Monday, February 12, 2018

Beth Liebling, who regularly hosts her own radio show, “Love and Laughter with Beth” on ESPN Houston 97.5 joins host Janeane to talk about her latest book, “Love and Laughter: Sexy (Meaningful) Fun for Everyone”

LISTEN to Beth Liebling on KUCI 88.9fm!

Beth Liebling is a sex expert from Houston who regularly hosts her own radio show, “Love and Laughter with Beth” on ESPN Houston 97.5. She's also released a book right now, “Love and Laughter: Sexy (Meaningful) Fun for Everyone” recently!

Beth's attitude is a unique one--divorce attorney for years, struggling to help couples see where they had gone wrong, but it was too little, too late. Once they were in her office, she couldn’t help them repair the relationship...she supported the process to end it. She began asking her clients questions most divorce attorneys might not put forward; Beth asked about sex. She found out that all of these couples had unsatisfying sex lives, whether it was the cause or effect of their crumbling marital state. As she says now, "Sex without erotic excitement is like flat soda. It's not the same, and everybody notices the lack of fizz!" She's put that principle to work, and she runs (with her adult children) an erotic luxury boutique in Houston, Darling Way, which she has made a community resource for sex-positive conversations and the exploration of nonjudgemental sexuality.

Coming up Wednesday January 15th at 9:00am - Ali Weinstein, co-founder of the Hollywood Climate Summit joins Janeane live on KUCI 88.9fm

LISTEN to today's show featuring Ali Weinstein Ali Weinstein is a queer TV writer, climate storytelling expert and co-founder of the Hol...