Saturday, July 22, 2017

Director Lara Stolman chats with Janeane Bernstein about her must see documentary, SWIM TEAM! LISTEN Monday 7/24/17 at 9:45am pst on KUCI 88.9fm.

Audience and critics are raving about one of
the must see documentaries of the summer!


SWIM TEAM tells the story of how parents of young boy who is on the autism spectrum take matters into their own hands and create a swimming team in their New Jersey community. The swim team made up of teens on the spectrum begin to train with high expectations and zero pity. Watch as these teens not only aim to win gold but for inclusion, their independence and a life that feels winning.

SWIM TEAM opened in theaters in Los Angeles on July 21st.


ABC News - 'Swim Team' follows teens with autism finding joy and acceptance in the water

CBS NEWS NY - Dad At Heart Of ‘Swim Team’ Documentary Explains Why He Coaches Team Of Autistic Swimmers

NPR - Parents And Athletes Venture Out And Connect In 'Swim Team'

SPORTS ILLUSTRATED KIDS - New Documentary Follows Team of Autistic Swimmers

REMEZCLA - Eye-Opening Doc ‘Swim Team’ Raises Awareness of Lack of Resources for Autistic Kids of Color

SWIM TEAM chronicles the overwhelming struggles and extraordinary triumphs of 3 young athletes with autism and shows how a swim team can bring hope to a community.

Directed by

Lara Stolman

Power of One Foundation partners with IKEA Los Angeles LA wildfires. Andre Roberson Founder & CEO of Power of One Foundation joins Janeane on KUCI 88.9fm 2/26 9:00am

LISTEN to today's show featuring Andre Roberson FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ON February 13, 2024 Power of One Foundation partners with IKEA L...