Miller, founder of Positive Focus, is a positivity adviser, positive thought leader, and law of attraction expert empowering and inspiring millions to live positive lives full of love, laughter, health, prosperity, and pure happiness.
About Global Free Hugs: Organized and run by Positive Focus and inspired by the original free hugger Juan Mann, Global Free Hugs embraces diversity while spreading love and kindness one hug at a time to let others know they matter.
Last Global Free Hug Video (people send her pictures and then Carol creates a video of all the global huggers):

To date there are huggers on six continents, 23 countries, 23 states, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. For Global Free Hugs VII (May 4 – 6) she currently has 5 continents, 15 countries, 18 states, and 3 Islands registered to join them with 54 days still to go. 
Original Free Hug video (Juan Mann’s):

Monday, March 5, 2012

Steven Muchnij, owner and operator of 11H Entertainment

Had a chance to chat with owner and operator of 11H Entertainment, Steven Muchnij. Steven has an incredible back story into music and shared his journey with KUCI listeners on today's show March 5,2012.

You can hear the entire show here.

Here's more about Steven from his website

Hello and welcome to 11H Entertainment!
My name is Steven; I am the owner and operator of this vibrant entertainment company, which travels world wide for performances. I have been blessed with enthusiasm, excitement and passion for life–I use these characteristics as a music designer to elevate celebrations to their fullest potential.  My core philosophy has always been…Do What You Love and Love What You Do and The Whole World Comes to You! I love what I do and now everyday I am living the dream doing what I love!

Ever since I can remember, the vibration of music has touched my soul in such profound ways that it’s hard to describe the comfort, inspiration and clarity that has come from it. My mom was diagnosed with MS and bed ridden by the time I was six. In reflecting back on my childhood, she always had music playing in our home. It was her way of expressing and shifting her emotional and physical condition. That is what happens organically at my events. People become more fully self-expressed with the vibration of music.  She also taught me to stay positive in the midst of difficulties and to keep my mind open to possibilities.  My dad’s  engineering background gave me the gift of understanding structure.  Also, he was an amazing example of unconditional love and commitment as he cared for my mom for 28 years before she passed.  To be an outstanding entertainer it takes preparation, awareness, timing, instinct, commitment, creativity, rhythm, talent and most of all passion.

You can think of me as your…Partyologist.  I have the ability to improvise a sophisticated twist with infusing music at your event – a cocktail that is shaken – not stirred – with infectious high energy.  My clients appreciate the peace of mind we provide through the entire experience.  Specifically, the personal attention they receive working directly with the owner of the company.

Get ready for a sophisticated kick-ass party!


As a side note– Here are some of the things I have been blessed to be part of: Literally thousands of weddings and special events, Emcee for the Tournament of Roses President’s National Championship Galas, Pre-Emmy parties, Santa Barbara International Film Festival, Pepsi-Cola, Intel, Motorola, Intuit, Ford, LA Sports & Entertainment Commission and countless corporate events.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Michael Luckman, author of OverPowering Fear: Defeating the #1 Challenge in Sales and Life

Michael Luckman is the author of OverPowering Fear: Defeating the #1 Challenge in Sales and Life.
You can find out more about him on, and also download some of his free audio sessions.

If you missed Michael on the Get the Funk Out! Show Monday February 27, 2012, you can listen to the entire interview here.

About Michael Luckman and his focus on fear:

    According to Google, 2,740,000 people worldwide search the word Fear each and every month. In a year, that’s almost 33 million individuals, just like you, who are seeking answers as to why their life is restrained by fear.
    13,600,000 people Google the word Joy each and every month while an additional 5,000,000 search for the meaning of Happiness. That’s over 216 million people a year seeking the Joy and Happiness that is missing from their lives.
    Monthly 6,120,000 seek the definition of What is Success? Before you can even begin the journey you have to know where you are and where you want to go.
    And many others are seeking the answer to overpowering Shame. Google says that 2,240,000 people a month want to free themselves from this debilitating state.
    If you’re a professional, small business owner or salesperson you might fear Networking. If you do you have a lot of company. 9,240,000 seek help every month.

Why am I an expert? Because fear was my constant companion for the majority of my life. When I had the chance to reflect back on my life I realized how many times I allowed fear to stop me from having, being and doing the most promising things, the ones that would have brought me the greatest joy, the greatest success and the greatest amount of abundance.

