Monday, June 5, 2017

Janeane Bernstein chats with Olivia Koski and Jane Grcevich Authors of Vacation Guide to the Solar System - Airdate to be Announced!

In VACATION GUIDE TO THE SOLAR SYSTEM, Olivia Koski and Jana Grcevich, one of the creators of the Guerilla Science collective and an astronomer from The American Museum of Natural History, have taken real data from NASA and elsewhere to create a fun (and accurate) picture of what it would really be like to visit another planet. You can get answers to your most burning questions, such as: What is the weather like on Neptune? How much time off work do I need to request for a vacation to Mercury? What should you pack for a trip to the Moon? What’s the best way to tour Saturn’s rings, from a moon orbiting in them, or from above? Olivia and Jana will take you on a whimsical tour of planets near and far, and can also provide insight into why their scientific inquiry into this side of space travel is imperative to the future. Please let me know if you would like an interview with Olivia Koski and Jana Grcevich.

At a time when burgeoning startups are offering sub-orbital travel to everyday people (albeit for a hefty price), and NASA is discovering new, possibly habitable planets by the handful, interplanetary vacations are suddenly not quite as improbable as they once seemed. Based in real science, VACATION GUIDE TO THE SOLAR SYSTEM is an accessible look at the planets in our galaxy and what makes them unique. This tongue-in-cheek reference guidewill help you choose the most breathtaking landscapes, find those pristine hidden moons, and of course, stay alive.

During an interview, Olivia and Jana will answer these questions and more:

§ Space travel has become an increasingly hot topic due to recent political and environmental changes here on Earth. What can those anxious to embark do right now to prepare for space travel?

§ How has the role of science (particularly with regard to space travel) changed since the 1960s? Why have we turned our focus away from interplanetary travel, and what does that mean for the future?

§ What was your research process for gathering all of these unique, scientific facts about the planets?

§ When do you predict some of these planets will be feasibly available for travel bookings?

§ What is the Intergalactic Travel Bureau, and how does it factor into your work in this book?

With full-color illustrations and packed with real-world science, VACATION GUIDE TO THE SOLAR SYSTEM is the must-have planning guide for the curious space adventurer, covering all of the essentials for your next voyage, how to get there, and what to do when you arrive.

About the Authors:

Olivia Koski is Head of Operations at Guerilla Science. She was previously a senior producer at the Atavist Magazine, where she produced 30 interactive journalism stories, five of which were nominated for a National Magazine Award and one an Emmy. She has a master's in journalism from NYU and her writing has appeared in Wired, Popular Mechanics, and Scientific American.

Jana Grcevich, PhD, has worked as an astronomer and science educator at the American Museum of Natural History and hosts shows at the Hayden Planetarium. She received her undergraduate degrees in astronomy, physics, and mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and her doctorate in astronomy at Columbia University. She teaches astronomy to future high school Earth Science teachers as a part of the Master of Arts in Teaching program at AMNH.

Thanks for listening! Follow Janeane here!.


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