When I saw what fear did in my life – and saw how it was affecting others: I had to create a program that would help everyone to overpower their fears. Because when I learned how to overpower my own fear: my life, my health, my happiness was filled with wealth, vitality and joy. And, soon I was doing this for other people: friends, family members and other people in business. When they experienced the same miraculous results in their lives, well I wrote a book, created exercises and began to coach people professionally. That has led to seminars, workshops and even groups that meet every week, online and on ground.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sarah Reinertsen, athlete, motivational speaker, mentor and author interviewed on Get the Funk Out!

On Monday February 20, 2012, I had a great time interviewing triathlete, motivational speaker, mentor and author Sara Reinertsen. She is incredibly inspiring and I can't wait to read her book! 

If you missed the LIVE show on KUCI 88.9fm, you can listen to the entire interview here.

About Sarah
Sarah Reinertsen is an athlete, motivational speaker, mentor and author.  In 2009, GPP Life published her book, entitled “In A Single Bound.”   An honest, touching and funny memoir, how a feisty one-legged girl trying to fit in with her two legged friends, grows up to becomes a world-class athlete and TV personality.
Sarah stepped on the world stage after making sports history in one of the toughest endurance events in the world  –- the Hawaii Ironman.  This legendary race includes a 2.4-mile swim (3.8km), 112-mile bike (180km), and a 26.2-mile run (42.2km).   Sarah is the first woman on a prosthetic leg to finish the Ironman World Championships in Kona, in a very respectable finish time of 15 hours and 5 minutes.
A year later she raced around the world on “The Amazing Race,” the Emmy award winning reality TV series on CBS.   Sarah Reinertsen continues to race in triathlons and road races and is a 3-time ITU Paratriathlete World Champion.   She has raced on the US Paralympic track team, breaking world records, and winning awards including ESPN’s ESPY for best female athlete of the year.  Sarah’s story has been covered in many national newspapers and she has graced the covers of Runner’s World, Triathlete and ESPN magazine.

Missing her leg above the knee since the age of seven Sarah Reinertsen has never let that stop her from pursuing any challenge to meet her goals.  Through her multi-media presentation, Sarah shares her story and motivates others to realize their potential.  Sarah speaks about goal setting, how to face fear, overcome set backs, live with hope, and dares us all to dream big. 

Sarah graduated from The George Washington University with a BA in Communication and International Affairs, and received her MA in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Southern California.
Sarah lives and trains in Orange County, California.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Annemarie du LeBohn featured on "Get the Funk Out!" Monday February 6, 2012

What?! You couldn't get up this morning because you were spent from the Superbowl?? Well, if you missed Annemarie's interview with host Janeane Bernstein at 9am pst on KUCI 88.9fm, you can listen to entire show here and it also streams on itunes.

About Annemarie Du LeBohn

From a black widow spider bite to a near plane crash to a collision with an 18-wheeler, Annemarie du LeBohn has proven she is a survivor.  In the scheme of her life, however, it was a secret she kept for many years that left the deepest emotional scars. (Source: USA Triathlon Life Magazine, April 2011)

Annemarie shares how she beat the odds of overcoming a brutal attack to create a positive mindset, enabling her to succeed as a Corporate Responsibility advocate, publisher and finisher of the Ironman.

Her insight helps others live like an elite performer – whether they are racing the Ironman or managing career moves or searching for peace & happiness.  Her signature strengths include creating synergistic partnerships; aligning social needs with corporate stakeholders; creating effective teams; and delivering insight to improve performance & morale.

Notable achievements include:

v  2011 Motivational speaking engagements:
o   Women in Default Services national conference
o   OCAREB’s “Ahh Conference”
o   Orange County Escrow Association

v  Recognize by The Empire Board of Realtist in Atlanta for her outstanding dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility and Education (2011).

v  2010 Ironman Arizona Finisher (Additional info available at:

Skillfully representing the human side of leadership, Annemarie’s unique combination of leadership and life skills allows her to connect directly to what drives & motivates people.  She speaks from the heart and uses her challenging life experiences to address difficult topics, thereby helping people thrive beyond negative experiences to live like an elite performer.

Speaking topics include:

v 3 tips on how to have a positive mindset
o   Discover how to be powerful & peaceful -- at the same time
§  7 essential skills to focus like an Ironman
·        Becoming who you were meant to be ... it’s never too late
Additional information regarding speaking engagements can be found at:

Director Nico Santucci joins host Janeane to talk about SAROGETO, a film making waves in over 12 International Film Festivals. The film features two female Asian protagonists and is a showcase of resilience, courage, and determination.

Click to listen to today's show featuring Nico Santucci Living an idyllic life she never felt entitled to, Grace is suddenly faced with ...